Sufferin or thrivin?


Drinking the Doolaid
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Red Deer Alberta
So this Covid time is a complete change in life for all of us and I am learning many interesting things throughout this wonderful experience that kinda chaps my ass, just wondering if any of you have experienced the same thing. With all bad things certain people and businesses etc thrive because of the results of a downturn and I would like to post what I have found, just my findings but please chime in as to what you have noticed. First off I have heard that now that we are getting back to normal many employers are having a difficult time getting people back to work because of the gravy train that the government has given out, true or false? With the abundance of cash for most the spending has gone wild in certain areas such as Rv's, every dealer I have talked to is absolutely swamped, cannot hardly keep up with new trailer sales, parts etc, next is Pools, you cannot get a pool to save your life right now and the parts department at the couple places I talked to are very busy, hot tubs, my friend has a business that builds them and as of a month ago they were 900 tubs behind, think about that. I went into several Pawn shops to browse and they are empty, told me that zillions of people that got the CERB are buying everything up. You all know that the home Improvement stores, Costco, Walmart etc have skyrocketed sales throughout this time. Another thriving business is the Skip the dishes drivers, my buddy is doing it just cuz he has no work and is pulling in 2K a month without hardly working 4 hours a day, says its the easiest money he has ever made. my list can go on and I am happy everyone gets their turn at rakin in the money, I myself sell a need product not a want product and I am massively suffering, not sure I will make it through this but still plugging away trying to come up with something that I can supply that is a complete waste of money but people have to have, so far coming up blank ha ha. What will our economy be like when the govt cuts everybody off and the party ends? I haven't even mentioned drugs or alcohol, another massive developing problem, do your research on overdoses in the last 2 months, a 30 percent spike just because of the cerb. Try to buy a quad right now, I have been looking for 3 months and cannot get there fast enough if its even an ok deal, hope that happens with sleds as mine is going up for sale this year. What about vehicle sales what are you guys finding? Anyways long rant but please chime in I would love to see what you are finding out there, gotta be interesting.


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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I have talked to a few restaurant and hotel owners in Fernie and everyone is saying they are having a hard time getting employee's back due to the Cerb and especially now with the 2 month extension. My wife starts back at her daycare job on monday and is worried as the kids are little toxic germ factories. She is sure looking at retirement but if she doesn't go back then she might have to pay the cerb back. The house builders in this area are all busy to the max and whatever work they lost they have picked up other jobs.


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2007
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Leduc County
At the dental office my mom works at she is having a hard time getting some of the dentists, hygienists and dental assistants back. They all want to keep being laid off for the rest of summer and collect the cerb check. With their office being busy after being closed down she has told them if they aren't willing to come back as they are now required then its a sign of their resignation.


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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If people are not going back to work then they must have been making less than 2k /month. I don't know how anyone could live on that. That shows something about the wages in our country.

My business has not missed a beat since the covid.

I see way more vehicles parked at the lake and trail heads during weekdays than normal and 90% if them out of province.


Active VIP Member
Mar 14, 2009
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My little construction company is busy but can’t find anyone to hire. Down to 6 guys usually run 10 during the summer.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Been hearing that from quite a few people. Unemployment is at an all time high,but no one wants to work.
My little construction company is busy but can’t find anyone to hire. Down to 6 guys usually run 10 during the summer.


Active VIP Member
Dec 5, 2006
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Didsbury, Alberta
There is going to be a lot of people in trouble when the government wants their tax money we both have worked full time through this and not got a cent from the government their is a lot of people that are not going back to work because of the handouts because their wages working were smaller than the government handouts


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
i understand that if your work calls you back and you refuse, you are ineligible to collect CERB and those that do collect under those circumstances will be made to pay back.


Active VIP Member
Feb 26, 2010
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central alberta
Used Truck prices are crazy high had one dealer tell me the price on the window was the price plus taxes and fees there was no bartering it was unsafe to due because of Covid. I laughed and drove away.


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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can't fix stupid
Used Truck prices are crazy high had one dealer tell me the price on the window was the price plus taxes and fees there was no bartering it was unsafe to due because of Covid. I laughed and drove away.


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
i dip into a few industries. Commercial construction, Residential Construction and about 5000 other things. BUT, what i have noticed is that #1. We are having a hard time getting a couple employees back. #2. Our residential division is WAY down, no one is purchasing or building homes at the rate they once were ( this was declining prior to covid ) but the most interesting thing is that our Commercial/Industrial Division is swamped. Construction never stopped for covid and it certainly doesnt look like its going to now. What my customers have been telling me is that they pushed hard to get projects rolling that had confirmed investment before the covid took a turn for the worse and the investors may have pulled out.

so in short, not going to get rich this year, but the bills will be paid and the doors are open. Oh, and every job takes 1.5 times as long due to the new covid safety policies stacked ontop of the already stringent regulations. Im going to have to hire a covid specialist to fill out all this damn paperwork

just seen a 2 week extension on the CERB thats going to cost us ANOTHER 18 Billion. to put that into perspective thats a new state of the art hospital in every province.
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Ron H

Active VIP Member
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Employment/ priorities have changed people are spending “closer to home” so to speak. Now given the influx of cash injected by various govts globally I’d say over the next 1-2 years after things settle will see a perhaps even global boom with few exceptions,,The money once in the economy will change hands through various means. After all the money sucked out by govts over the decades this little “injection” will most certainly repair immediately some aspects of the economy then by extension flow throughout it. The govts are banking on a booming economy in an effort to recoup/service debt.
The economy in simpler terms is primarily digital wealth and paper, and in all reality no different than counterfeit money... unless backed by physical assets..
You almost wonder if we were millimeters away from “global financial collapse”

Imagine 100 people marooned on a desert island.
Sitting on the beach wondering what to do to survive..
Each one had a various skill ie: Fisherman, Farmer, weaver, etc, so at that point the “barter system” comes into play.
Things go smooth for a period of time everyone trading their skills for individual benefit.
After a time things stagnate, the fisherman needs an extra hut to store his fish, however the “hut builder” through various transaction has acquired an ample supply of fish... (Many instances could be articulated, but you get the idea..)
While sitting on the beach discussing the groups conundrum a raft comes floating in with a single survivor...
A lot of “hoopla” ensues with many questions regarding news/current affairs of the outside world for a few days... However this soon fades as their stagnating economy/barter system seems an immediate problem.
The new survivor chimes in, “I may have a solution, you see in the real world I was a banker and in my luggage that I had saved is a press, ink and paper...
The group retires for the evening while the banker works all night printing money. 100 equal stacks of $1000....When every one wakes up the banker said “ I have solved your delema... You see I have printed money, so rather than barter you now can simply purchase what you require..
Everyone was excited that their economy will no longer be stagnant. Eager to dig in the banker then says “ Perhaps I too should be compensated for my skill and effort. Everyone agreed but no should solutions were suggested, it was then the banker said does 5% interest for the loan sound amicable? everyone agreed.
Everyone used the cash for a year coincidently they each had an equal $1000 stack which they put on the bankers table. All was good until the banker said that is good but what about my 5%interest. The community again were discussing but with no real concrete solution...
The banker then chimes in how about I rewrite the loan as long as everyone pays the interest today..
The community agreed and all left with $950 ea while still owing $1000.....

As you can well imagine it wasn’t long before the banker owned everything and had all the money while the community were shivering on the beach ....
Just food for thought,,,,,,


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
A spyder tell you that story?
Employment/ priorities have changed people are spending “closer to home” so to speak. Now given the influx of cash injected by various govts globally I’d say over the next 1-2 years after things settle will see a perhaps even global boom with few exceptions,,The money once in the economy will change hands through various means. After all the money sucked out by govts over the decades this little “injection” will most certainly repair immediately some aspects of the economy then by extension flow throughout it. The govts are banking on a booming economy in an effort to recoup/service debt.
The economy in simpler terms is primarily digital wealth and paper, and in all reality no different than counterfeit money... unless backed by physical assets..
You almost wonder if we were millimeters away from “global financial collapse”

Imagine 100 people marooned on a desert island.
Sitting on the beach wondering what to do to survive..
Each one had a various skill ie: Fisherman, Farmer, weaver, etc, so at that point the “barter system” comes into play.
Things go smooth for a period of time everyone trading their skills for individual benefit.
After a time things stagnate, the fisherman needs an extra hut to store his fish, however the “hut builder” through various transaction has acquired an ample supply of fish... (Many instances could be articulated, but you get the idea..)
While sitting on the beach discussing the groups conundrum a raft comes floating in with a single survivor...
A lot of “hoopla” ensues with many questions regarding news/current affairs of the outside world for a few days... However this soon fades as their stagnating economy/barter system seems an immediate problem.
The new survivor chimes in, “I may have a solution, you see in the real world I was a banker and in my luggage that I had saved is a press, ink and paper...
The group retires for the evening while the banker works all night printing money. 100 equal stacks of $1000....When every one wakes up the banker said “ I have solved your delema... You see I have printed money, so rather than barter you now can simply purchase what you require..
Everyone was excited that their economy will no longer be stagnant. Eager to dig in the banker then says “ Perhaps I too should be compensated for my skill and effort. Everyone agreed but no should solutions were suggested, it was then the banker said does 5% interest for the loan sound amicable? everyone agreed.
Everyone used the cash for a year coincidently they each had an equal $1000 stack which they put on the bankers table. All was good until the banker said that is good but what about my 5%interest. The community again were discussing but with no real concrete solution...
The banker then chimes in how about I rewrite the loan as long as everyone pays the interest today..
The community agreed and all left with $950 ea while still owing $1000.....

As you can well imagine it wasn’t long before the banker owned everything and had all the money while the community were shivering on the beach ....
Just food for thought,,,,,,


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Down by the Bay
just seen a 2 week extension on the CERB thats going to cost us ANOTHER 18 Billion. to put that into perspective thats a new state of the art hospital in every province.

Hey now, no room for that type of thought in the Liberal platform, hell any current political platform for that matter....


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Salmon Arm
It's a sad state when those that are out of work get bailed out and instead of preparing for the future immediately blow the funds on toys. It's also the reason that when sock boy wins a majority next year he will institute a Universal Basic Income. He has just bought the most expensive re-election ever with CERB. Debt doesn't matter anymore in the sock puppets world.


Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2015
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Kanedog 2015-2019, thanks for the good times S&M!
So this Covid time is a complete change in life for all of us and I am learning many interesting things throughout this wonderful experience that kinda chaps my ass, just wondering if any of you have experienced the same thing. With all bad things certain people and businesses etc thrive because of the results of a downturn and I would like to post what I have found, just my findings but please chime in as to what you have noticed. First off I have heard that now that we are getting back to normal many employers are having a difficult time getting people back to work because of the gravy train that the government has given out, true or false? With the abundance of cash for most the spending has gone wild in certain areas such as Rv's, every dealer I have talked to is absolutely swamped, cannot hardly keep up with new trailer sales, parts etc, next is Pools, you cannot get a pool to save your life right now and the parts department at the couple places I talked to are very busy, hot tubs, my friend has a business that builds them and as of a month ago they were 900 tubs behind, think about that. I went into several Pawn shops to browse and they are empty, told me that zillions of people that got the CERB are buying everything up. You all know that the home Improvement stores, Costco, Walmart etc have skyrocketed sales throughout this time. Another thriving business is the Skip the dishes drivers, my buddy is doing it just cuz he has no work and is pulling in 2K a month without hardly working 4 hours a day, says its the easiest money he has ever made. my list can go on and I am happy everyone gets their turn at rakin in the money, I myself sell a need product not a want product and I am massively suffering, not sure I will make it through this but still plugging away trying to come up with something that I can supply that is a complete waste of money but people have to have, so far coming up blank ha ha. What will our economy be like when the govt cuts everybody off and the party ends? I haven't even mentioned drugs or alcohol, another massive developing problem, do your research on overdoses in the last 2 months, a 30 percent spike just because of the cerb. Try to buy a quad right now, I have been looking for 3 months and cannot get there fast enough if its even an ok deal, hope that happens with sleds as mine is going up for sale this year. What about vehicle sales what are you guys finding? Anyways long rant but please chime in I would love to see what you are finding out there, gotta be interesting.

Concentrate more on making money, not penny pinching and not what other people are doing. Use your brain to think of something you like to do to make money. Maybe give Nextech/ carbonsled a call. They are usually swamped and laying cf is similar to laying fibreglass. Maybe a subcontract kinda thing. Anything can happen.

Just gtf out there and make chit happen. Quit looking at the downside/negative side of things. That kind of thinking is called paralysis by over-analysis.

That’s my boot in yer ass for trying to internet bully me with your girlfriends. I hope it helps to get you out of your self induced rut. Now go hustle ffs.
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