Migrant ship just shows up in BC


Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
A migrant ship arrived in BC yesterday full of Immigrants from Sri Lanka. They have been smuggled in 490 of them. I have nothing against immigration and have several friends that have immigrated to Canada. But when ship force ably full of people come in this way, its not right, it puts alot of strain on the federal workers, hospital staff. Theres always some party that organizes this, and its for a gain of something. We 'Canada' cant just tell the ship to turn around, were humans, and civil so naturally we will open these people with open arms, most are probably totally innocent, but as it says there may be some terrorists on the ship as well. And who owns the ship, drove it here, fueled it up? So many questions.

So they pay someone, and end up stuffed on a ship like sardines, they flee to a free country. The country 'Canada' brings them in with open arms and thats it? I don't want to comment to much on this but who pays for this? What about jobs, housing, etc, we have several problems all ready and can't employ our Canadians. I watched the story on the news and this seems to be a common thing and the easy way. I know its been hell there for these peeps, but someone organized this, someone has been paid for this. Whens the next ship coming in.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
A migrant ship arrived in BC yesterday full of Immigrants from Sri Lanka. They have been smuggled in 490 of them. I have nothing against immigration and have several friends that have immigrated to Canada. But when ship force ably full of people come in this way, its not right, it puts alot of strain on the federal workers, hospital staff. Theres always some party that organizes this, and its for a gain of something. We 'Canada' cant just tell the ship to turn around, were humans, and civil so naturally we will open these people with open arms, most are probably totally innocent, but as it says there may be some terrorists on the ship as well. And who owns the ship, drove it here, fueled it up? So many questions.

So they pay someone, and end up stuffed on a ship like sardines, they flee to a free country. The country 'Canada' brings them in with open arms and thats it? I don't want to comment to much on this but who pays for this? What about jobs, housing, etc, we have several problems all ready and can't employ our Canadians. I watched the story on the news and this seems to be a common thing and the easy way. I know its been hell there for these peeps, but someone organized this, someone has been paid for this. Whens the next ship coming in.

the next ships comes in as soon as this one get backs and reloads


Active VIP Member
Oct 3, 2007
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heard on ctv news last night when questioned on cost, they said $50k per refuge, plus they probably paid/or owe $50k to get on the boat.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
heard on ctv news last night when questioned on cost, they said $50k per refuge, plus they probably paid/or owe $50k to get on the boat.

Heard the same. They are all going for hospital checkups at govt's cost, then up to a year to go through the 'proper channels' and when it's all said and done approx 50,000 per it'll cost taxpayers.

I feel for these people who have to beg, borrow and steal to make the 50,000 it also costs them to get on the boat in hopes of a better life. It's so unfortunate what they have to endure to escape their country. But I honestly do not agree with how these situations are handled by the gov't and why it should cost the province mininum 2 1/2 million to effectively deal with these immigrants. I don't know what a better solution may be as you certainly don't want these people to endure more hardship, but with our healthcare in the dire staights it is, and so many residents of BC do not get medical attention when required, how can we afford a few million for these situations? Without sounding insensitive, can they not be flown back home? I am ok with immigration but through the proper channels and those that don't should not reap the benefits. By handling these situations this way are we not encouraging this trade of human trafficing to continue? If we stop taking them in and start sending them back perphaps the trafficing will slow down?

I do know I'd rather pay taxes to help good people get a better life...versus it going to fricken loser psycho killers sitting on death row :rolleyes:


Apr 3, 2010
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I heard on global this morning that they are suspecting another TWO ships to already be on the way. They also said it costs the Canadian taxpayer roughly 100k per immigrant. I have nothing against them, but seriously, their civil war has been over for a year already (from my understanding) so how come we even allow them to still claim refugee status? It takes about two years of nothing but paperwork to process these people, so yes, it’s a huge strain on the workers! During those two years, WE pay for their schooling, healthcare, etc. (that’s where the 100k comes from I suspect) because they aren't citizens yet, therefore they don't pay taxes! I mean, I’m not saying we should turn away someone in need, but they should at the very least apply for the paperwork in advance and not take a free ride on all our backs… They know they were leaving, so a heads up would have been nice. You know, if they want to be Canadians so bad, they should really start being courteous like the rest of us!


Active member
Jan 2, 2009
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The worst part is some criminal made 2.5 mill to get them here. If Canada just 100% free and clear accepts them then of course the guys are going back to find more. Cargo at this point is just a side line.


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
And people gaff at 200M for a new arena......

Just sayin...

Start by Siezing the ship and selling it to recoup some of the cost...Contact the Sri-Lankan Government extradite the people involved and let them be tried under Sri-Lankan Law.

Ship all the new immigrants to Quebec...

The canadian government should approach NATO for compensation....

Sri-Lanka is a NATO member and holds strong ties with the US... Not sure why they would flee.... they are not refugees, Sri-Lanka has a 92% literacy rate and 83% of the entire population has post secondary education, what remained of thier civil war ended in early 2009 and they are a free democratic society.....


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Send them back on a plane Ill gladly pay with my taxes, keep the ship and sell it for scrap or whatever you can get for it. Cant be that many ships out there that the criminals have access too.


Mar 13, 2010
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:nono::nono: The govt treats out seniors like they are outcasts, maybe the seniors should rent a ship and sail back to Canada and claim refugee status. Subsidized or free Healthcare,room and board. That ship should have been turned around and sent back!


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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bonnyville alberta
thats crazy....i agree our goverment needs a kick in the f...ng head...the treat our people like garbage cut health care and old age pensions, have all kinds of cuts in our society and turn around and dish out the cash like a money making machine is a new toy....and who pays.....us...:rant::rant::rant:. so why doesnt the ship go to someplace else? ill tell you why because everyone knows our goverment is a pushover.... half of these people are probably mafia.

yet our military service personal have old aircraft, old firearms and old technology and are sent overseas to protect a country that has been killing its own people with out remorse for decades.... really smart.....

throw some supplies on the boat and turn it the heck around....:realmad:

come on goverment of canada imigration..... you bust our butts when we try to go a cross the us border and comeback, and we live here...wheres your tough laws now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pull your heads out of your >>>>>ses and grow a set...... damn its nice to be a canadian.... stupidity at its best.....

ps. they call them new canadians......... what a f ng joke..... azz hats...
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Active VIP Member
May 25, 2009
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Who pays?We all do its a Federal Gov issue.Why should these so called refugees go right too the front of the line by illegally entering our country.Meanwhile all the other law abiding immagrants wait to be approved.The solution is simple ,denie access charter 2 planes and send them back where they came from.The Feds need to set an example like they did back in 1999 when the chinese were doing the same.You don't see them trying to make land in Seattle do you?Canada is a Patsy and it starts with all the bleeding heart liberals.We a country of roughly 35million can ill afford to look after eveyone elses problems otherwise we may as well go back a 100 years in time and standard of living


Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Northern BC
The best idea I have heard so far is throw some supplies on the ship (maybe treat the sick, if needed) and send them on their way. All it would take is one time for this to happen and that would be the end of them just showing up and expecting to come right in.


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2009
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Near Chestermere
No supplies, no medical help just set the example and fire a few shots across their bow and send them away who cares where they go. The important thing is that a very clear message is sent others on this matter.


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2009
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Near Chestermere
Here's a link to the PM's office, send a message directly to Harper. The more people who do betters the odds of positive action.


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Leduc alberta
Agree with Orrin...Should turn them around before they even enter our waters. Why do they pass so many countries to get here without stopping? Cause they know Canada is a pushover.


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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bonnyville alberta
Here's a link to the PM's office, send a message directly to Harper. The more people who do betters the odds of positive action.

i copied my link and sent it , i urge everyone to do the same, they are spending our money, money that would or could benifit our kids and grand kids to strengthen our country and make our infastructure stronger...

use this money to invest in our exsisting population in the way of health care and the things we need.. as well as focusing on making canada more self sufficent instead of pouring money into these ridiculous situations...

set an example that we are not going to put up with it let our government know how we feel....

come on people grow a set and send our pm a message..........


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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I heard we cant employ the canadians we have now ? There is to much work out there for anyone who WANTS to work. Yes you may not be getting the big bucks but you can support yourself and a family if you WANTED to. If this wasnt the case legal imprts would not be here. I hear for to often " Im not going to work for 12 bucks an hour. Well guess what a person who made 5 bucks will be more than happy to work his rearend off for that cash. And work hard enough he is your next boss.

What next the cost of these people on the health system, not half as much as we pay to get some junkie off crack when he is sent to jail. Get those type of person out chained together on some stretch of road clearing a ditch. Picking trash from a local park or painting a building. The gov is the one who sends these out to tender and ends up being those same imports doign the painting. Maybe tell the gov to keep the contracts and use the free labor you already pay for.

These poeple come here for better things because they know there is work because we and the way we are going showing that we think we are to good for these jobs. They do not come here as mindless idiots i would guess a large number have a degree. The girls who gives me my bacon cheese at Mcdonalds back home is a nurse/mid wife. Why did she apply to come here to work and not at a hospital because she make enough money here to support herself and send money back home to help there.

These things happen and will continue to happen till people change. I talk to alot of oldtimers the guys that will tel you stories of "back in the day" Well guess what back in the day life was simple. You did what you had to do day to day. And you were judged on what you did, because it showed who you were as a person.Today we are a bunch of materialistic people who all we care about it what we have and who we look like. Ask your kid if you have one which shoes they want, the cheep ones from walmart ,they dont look so cool, or the ones that say Air Nike on them. They do this because they are brainwashed to think that because peer pressure. What society thinks you should have, they are not needs but wants. And you ask what is wrong with kids these days. Guess what WE are what is wrong with them. An import will come here but they shoes that he NEEDS to get to work in the morning. But they make my feet sore, well guess what some salts and warm water will fix you right up for tomorrows day of work.

There are proper ways to come to canada and those ways should be followed to the letter. Yes you can come to canada make sure you have a job lined up before you get here, make sure you have a sponsor. They will look after you if something should happen. Even let you stay at their house till you have saved enough to pay your own rent. Cause welfare isnt going to happen!! And if it doesnt work out in the first 2 years sorry but you had your chance to make the dream come true now go back. It sounds mean but it is the way it was.



Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Sent a message. 2manykids I have no problem with people coming to this country, but don't expect the country to pay the way. You wanna come here, PAY for it and do it legally. There has to be a way to ensure they will come here and work, pay taxes and be a benefit to society or else not be allowed. If they can do that I no problem with it, most of them will be taking jobs most citizens don't want, or else they would of got the job before the immigrant got to this country. I will agree a lot of people think they are to good. There is no reason there should be like ANY unemployment in alberta, there is tons of jobs out there.
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Active VIP Member
Oct 5, 2008
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Vermilion, Alberta
A migrant ship arrived in BC yesterday full of Immigrants from Sri Lanka. They have been smuggled in 490 of them. I have nothing against immigration and have several friends that have immigrated to Canada. But when ship force ably full of people come in this way, its not right, it puts alot of strain on the federal workers, hospital staff. Theres always some party that organizes this, and its for a gain of something. We 'Canada' cant just tell the ship to turn around, were humans, and civil so naturally we will open these people with open arms, most are probably totally innocent, but as it says there may be some terrorists on the ship as well. And who owns the ship, drove it here, fueled it up? So many questions.

So they pay someone, and end up stuffed on a ship like sardines, they flee to a free country. The country 'Canada' brings them in with open arms and thats it? I don't want to comment to much on this but who pays for this? What about jobs, housing, etc, we have several problems all ready and can't employ our Canadians. I watched the story on the news and this seems to be a common thing and the easy way. I know its been hell there for these peeps, but someone organized this, someone has been paid for this. Whens the next ship coming in.

i have everything against immigration!! ever wonder your taxes are so %()# hi? or why they can bid projects so low? cause the govt paid for their equipment so they can undercut you....

i guess i better stop :rant:
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