

Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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CALL THE WHAAAAMBULANCE - some peeps overdosed on hero cookies. this thread was started to make you think - take it for what it is, words on a screen. Don't like it? turn off your computer and go riding if you think its safe or sit on your sled in the garage and make motor sounds if you don't.

Right in my sig: "The price of anyhting is the amount of life you exchange for it." What do you think it refers to?

Posting an opinion on someone else's opinion? ....hypocrits?

Taking it personal and feeling compelled to justify/defend why you went out riding last weekend? get over yourself.

I have a 2 yr old and could not imagine leaving her beautiful face without an understanding of why daddy is no longer around. This is how I justify not riding in bad conditions. You justify your actions in your own mind to yourself, I could care less because I won't be there to dig you out. Been riding over 20 yrs (actual 20 yrs - not internet 20 yrs), seen it happen to 3 peeps I called friends. You can't imagine how bad it will tear you apart. Mother nature does not discriminate - she doesn't care about where you live, your age or how long you tell people you've been riding. She will take you in less than a heartbeat and leave everyone else with just your memory. Think about that before you load your sled.

Frisby slid 2 yrs ago - How safe is it today? can anyone tell me right now?

Driving to and from the hill is more dangerous than sledding - yeeeaaahhhhh ok probably?........people at the gun range aim at the bullseyes, so standing down range between 2 targets is probably safe too, but would you still put yourself in that situation?

"I'm experienced" - yeah, me too..........Experience as a general comprises of or skill of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event.[SUP][1][/SUP]. Experience recognizes the significance of something like a special bulletion and reminds you there will be plenty of other riding days.

Coming from Sask to ride the hills - plan alternate days since you can't control the weather. Starting your trip with a bad decision usually results in more bad decisions.

Be safe everyone.

So why did you feel it in your POWER to even bark then? Posting opinions on other peoples opinions is what M&S is about, why go on a form and just lurk around?

FRISBY TREES ARE AWESOME!!!!!!! Boulder Trees are awesome.......
The sledder compaction that has taken place around the cabin in the trees and medows sure does help.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
You are such a double talker go back a few pages and read what you spat at me!

Originally Posted by imdoo'n we went almost all year without a sledder getting killed in an avi, a few skiers, didn't get so lucky, so WHAT the hell happened, are the bulletins not being read, do we like to push the envelope, WTF for the last 2 weeks the slopes have been sliding on there own due to a layer of hoar frost , big snow loading and temperatures. and don't give me no BS about areas of mountains are safe, as they obviously are not, lesser slopes are sliding and big time. i have seen sluffs, slides and snowballs rolling all week. and that is on 30 to 40 ft high slopes. stay out of the alpine until this settles down. or give me your name so i can buy an insurance policy on yer stupid azz life. man this just don't make sense. when will sledders learn, or do we want the government to force us.

Then you said this:comments were more towards alpine riding, big hills, big risks, big consequences

Which is it?? Not dropping to your name calling but just showing what you say makes no sense.

well you seem to be like a skipping record the same BS over and over. just what makes no sense, the alpine has become dangerous, just about everything on cac is saying this, you seem to be on a mission to place alot of unknowing people at risk. yes the well traveled areas are packed better, if it is within your danger tolerance great. lots of riders with substantaly more riding experience and avi savy got caught in turbo a couple years ago, much the same conditions and they thought it was safe. same as other areas just what is your point. as to name calling, who is calling the kettle black. i'll leave it at that.


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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You just say different BS over and over yourself. Did you not start a new thread on safe spots to ride in the mountains AFTER telling us all to stay away from them? which part am I skipping over and over on??? You first say don't go, then you say go, then start all new thread???
Come on Man....
Read what you JUST reposted you doulble talk yourself. When in all of that do I call you names, just point out your crazy talk.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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So why did you feel it in your POWER to even bark then? Posting opinions on other peoples opinions is what M&S is about, why go on a form and just lurk around? .

breathe man......LOL I didn't feel any power, nor does it make me feel any more important, nor does it make me feel impotent :D. Just my opinion - again, my observation is it seems like you are taking it personal, I'm not barking at you or anyone, just posting. I'm a BC boy too, so don't paint us all as rednecks just because of what my location to the left of this post says (where my office is). I hear ya dude and I'm with ya, after all these years I've seen it all and heard it all, my point was don't get too pumped up about an opinion (even mine).

I know lots of guys with the same attitude, when the conditions are bad they play it safe but still go riding (my dad has been riding the west kootenays for over 40 yrs and is now retired and rides 3 days a week, never been in an avy.....I learned to ride from him), you might be the safest guy on the hill, I don't know that though, but if you are comfortable with your level of safety that is all you need. It sounds like you know what you are doing and no one is taking credit away from you.

Lurking - you hit the nail on the head. The forums are read by the masses, Imdoo'n gets that and posted this to cause a little pot stirring and make people think about their actions. Mission accomplished Lar! :D Scroll the "riding areas" and read who is lurking, there is always a "guest" or two in the top threads, trolling around to see where conditions are good. This forum has 20,000+ members, there are probably double that many lurkers. He wasn't directing it at you and me, he was directing it at the guys riding the big slopes, and some of those guys are lurkers on forums like this. The fact that you posted on this thread means you are already using your head, and aren't part of his target audience.

Can't we all just get along, ride to have fun....and be safe? :D


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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Awesome POINTS, totally taken and listen to. Thanks. I am done talking about this, passion comes out in different ways. We have all had some good messages.....bad delivery.

Thanks again and have a great spring ridding season.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
CALL THE WHAAAAMBULANCE - some peeps overdosed on hero cookies. this thread was started to make you think - take it for what it is, words on a screen. Don't like it? turn off your computer and go riding if you think its safe or sit on your sled in the garage and make motor sounds if you don't.

Right in my sig: "The price of anyhting is the amount of life you exchange for it." What do you think it refers to?

Posting an opinion on someone else's opinion? ....hypocrits?

Taking it personal and feeling compelled to justify/defend why you went out riding last weekend? get over yourself.

I have a 2 yr old and could not imagine leaving her beautiful face without an understanding of why daddy is no longer around. This is how I justify not riding in bad conditions. You justify your actions in your own mind to yourself, I could care less because I won't be there to dig you out. Been riding over 20 yrs (actual 20 yrs - not internet 20 yrs), seen it happen to 3 peeps I called friends. You can't imagine how bad it will tear you apart. Mother nature does not discriminate - she doesn't care about where you live, your age or how long you tell people you've been riding. She will take you in less than a heartbeat and leave everyone else with just your memory. Think about that before you load your sled.

Frisby slid 2 yrs ago - How safe is it today? can anyone tell me right now?

Driving to and from the hill is more dangerous than sledding - yeeeaaahhhhh ok probably?........people at the gun range aim at the bullseyes, so standing down range between 2 targets is probably safe too, but would you still put yourself in that situation?

"I'm experienced" - yeah, me too..........Experience as a general comprises of or skill of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event.[SUP][1][/SUP]. Experience recognizes the significance of something like a special bulletion and reminds you there will be plenty of other riding days.

Coming from Sask to ride the hills - plan alternate days since you can't control the weather. Starting your trip with a bad decision usually results in more bad decisions.

Be safe everyone.

With all due respect Modman, there are many of us out there who are actively trying to dispell the negative stereo type many sledders have attached to them, as the reckless, thrill seeking, hooligan out to destroy nature and themselves. Trying to present the persona of a well educated, considerate individual who enjoys the past time of riding is what many of us are striving towards. Part of this task is being active in the community, contributing to educational resources, humanitarian efforts, and search and rescue groups. Another aspect of this equation is dispelling the chicken little "the sky is falling" "looking for trouble" "death wish" type of uneducated knee jerck reaction that exists in our society. I am simply wanting to stand up and say... you know what, during extremely vicious avalanche conditions think with extreme caution. Make sure you know before you go and ride using your head. Some may wish to stay home, and some may choose to ride. Neither is wrong nor right, and each can be done with caution, safety and respect. I do not, however, feel that talking down to either mentality is appropriate or respectful.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
You just say different BS over and over yourself. Did you not start a new thread on safe spots to ride in the mountains AFTER telling us all to stay away from them? which part am I skipping over and over on??? You first say don't go, then you say go, then start all new thread???
Come on Man....
Read what you JUST reposted you doulble talk yourself. When in all of that do I call you names, just point out your crazy talk.

safer spots. yes. out of alpine as such, so is there a problem? is that not a good idea? what would you like to see? modman has a good post, there are so many new guys that will follow a sled track from a few days ago under maybe different conditions? so if you take offence to this post that was not the original intent.

anyway if you do your due dillegence, check the slopes and the conditions are better than what is being seen elsewhere, you have found a safe spot. i think we need to focus on the big picture, peoples lives. anyway thanks for keeping this thread alive, people are thinking, and maybe making the right choice whatever that maybe.
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Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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I am over this

ok last time here it is......your post, #61
no i'll give you the platform to let us all know the safe areas so that other riders can benefit, and cut down on the avi death's. that would be info that all can use, and the point of the original post. you would be doing the sledding community a valuable service and may save someone's life.

maybe not. just checked the cac bulletin you may want to take a look. alpine, treeline, are all high risk. which means sldes likely. below tree line is listed as considerable. i guess your on your own. have fun. way above my risk level.

please refrain from telling us areas are safe. boulder are you friggin kidding me. you should go read a cac report. tell me your interpretation. or are you willing to be a statistic. simply amazes me some peoples kids.

That Is what I said man. Safe spots on all mountains. anyway this has turned to far. which part of the boulder flats is in the alpine???
So there it is after all that we agree.....?????? strange I know, but not what you started out saying.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
above tree line, tree line, below tree line, just where does boulder fit this area. out of the parking lot most have to climb the hillside to get just to the top, yes there is a trail. anyway if you figure it is safe good for you, lower hills with less verticle will have lesser consequences if they slide, most riders will only give these a passing glance to get to the alpine and steeper slopes. if you feel you have some safe area's, good. anyway yer posting not riding, hmm one of those days?


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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ya! guy needs to eat and buy gas!!! but don't worry I've got mine. And no I am not worried about the cat road to the cabin, I mean I totaly get what you are saying about the HIGH alpine, I guess my def of the alpine and yours are different. Once at the cabin there is so much good right around there and in my opinion it is safe, guess like it has been said we all make our own choices.

Plus other areas but if I mention them the other Revy riders might come after me....haha. Just using that area as one example.

OOC ZigZag

Active VIP Member
May 12, 2010
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Alot of time money and effort go into the bulletins the CAC produce they are there for a reason use the information and consider the source at the CAC they are pro's at calling snowpacks if they say its unsafe it is UNSAFE don't risk our rep as a whole don't risk your life great day of sledin still isnt worth not comin home. Hope it mellows out Vale way next week like Monday.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
ya! guy needs to eat and buy gas!!! but don't worry I've got mine. And no I am not worried about the cat road to the cabin, I mean I totaly get what you are saying about the HIGH alpine, I guess my def of the alpine and yours are different. Once at the cabin there is so much good right around there and in my opinion it is safe, guess like it has been said we all make our own choices.

Plus other areas but if I mention them the other Revy riders might come after me....haha. Just using that area as one example.

i would agree that at the boudler cabin there is a relativly safer area, if the guys from out of the area would only ride there, you know as well as i they will be in the airport or turbo. but anyway. i'm hoping it gets better .

OOC ZigZag

Active VIP Member
May 12, 2010
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One of the best resources to turn to when conditions get sketchy is the locals. For the past 2 days Rene has posted some incredible shots of Eagles Pass and hes in the alpine 4 feet of POW he is a pro and his expertise with the terrain out his way excellent. The same can be said of a bunch out Revy way Pete, Al. If your not sure or uneasy try hookin with some good local terrain knoledge. After all these peeps live there they have been paying attention all winter to conditions in their areas.


Active VIP Member
Nov 2, 2009
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I don't understand why there is anything to argue about.

There's lots of riding to be had while keeping in low to minimal risk.

It just like everyone saying theres no snow, or it tracked right out. Out of my 10 trips(18days) this year I have not had one day where I didn't find less than 1ft + of soft snow. All while being less than .5km from the cabin at either Allen Creek or Clemina cabins while keeping it low to minimal risk. You just gotta be creative.

There's still gonna be the in knowledgable people high marking anything in sight, whether there's a public Avy warning or 30 people tell them not to ride there.

Watch the weather patterns and the bulletins. I check the bulletins and weather daily whether I'm not going for the next 3 weeks or not.
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