Im going to say it....


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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So,this hardcore guy just joined the site to leave a comment in this thread?It says he has 6 posts?
Yes this is snow and has many many sub. forums to go and chat on,snowmobile,atv,streetbike
ect.ect.This isnt one of those .So shut up and dont read it if you arent interested in the topic at hand.
Saying the words kkk dont make you sound any smarter than you already look.

Al "ley Cat"

Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2009
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Edmonton Alta.
LIke the old saying goes, sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me !
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Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
It's not discrimination. It's free speech! Take the file to the RCMP, they will laugh and say so what. It's the Internet. I feel discrimination from men watching porn, so are they gonna get rid of blonde girls in porn, ha hell no! Discrimination would only be valid if you are pointing out one person as well as other charges, stalking etc. go watch a few youtube videos and try to take them to court, good luck! As so the guy who stated go to a kkk forum... Know your hate gangs. Wrong group bud and no we aren't being racist at least I'm not. Canada unlike some other countries has the opportunity and the RIGHT to free speech. This is turning more Into a what is racist and what it is to be Canadian topic of Convo. You don't like what you read, go read a snowmobiling feed. Someone brought a topic of concern up, others have chatted about it whether their are with him or against his opinion for you guys to come out and call the people racists is also the discrimination you talk of, in a way. Yes this is a sled forum but we also have a feed that is named "just about anything goes" and apparently this still "goes" cause it isn't pulled yet! Not to be rude I'm just being blunt. Respect others opinions, you don't have to agree, just be civil and leave the damned name calling out of it!

2007 Summit Rev 800
2006 Suzuki Vinson 500
2004 GMC Sierra 1500


Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
So,this hardcore guy just joined the site to leave a comment in this thread?It says he has 6 posts?
Yes this is snow and has many many sub. forums to go and chat on,snowmobile,atv,streetbike
ect.ect.This isnt one of those .So shut up and dont read it if you arent interested in the topic at hand.
Saying the words kkk dont make you sound any smarter than you already look.

Nice to see you checking me out Lloygay!

My sled runs!:d


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Your IQ level shows even when you type on a keyboard.You have no interest in this topic so go somewhere esle
Does it have to be spelled out anymore for you?
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Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
What ever happened to bring kind and civil to each other BOYS!

2007 Summit Rev 800
2006 Suzuki Vinson 500
2004 GMC Sierra 1500


Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Aprilo are you the Snow and Mud police? AKA BIG BROTHER Where did i say racist ? By your ruling i should not even put my thoughts on this post !I said i also was PISSED OFF ! guess at what Dummkope ? I was refering to pass law cases .Maybe i should of just been as bad as a red neck as every one else ! Or talk the way i do on the job site lwith everyone else about this topic.It comes to a point when you have to stop shoveling the BS and do something about.Im 57 yrs.old and tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again !What are we going to do ???Im mad, your mad at me because i hurt your feelings ,.....ect.It will never end! Im being BLUNT and ill say sorry for hurting your feelgings.

I want you to know I wasn't only referring to you when I wrote last. I also agree with you stating people should go to their local politician but I doubt that will change anything or anyone will actually go. I also know that talking about it here will also do nothing, however treating people poorly on here is unnecessary. No I'm not the snow and mud police that's just ridiculous. Speak your mind, respectfully. "it comes to a point when you have to stop shoveling the BS and do something about it" do it then. I enjoy stirring the pot and that's exactly what I am doing here. There are plenty of other causes I would rather fight for and do fight for but I also like to see what others have to say about different topics. So yes, speak your mind! It doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are it doesn't mean that you are any more educated on the topic or well versed or have seen more than others. We are all adults here, so we should act like it. I too am sorry if I have offended you at any point. I'm getting stir crazy to take my sled out!

2007 Summit Rev 800
2006 Suzuki Vinson 500
2004 GMC Sierra 1500


Sep 18, 2011
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Your IQ level shows even when you type on a keyboard.You have no interest in this topic so go somewhere esle
Does it have to be spelled out anymore for you?

You have some sweet grammer skills LloydGay!
Maybe you shouldn't be the one talking IQ levels there tough guy.


Sep 18, 2011
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Hey LloydGay, I'd love to accept your private message friend request you sent me.
I'm glad you decided to send me that nice message. Take care good buddy. And thanks for the warm welcome to your forum.


Active VIP Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Yepp, I was right again. This thread went downhill and brings all kinds of people out of the wood works.
hard working people that are tired of paying for others that don't work and if they want to we pay for there education?


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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WOW, I have read every single post here, some commical and some not so much. Some agreeing in what I wrote and others not so much. You really loose in a debate or argument when one person or both parties resort to name calling. If you really concerned with my "radical" view towards others and are willing to call or send the RCMP about what I have written here or said any other place have them PM me or better yet you PM me and perhaps I won't be so pollitaclly correct. Its freedom of speech thing, I signaled no one or any one ethnic group out so good luck with that anyways. Very sorry if your feelers were hurt after reading what so many think every single day! So I have the marbles to say it in a open public forum, yes I have said the same things in public speaking and yes I am involved and do adress my concerns with my local MP.

If your so concerned with the cause or placement with this thread, DON"T READ IT!

Clearly the current system isn't working, if it works for you GREAT, maintain course however don't be surprised when one day the free ride comes to a end. For those of you out there that rely on social assistance because you are unable to work becouse of a accident or any other lagitamat reason I have no problem with that. Being drunk and stoned 24/7 or too lazy or because your of status or a new immagrant or to dumb isn't a excuse to live off the hard working folks that have no excusses. Its fairly dispicable to see people that were born here that have been given everysingle advantage in life and just sit back and take the system for granted. I see people every day that have spent years and years struggling through refugee camps, spending their meager life savings just to get the chance of coming to such a great place where we can SAY what we want and have a choice of jobs and the freedoms to do so.

Oh and for the record, I am a redneck and proud of it. I do come from a broken home with a long lines of alcohol and drug abuse. I am married to a wonderful woman who is 1/16 indian, her and her family all deny any status do to the fact of embarresment and not want to be grouped as so. WE as a whole own and operate buisness' cars/trucks and houses, all things we have worked and paid for off the sweat of our own brow. Nothing is owed to us and we look for no handouts.

Some times you just have to put your work boots on and get at it!


Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
WOW, I have read every single post here, some commical and some not so much. Some agreeing in what I wrote and others not so much. You really loose in a debate or argument when one person or both parties resort to name calling. If you really concerned with my "radical" view towards others and are willing to call or send the RCMP about what I have written here or said any other place have them PM me or better yet you PM me and perhaps I won't be so pollitaclly correct. Its freedom of speech thing, I signaled no one or any one ethnic group out so good luck with that anyways. Very sorry if your feelers were hurt after reading what so many think every single day! So I have the marbles to say it in a open public forum, yes I have said the same things in public speaking and yes I am involved and do adress my concerns with my local MP.

If your so concerned with the cause or placement with this thread, DON"T READ IT!

Clearly the current system isn't working, if it works for you GREAT, maintain course however don't be surprised when one day the free ride comes to a end. For those of you out there that rely on social assistance because you are unable to work becouse of a accident or any other lagitamat reason I have no problem with that. Being drunk and stoned 24/7 or too lazy or because your of status or a new immagrant or to dumb isn't a excuse to live off the hard working folks that have no excusses. Its fairly dispicable to see people that were born here that have been given everysingle advantage in life and just sit back and take the system for granted. I see people every day that have spent years and years struggling through refugee camps, spending their meager life savings just to get the chance of coming to such a great place where we can SAY what we want and have a choice of jobs and the freedoms to do so.

Oh and for the record, I am a redneck and proud of it. I do come from a broken home with a long lines of alcohol and drug abuse. I am married to a wonderful woman who is 1/16 indian, her and her family all deny any status do to the fact of embarresment and not want to be grouped as so. WE as a whole own and operate buisness' cars/trucks and houses, all things we have worked and paid for off the sweat of our own brow. Nothing is owed to us and we look for no handouts.

Some times you just have to put your work boots on and get at it!

What he said! :p great points, well written!

2007 Summit Rev 800
2006 Suzuki Vinson 500
2004 GMC Sierra 1500


Active VIP Member
Sep 24, 2010
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I was a little worried when I read the header of this topic, but read it anyway. Yes a few people have gone off track with what SWAT was trying to say. Unfortunately, this topic can open an exposed nerve in a heartbeat. At any given time any group can be perceived to have an advantage over another group if you hold it to the light just right, it is call " spinning the truth" . Ask Harper he does it all the time, but that is another forum. The reality is that the government of Canada deliberately ruined the traditional way of life for aboriginals to take any claim of land ownership from them. They put them in residential schools and placed them in white foster homes to make them lose their language, culture and traditions. As someone pointed out, how do you kill a man? give them everthing. To paint them all with the same brush is patently unfair and Racist and does no good to move forward. Most people of any colour or creed want to work and do well for themselves it is the lazy few that seem to have the spotlight on and make the rest look bad. Did you know that the land that the reserves are on doesn't belong to the band? The government owns it, what incentive do the reserve people have to maintain the property, none. The hitting below the belt by a few people in this forum just displays the ignorance of the subject. We all have driven past the reserves with the trashed houses and made a general thought of the mindset of "indians" there are far more places that are well kept but we don't see them. It is unfortunate that as an EMT that AprilO has to see the Natives in their worst light but that is what happens when a group is kept on the fringe of society. Should they be helped? of course they should but it should be done by their own culture to find a way for them to cope with the general way of things. The government has done a fine job of screwing these people up. Ever wonder why the Indian affairs minister is a white guy? Shouldn't an aboriginal have that portfolio? SWAT in my mind was trying to air out the discussion in a sane fashion, it will never get solved by sweeping it under the carpet again and again. JMHO ( p.s I am as white bread as they come, but I have always admired the natives, aboriginals etc, for their unique perspectives on life.)
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