
Chronic Cat

Active VIP Member
Sep 14, 2014
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Camrose, Alberta
Hey **** you bud, who do you think raised this generation of useless douchebags? Sincerely a millenial hating millenial.

Notice I didn't include all millennials concluding to 100%? There a exceptions to the rule here. They are the 25%. I have 2 younger brothers both being millennials and they're both hard workers and have earned their keep 100%.

My my parents are in their 70's and late 60's now, both have old fashioned values. In my opinion, they raised us right. We were taught to work hard for everything we've got, no boughten and provided first vehicles, and our parents didn't buy us Chit just because we were kids lmao. When we were bad and unruly enough, all of us, including my sisters received a spanking for it. We all grew up with a little healthy fear. It kept us in check. We typically learned our lessons pretty quick.

My 2 boys are growing up the same way. Full of manners and respect. I know this because tons of people compliment both them and us for it. They both throw out yes ma'am's and Sir's to people they don't know, and they both open and hold open doors for Strangers while in public. That is just the start. I am proud of both my young boys.

If your kids fall into the 75 percentile, you're to soft of a parent imho....


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Notice I didn't include all millennials concluding to 100%? There a exceptions to the rule here. They are the 25%. I have 2 younger brothers both being millennials and they're both hard workers and have earned their keep 100%.

My my parents are in their 70's and late 60's now, both have old fashioned values. In my opinion, they raised us right. We were taught to work hard for everything we've got, no boughten and provided first vehicles, and our parents didn't buy us Chit just because we were kids lmao. When we were bad and unruly enough, all of us, including my sisters received a spanking for it. We all grew up with a little healthy fear. It kept us in check. We typically learned our lessons pretty quick.

My 2 boys are growing up the same way. Full of manners and respect. I know this because tons of people compliment both them and us for it. They both throw out yes ma'am's and Sir's to people they don't know, and they both open and hold open doors for Strangers while in public. That is just the start. I am proud of both my young boys.

If your kids fall into the 75 percentile, you're to soft of a parent imho....

Well said!


Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2015
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Kanedog 2015-2019, thanks for the good times S&M!
When required, I like to mindfick millenials. I tell them to stfu before your Mom takes away your instagram. Then throw in a few "you're so fkin' stupid" and raise my voice a bit. They curl up like leaves in the hot sun. It's great.
Over the years, this method has been honed to perfection for best results.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Salmon Arm
He missed easily offended in the clip.... :)

And everyone here seemed to miss sarcasm given it is tough to convey through an online forum though.

I thought daycare, TV and social media raises the kids since mom and dad are taxed to death and both have to work?

LOL woe is me we're taxed so hard we can't raise our kids properly. That is a BS cop out.

You know what I think about millenials? I DGAF, cause instead of worrying about others I worry about myself.


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2008
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Fernie, BC
And everyone here seemed to miss sarcasm given it is tough to convey through an online forum though.

LOL woe is me we're taxed so hard we can't raise our kids properly. That is a BS cop out.

You know what I think about millenials? I DGAF, cause instead of worrying about others I worry about myself.

Ha ha...good one. I see what you did there.

Chronic Cat

Active VIP Member
Sep 14, 2014
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Camrose, Alberta
The youth of today's generation rarely cut it in my Line of work. I've made an attempt at training many many people for my line of work as a Crew foreman. I am not a true hardass and an azzhole either like old school toolpushes. People have feelings now. I'd say realistically 1 out of 20 people make through it all between the labor aspect, then apprenticeship, and schooling. It takes a lot to succeed. The days are long and the work is hard, and requires quite a bit of commitment. All of these things are severely lacking in most people born after 1985.

The pay is sure worth it though, and it is very rewarding it you stick it out. Definitely one of the highest paying trades out there.


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
And everyone here seemed to miss sarcasm given it is tough to convey through an online forum though.

LOL woe is me we're taxed so hard we can't raise our kids properly. That is a BS cop out.

You know what I think about millenials? I DGAF, cause instead of worrying about others I worry about myself.

Seeing how you never made the “clip” “he” would refer to the videographer.... so I guess easily offended does apply?


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2011
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West koots
The youth of today's generation rarely cut it in my Line of work. I've made an attempt at training many many people for my line of work as a Crew foreman. I am not a true hardass and an azzhole either like old school toolpushes. People have feelings now. I'd say realistically 1 out of 20 people make through it all between the labor aspect, then apprenticeship, and schooling. It takes a lot to succeed. The days are long and the work is hard, and requires quite a bit of commitment. All of these things are severely lacking in most people born after 1985.

The pay is sure worth it though, and it is very rewarding it you stick it out. Definitely one of the highest paying trades out there.

This is all so true, finding anyone to fill our shoes in industry is lost. I’m looking back to see what has changed and why the new generation of youth expect to have things handed to them. Not all blame should be put on the family members, as I remembered I didn’t listen to my folks and rebelled because I knew more then they did. Of course I was reminded with a kick to the pants when I was to far off course, I also Got the under my roof speach, and they ment it.
This forced me to work, and I felt the harder I worked the better off I would be, no one was going to hand it to me. If you want more work harder for it, if you fail you try harder, if you succeed don’t slack off, this has Worked out well for me.

Now our problem with the term (lazy) might be a mistake, I’m sure lots of these millennials are but for the most part no one has pointed out the reason there useless. MTV, glamour magazine, red bull, traveling programes and many more media outlets including our BIGGEST problem! Government. What have all of these things showed us over the last 20 yrs.
party, live large, free free free, no responsibilities, take now pay later. Social media has been putting this massage into there heads for years. government funding etc, show me back in the day where you could buy a new truck and drive away with out a job, or find school grants you never have to pay back, credit card companies giving kids credit cards...did you have one at 16 with a big limit attached.
For the masses of people that aren’t “tough love pedants” most slip through the cracks. Like most government jobs you can take one hard working go getter and in a few years he turns into a useless piece of crap like the rest because of public down pressures forcing you to become a slacker. Just collect the check attitude.
This has developed over time and the monkey see monkey do sinerio has evolved. I love to travel into third world countries and Get to know the real people of the area. I am so impressed how the children respect there elders, they say hello to perfect strangers with a smile and they are at school/work everyday with clean uniforms for school and home to help after. No social media here! I feel you want to succeed you work for it.

In a nut shell I think the kids today just have to much and have been brain washed to think if I just wait it will come to me. To much government support, not sure what the answer is but like our government it will soon end. for the rest of us worker bees we will be fine but somewhere along the way a rude awakening is a coming for our youth.


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Red Deer County
And everyone here seemed to miss sarcasm given it is tough to convey through an online forum though.

LOL woe is me we're taxed so hard we can't raise our kids properly. That is a BS cop out.

You know what I think about millenials? I DGAF, cause instead of worrying about others I worry about myself.

You don’t think the erosion of the “traditional” family has had an effect on society? I’m taxed heavy but thankfully the government lets me keep just enough cash to have one stay at home parent, many families can’t.


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Salmon Arm
Seeing how you never made the “clip” “he” would refer to the videographer.... so I guess easily offended does apply?

He thought that I was actually offended and suggesting easily offended should have been added by the videographer as I fit the millennial demographic. I'm pretty hard to offend, disagreeing with someone doesn't mean you're offended.

You don’t think the erosion of the “traditional” family has had an effect on society? I’m taxed heavy but thankfully the government lets me keep just enough cash to have one stay at home parent, many families can’t.
Oh I'm sure it can be cited as a factor but nothing that couldn't be overcome by harder work from those parents. I was raised by a single working mother and do not fit the millennial mold so it can be done. I am also fortunate that my wife can stay home to raise our son.
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