SPRING FEVER, what are you going to choose?


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Snopro makes the other doo salesman look a total clown, if I ever bought a doo he is who I would support.
I appreciate the nice words Claude. I hope I don't get flamed for this but people need to realize this is a public forum. Guys get heated over brand loyalty and Trent is no different. He has said his share of stupid things over the years for sure. Lol. Hell I've had a few classic battles over the years with a couple guys and I'd probably have a beer and some laughs with them in person if given the chance. Trent wears his heart on his sleeve but he is a big supporter of the sport, would give you the shirt off his back and a lot of guys don't know that. No one spends more money buying peeps drinks, buying raffle tickets at any of the Snow and Mud functions than he does. He also sponsors prizes at events out of his own pocket that all brand riders on dirt or snow have the opportunity to win. He's a big fundraiser for the Movember cancer movement. He's a good friend and even throws a few deals my way if someone in my region is looking to buy new product and is more than fair and square to deal against as well. I'm sure there are times he wished he had kept his mouth shut but then who hasn't on this site? Lol. I sell product for fun. I could quit tomorrow and wouldn't miss anything but the good friends I've made over the 35 years I have been in the sport. Its a tough gig and the internet doesn't make it any easier. You don't have to like him or his product but if you ever had a chance to have a beer with him I'm pretty sure you'd have a change of heart.............until you sobered up at least. HaHa! :beer:



Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2009
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North Vancouver
I'm not negative on the sled. But I'm a realist. I love my personal G4 and have had nothing but stellar running with it thus far. We've had 2 customers at our store out of 80 on G4's that have had repeated issues. Not a lot in the scheme of things but 2 to many in my opinion. We need to be compassionate and try and get them to have the same experience that we are having with ours. I've got a good sales program. Ask Smitty, Pick or Duce. I do all right. I personally don't like the new program. That's my choice to say my piece. Right now here in Alberta we are struggling with the worst economy since the dirty thirties with a government that doesn't give a crap. I see sleds getting more expensive every year and the challenge that comes with selling toys is becoming a bit of a strain on stores. There is less customers out there right now to draw from. We need to be better than we were this year if we want to keep them in my opinion. I honestly hope my great customer bobsledder isn't leaving Doo over your remarks. I don't need anymore help like that from corporate Doo.

Not sure why I am answering this, and or why my comment was taken so negatively. #1 never said there was not any issues and like you said i have always said 1 issue is 1 too many, the engineers think the same way. In 2008 many people had disasters, I am sure we can all agree on that, at the time the president of BRP said we will work hard to ensure this does not happen again, hence the 3 then 3 +1yr warranty and that sold a lot of sleds with trust and I am not sure why people now don't think much now of something that was so valued? Could it be that the XM had an amazing track record? That is my point, not that it was so good, it is what stuff is based off of and since the majority does not need a lot of work the warranty may seem less valued than it is, that is all perspective really. If you don't believe in the warranty and that it will never help you, which i totally disagree with, then you can wait to see in season rebates which might be better or not or go with a rebate now as you will get a better price and less warranty which your not concerned with. And really guys calling me out, if i win 50.00 or even find 20 bucks I am pumped, so I see value in 250.00 is all I am saying, if you don't you get to choose money over warranty. If your going to move to another dealer or machine over my comments, which I doubt, then your not making the best decision for you. I stand by my comments. I can't help if people take my comments the wrong way, I understand people who don't even know me don't like me for what I do or are jealous or whatever, that is sad, my mission statement in life is to remind people to have fun, I don't care what you ride or how you do that in life, just to have more of it. We are all grown ups, I get ragged on pretty good and I have learned how to deal with that and I know the majority of the amazing community on here and other places supports me and what i do and find it helpful. But in all honesty the reason i keep posting here is to add fun and not let the bullies who drive many smart and knowledgeable and balanced rider opinions away from the forums. Just look at the boards, look at how many people have looked at a particular subject and how 99% of those don't post, they just read, most of the comments are from the same 5-10 guys. Of course I get called a whinier, if I decide to leave a subject when guys want me to chime in, then when i do they get upset with the answers. I guess what can you expect when you don't have to use your real name. As for less customers out there, I actually don't see it that way at all, there are new guys getting into the sport all the time. You can see this by how many more people are out there and in our local spots that use to be empty, these new riders don't always buy new their first year but eventually they do and more often than not it is in their second season when they want the best of the technology. You may see a shrinking market due to some of the factors happening in Alberta, but there is new clients arriving and it is up to us all to welcome them and help them out. From what i know of the many albertan people is that when their up they are pumped and when things are down they are looking up to get back to where they were....the world ebbs and flows and that is what makes it interesting. From what people say about you on these boards, your a stand up guy, so I am sure you will adjust and keep on putting a smile on customers faces. And I will do the best to answer questions, and take the heat I guess, its nowhere near as painful as getting and eyeball massage from my 11 month old.


Active VIP Member
Aug 5, 2008
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Davidson Sk
I've never read a post saying something negative about Dave that makes sense. Ever. Must be nice working in the real world where people don't post rude, ignorant, and useless comments on internet forums about you with no consequence. How is he arrogant? And comments about how much sleds cost?? If you real world working people are so hard done by, I don't think a new sled should be on your radar weather they cost $15k or 20. Someone might pop on here to remind me about free speech public forums or some bs about getting a hurt butt. Whatever idgaf.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Wont quote Norona' s whole message.....too long. But what new customers coming? Syrians, illegal aliens from US? I hardly think this demographic will be buying many snowmobiles anytime soon. And Alberta is tired of being the Energy that drives this country both literally and economically for decades......sending money to entitled ingrates country wide but when we are down.....where's our Love? Thanks for being an ambassador to this sport I have loved for over 40 years but don't play the victim. Just don't.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Not sure why I am answering this, and or why my comment was taken so negatively. #1 never said there was not any issues and like you said i have always said 1 issue is 1 too many, the engineers think the same way. In 2008 many people had disasters, I am sure we can all agree on that, at the time the president of BRP said we will work hard to ensure this does not happen again, hence the 3 then 3 +1yr warranty and that sold a lot of sleds with trust and I am not sure why people now don't think much now of something that was so valued? Could it be that the XM had an amazing track record? That is my point, not that it was so good, it is what stuff is based off of and since the majority does not need a lot of work the warranty may seem less valued than it is, that is all perspective really. If you don't believe in the warranty and that it will never help you, which i totally disagree with, then you can wait to see in season rebates which might be better or not or go with a rebate now as you will get a better price and less warranty which your not concerned with. And really guys calling me out, if i win 50.00 or even find 20 bucks I am pumped, so I see value in 250.00 is all I am saying, if you don't you get to choose money over warranty. If your going to move to another dealer or machine over my comments, which I doubt, then your not making the best decision for you. I stand by my comments. I can't help if people take my comments the wrong way, I understand people who don't even know me don't like me for what I do or are jealous or whatever, that is sad, my mission statement in life is to remind people to have fun, I don't care what you ride or how you do that in life, just to have more of it. We are all grown ups, I get ragged on pretty good and I have learned how to deal with that and I know the majority of the amazing community on here and other places supports me and what i do and find it helpful. But in all honesty the reason i keep posting here is to add fun and not let the bullies who drive many smart and knowledgeable and balanced rider opinions away from the forums. Just look at the boards, look at how many people have looked at a particular subject and how 99% of those don't post, they just read, most of the comments are from the same 5-10 guys. Of course I get called a whinier, if I decide to leave a subject when guys want me to chime in, then when i do they get upset with the answers. I guess what can you expect when you don't have to use your real name. As for less customers out there, I actually don't see it that way at all, there are new guys getting into the sport all the time. You can see this by how many more people are out there and in our local spots that use to be empty, these new riders don't always buy new their first year but eventually they do and more often than not it is in their second season when they want the best of the technology. You may see a shrinking market due to some of the factors happening in Alberta, but there is new clients arriving and it is up to us all to welcome them and help them out. From what i know of the many albertan people is that when their up they are pumped and when things are down they are looking up to get back to where they were....the world ebbs and flows and that is what makes it interesting. From what people say about you on these boards, your a stand up guy, so I am sure you will adjust and keep on putting a smile on customers faces. And I will do the best to answer questions, and take the heat I guess, its nowhere near as painful as getting and eyeball massage from my 11 month old.
Fair enough Dave. I don't agree with you on the Alberta economy still churning out lots of new buyers. I know how busy our store has not been this winter after a decent snowcheck last spring. Hard to sell something when no one is in the market. Guess they are all buying other product or non currents. I stand by my comments on the program. 75% of my customers buy estart models and now have to pay $500 more this year for that and another $250 for SHOT if they choose to go that route. With that and the price increase a guy is $800 plus for the same sled as last year. Thats steep in my books. 3yr warranty and free estart was our most popular option last year if memory serves me right. I respect your opinion though. No one is going to agree 100% of the time. Cheers and safe riding!:beer:


Active VIP Member
May 11, 2009
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In them hills.
Fair enough Dave. I don't agree with you on the Alberta economy still churning out lots of new buyers. I know how busy our store has not been this winter after a decent snowcheck last spring. Hard to sell something when no one is in the market. Guess they are all buying other product or non currents. I stand by my comments on the program. 75% of my customers buy estart models and now have to pay $500 more this year for that and another $250 for SHOT if they choose to go that route. With that and the price increase a guy is $800 plus for the same sled as last year. Thats steep in my books. 3yr warranty and free estart was our most popular option last year if memory serves me right. I respect your opinion though. No one is going to agree 100% of the time. Cheers and safe riding!

$2017 off a 2017 850, is the other option right?


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2012
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Boys just to get things back on topic....if I were to buy a new sled for next year.I would have to give some serious consideration for the Yamie SW. By the reviews in he SW thread which seems to stay on topic ....most people seem to be intrigued by how well it runs .... never mind the comfort of Yamie reliability. Just my 2 cents .... (back to topic gents)


Active VIP Member
Jan 13, 2011
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Boyle, Alberta
Fair enough Dave. I don't agree with you on the Alberta economy still churning out lots of new buyers. I know how busy our store has not been this winter after a decent snowcheck last spring. Hard to sell something when no one is in the market. Guess they are all buying other product or non currents. I stand by my comments on the program. 75% of my customers buy estart models and now have to pay $500 more this year for that and another $250 for SHOT if they choose to go that route. With that and the price increase a guy is $800 plus for the same sled as last year. Thats steep in my books. 3yr warranty and free estart was our most popular option last year if memory serves me right. I respect your opinion though. No one is going to agree 100% of the time. Cheers and safe riding!:beer:

I think doo thought that financing at 0% will attract more people in this economy. I tend to believe it, from my experience a vast majority of people in my industry are bad at managing money, and payments make the WANTS possible for those who shouldn't.

These 2 ****ty options almost make me want to hold off snow checking. The incentive is not worth it.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2008
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I don't snow check myself. Don't see the value in it whether it be finance rates or warranty. I pay cash for all my toys and as such I find the deep price cuts on a proven non current model suits me best...just my opinion.

2006 renegade 800 - 5300 miles and no breakdown or warranty (sold now) Paid 11,000 way back in 2006 as a new non current
2012 summit etec 800 - 2000 miles and same story (still own) paid 6600 used , year old had 900 miles and a grand of accessories installed
2012 renegade backcountry x - 1600 miles and same story ( still own ) paid 8000 used year old had 600 miles and a grand accessories
2015 summit etec 800 - 300 miles and same story ( still own ) paid 9700 plus GST new in crate a year ago
2016 viper mtx - 240 miles and same story ( still own ) paid 8450 plus GST new this last November

I feel I have saved a lot over these units mentioned here with the exception of the 2006.....I paid near full rate for it. Almost without exception you get an improved machine and a better price by not buying 1st year models especially. Some folks have to have the latest and greatest I understand. But for me, is my riding skill greater than any of my current sleds....I wish it was....maybe Maxwell will teach me ( sorry for the dig buddy) LOL


Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Not Sure
I think doo thought that financing at 0% will attract more people in this economy. I tend to believe it, from my experience a vast majority of people in my industry are bad at managing money, and payments make the WANTS possible for those who shouldn't.

These 2 ****ty options almost make me want to hold off snow checking. The incentive is not worth it.
People finance this Stuff? If you can't pay cash you shouldn't have it. Finance what appreciates in value and you will be able to retire.

Big question for me on new sled is would a guy get tired of that octane blue.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2008
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People finance this Stuff? If you can't pay cash you shouldn't have it. Finance what appreciates in value and you will be able to retire.

I agree to a point....but having lost too many friends and family already at too young an age I say treat yourself a little....even if you have to finance it ( just try not to finance yourself neck deep )

After all, we are all just one Doctors appointment away from bad news potentially so enjoy everyone.....and do a snow dance please. ;)


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Why pay cash if you can pay 0%??? I'd rather have the 20g in my pocket. I can pay 300 a month to ride a new sled and pay it off when I sell it at the end of the season.
I don't know, makes sense to me.

Ima gonna order dis beotch



Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Why pay cash if you can pay 0%??? I'd rather have the 20g in my pocket. I can pay 300 a month to ride a new sled and pay it off when I sell it at the end of the season.
I don't know, makes sense to me.

Ima gonna order dis beotch


Then you my friend are the first I have met that is able to break even on used recreational vehicles.....I have bought many many used *toys* and most times I have had to take the check with old owner to the bank to transfer title and the outstanding loan was owing more than the sale price of the sled. Fun costs money. Cheers
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