What would you do?


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Morinville, AB
So a couple of weeks ago our dog goes missing ( not real concerned at first, as she is a farm dog and wanders a bit ) a couple of days goes by and she finally comes limping home with her left paw swollen up but the skin isn't broken and hungry as all get out. I'm thinking that she had been caught in a leg trap ( we have quite a few 'yotes by our place). I gave her an ibuprofen and she seemed to smarten up the next day, swellings down and she's running around. Couple days later, she's limping and her foot is really tender, and the night before I take her into the vet, she licks just behind her nail to the bone. I take her into the vet figuring they would wrap it up and we'd be on our way ( $500.00 for this estimate). They give her a local and start and then phone me up and tell me that they have to amputate the middle two "toes" (another $ 500.00). The vet confirms my suspicions and says that her wound is classic for leg trap wounds. So she's been home for a week, and I'm still pissed that someone is setting up leg traps on farm land ( I think I know where they might be set) It wouldn't be the land owner as he doesn't live near us and he doesn't have any livestock out there. So it must be one of the other neighbors. The thing that pisses me off, is that out of courtesy for your neighbors, if you're going to set traps...wouldn't you put up a notice on the community mail box or something letting people know that you're setting traps? Meanwhile, I had to drop the hound off at the vet last night again because there is an infection and they have to cut more off. This is getting to be a fairly pricey deal. The kids were crying all night thinking that I might have to put her down. I want to go out and find the traps and weld them shut, and leave a note on them stating that I will gladly replace the traps, and to come and see me...What would you do


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2008
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not 100% sure but aren't leg traps banded.... i would go and find them for sure and get rid of them and watch for who ever is doing it and tell them to stop and if they dont keep taking the traps... you should be able to resell them and made back some of your vet costs


Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2009
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Cochrane Ab
I think it to be a two way street.... I think you are right, I believe foot traps are band... and it is not a good thing that your family pet may have encountered one, but are the traps on your property? I don't mean to sound harsh... but I've seen this sort of thing more than once... it can sever good neighborhood relationships!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Morinville, AB
I think it to be a two way street.... I think you are right, I believe foot traps are band... and it is not a good thing that your family pet may have encountered one, but are the traps on your property? I don't mean to sound harsh... but I've seen this sort of thing more than once... it can sever good neighborhood relationships!!

Yeah, I know what you mean. It wasn't our property, I was on the fence about posting, because she was off of our property.

Just got a call from our vet, looks like we're going to have to put her down. Sad times, amazing how a person gets attached to these dumb mutts...


Active VIP Member
Nov 20, 2008
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Call me crazy, but i would find out who did it and they would be eating threw a straw for some time.


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
I'm 95% sure traps aren't required to have tags.

If the trapper has permission to set them and his trapping license, you can't do a thing. If every trapper had to put up signs he'd have animal lovers taking his traps, thieves stealing his traps and neighbours complaining about having to keep Fido tied up.

I will have to check, but I think it may be against the law to set off people's traps on purpose.


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
I'm not saying he was in the right, just trying to provide the trappers point if view. I'd find out who is and ask to see his licensing.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
what a crappy deal and sorry to hear about your dog. I wonder if the person setting the traps knows about your dog otherwise how would your dog get away?


Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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Where about do you live? I am curious as I am in the area too. I am positive they are illegal too.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Call your local fish and wildlife officer, I'm almost positive leg traps are illegal, trapping licence or not.

Leg traps are legal but must have a recess in them so as not to cut off circulation to the foot. Seeing as she still has her foot I am betting it is a legal trap. Legally a trapper is supposed to post signs saying there is a trap line in the area however if its on private land not really needed IMO regardless of wether it is the owner or not as he more than likely has the owners permission If he has traps there
This sounds like an unfortunate accident that could have been prevented if the dog stated at home on your property
My neighbours have been warned about their dogs three times about them on my property next time I think I might trap them just my traps aren't catch and release
I really don't like stepping on dog chit when I don't even own a dog j/s


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Call me crazy, but i would find out who did it and they would be eating threw a straw for some time.

How is it the trappers fault that they can't keep their dog on their property please explain oh wise one
It's an unfortunate accident that could have been prevented but it is in no way the trappers fault


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
Call your local fish and wildlife officer, I'm almost positive leg traps are illegal, trapping licence or not.

They are absolutely not illegal. The ones you see in the movies with giant teeth are illegal. But the toothless footholds are still widely used.


Active VIP Member
Feb 4, 2009
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Sucks to hear about your dog... But when they roam and are allowed to roam there can obviously be consequences. I lived on acreage for many years and had dogs hit by cars, killed by coyotes, just disappear.. Just the way it goes. Still sucked every time though. Don't take it out on the trapper. I'm sure he's not trapping dogs


Active VIP Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Edmonton Alberta
Call your local fish and wildlife officer, I'm almost positive leg traps are illegal, trapping licence or not.

This is very sound advice calling fish and wildlife. If it is banned, which should of been reported by the vet IMO to authorities, fish and wildlife will be all over that like white on rice. If it is legal practice contact land owners around your place if you want to keep it civil. If not......walk the trap line if you can find it, DESTROY THE TRAPS IN PLACE to say "insert big middle finger here". Try and monitor the area best you can confront the person. I do a lot of yote hunting hence the login name. Rifles and predator calling only as my final judgment picks the outcome. Example, the land owners husky busted a set up once so we moved on after we said hi. A trap does not have a "safety" and personally think they have there place but no where near population rural or otherwise. Very poor form on the user to say the least.

I do hope all goes well for your four legged family member, kids must be pretty poisoned and confused. I would be savage. Keep us posted.


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
The question here is, if there are traps set, are they legal? You can't just set traps anywhere you please. There are regulations surrounding traps as to who can set them, when and where. Call the CO's!


Active VIP Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Edmonton Alberta
How is it the trappers fault that they can't keep their dog on their property please explain oh wise one
It's an unfortunate accident that could have been prevented but it is in no way the trappers fault

As it may not be the trappers "fault" there is a thing called ethics. Setting these traps in areas where non target animals are trapped is something every competent trapper must think about. Terrible Ted from Gavelbourgh Sask has some great videos out with respects to trapping for the fur trade in the rural agriculture setting, including acreage type areas. He simply didn't do it and resorted to predator calling or bait piles and long rifles/shotguns. I am not busting your balls and your comments as it is a very solid point, except the area proximity to the non target animals. For all we know it could be a young person just getting into the sport and testing his luck. And traps are to be checked daily. Sounds like that was not do either. At the end of the day there are a lot more wrongs here then rights. Which takes this thread back to contact fish and wildlife they are there for a reason. Even coyotes have rights.

Keep in mind too, the fur trade is pretty strong this year with markets in China growing and yote hide prices are climbing and everyone with dogs/cats living in fringe areas need to keep this in mind. Predator hunting is getting pretty popular only makes sense trapping will pick up too.


Active VIP Member
Jun 15, 2009
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Leg traps are legal but must have a recess in them so as not to cut off circulation to the foot. Seeing as she still has her foot I am betting it is a legal trap. Legally a trapper is supposed to post signs saying there is a trap line in the area however if its on private land not really needed IMO regardless of wether it is the owner or not as he more than likely has the owners permission If he has traps there
This sounds like an unfortunate accident that could have been prevented if the dog stated at home on your property
My neighbours have been warned about their dogs three times about them on my property next time I think I might trap them just my traps aren't catch and release
I really don't like stepping on dog chit when I don't even own a dog j/s

Even better, freeze to death as opposed to the slight chance they may bleed out quicker. I grew up around and have trapped myself as a kid, snares only, done in miniutes not hours.


Active VIP Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Edmonton Alberta
Even better, freeze to death as opposed to the slight chance they may bleed out quicker. I grew up around and have trapped myself as a kid, snares only, done in miniutes not hours.

I've done some research and asked a couple of buddies that are into the fur trade big. First thing that come up was the question, how long was your dog missing and then returned.

Traps are to be checked daily or in a reasonable time as to minimize animals held in traps and in distress.
Trap lines are to be registered and clearly marked as such when under license and monitored by a licensed trapper who follows fish and wildlife regulations when on public land .
Both buddies referenced ethics and setting traps in so close to populated areas and went as far to say in those areas live box traps are used just in case a house pet wanders off.

My one friend said it sounds like a couple of different things.

Cattle around? If so a farmer is lazy and only had protecting the heard as calving season is soon here.
Someone new to trapping and simply has no idea.
A trapper who simply doesn't care.
And the most disturbing. He asked if this dog wanders off a lot, neighbors get along?

If yotes are a problem he did offer this, post a thread on the alberta outdoorsmen. Both him and I hunt the Onoway area for predators and make no bones about a bit of travel to dump some yotes and thin out the pack. You'd be surprised how many people (responsible sportsmen) predator hunt and would appreciate being invited to hunt opposed to having to ask for permission. Same goes for gophers in the spring.

I might sound a bit over the top with pets and all this and rightfully so, we have 9 horses (6 are rescues) 4 dogs (3 are rescues) and 3 cats all rescues. Fighting about who has rights to do what is a mute point. Even my rant earlier saying trash the traps was over the top and so "green peace" I am embarrassed. Not to mention it would cause more problems instead of solutions and lets face it at the end of the day solutions are much more productive.
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