this sucks!


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Nanoose Bay B.C
BC economy comes from Alberta resources, technology and people. Alberta fuels Canada's place in the world market.

Asia would not be interested in Canada if Alberta wasn't thriving.

The resources of Alberta belong to the province and people of Alberta. They are not up for federal discussion. The people of BC need to forget about telling the people of Alberta what they should be doing with their resources. Albertans do not try telling British Columbians how they should be sharing the revenue from all of the dope that they are selling. BC will manage their smoke and Alberta will manage ours.

I am here:

So your saying Asia wouldnt want are lumber if not for Alberta,last time I was there I dont recall seeing lots of forest land on the praries (just over grown xmas trees),oh and your oil aint much good to them being land locked so with out us in B.C you cant get it to them without going east which is a long way to any coast,I was always under the impresion that what was in Canada belonged to all of us,,but if you dont want to share thats fine,stay in alberta then,we dont like to share with people like you anyways,and get off your Im so much better because Im an albertan,some of us B.Cers make dam good money and live in paradise to boot.Sorry to the rest of the the good people in Alberta,but I get tired of the oh we are so much better then anyone else in Canada because we have oil,we have oil to but are just more selective on how and were we take it out,You can have your oil we will keep are enviroment for sledding quading and can bash me now but it means nothin to me,you showed what kinda person you are and your attitude sucks.


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Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I was just in a bad mood that's all RZR,I screwed up my ankle in nov. and I am still waiting
to get an MRI and see a specialist.Being in pain all the time,just turns me into a whiner.
I am no global economist,I just don't understand why a Rich country like Canada needs
other peoples money to develop industries.
I work in the patch and I've never made anywhere near 100K,so wherever the decent wages
are,they aint around me.
I do agree with eclipse that if our government Didnt rape us so bad on tax's on fuel,that
alone would put more money in peoples pocket's, create more industries and that would create
more products to sell and generate more tax income.

Hey no problem,i have days like that .I think once in a while it is good to step back and see the big picture though.I think we are a rich country in terms of resources,however not in actual cash/consumers......We only have 35 M people,so we are some what cash strapped to develop our own resources compared to other countries.....imo

I am quite happy with the job Harper has done and when you travel to the USA ,then you see problems !!! IMO, the days of manufacturing in a global market for Canada and the USA are over. With technolagy today, you can build anything anywhere. Labour costs are the killer and how can you compete with China & India ...? Is this morally right,probably not. None the less it is a fact.

Hope your foot gets better soon..................


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Mar 19, 2012
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We live in a global market. Our resources belong to each province. Canada appears on a few different venues on the world stage. Our resources (raw materials) in Canada are about the only contribution that is recognized. I am sure that we offer a lot more to our own communities beyond our resources to the rest of the world. But, in all reality, those functions merely serve to support the people and work responsible for bringing our resources to the market. I do not mean to discount any pride that you have in your community or province. Canada is merely a resource for the advancement of the super power countries of the world. Unless you take a step back and look at it from 10,000ft, you won't see it. Wasting time complaining will not change anything. The world will keep mining our resources to feed the greed and overpopulation of the other countries.

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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
So as per my original post it sucks to have our resources being control by such a large percentage of foreign ownership. Thanks for finally seeing the meaning of this thread

We live in a global market. Our resources belong to each province. Canada appears on a few different venues on the world stage. Our resources (raw materials) in Canada are about the only contribution that is recognized. I am sure that we offer a lot more to our own communities beyond our resources to the rest of the world. But, in all reality, those functions merely serve to support the people and work responsible for bringing our resources to the market. I do not mean to discount any pride that you have in your community or province. Canada is merely a resource for the advancement of the super power countries of the world. Unless you take a step back and look at it from 10,000ft, you won't see it. Wasting time complaining will not change anything. The world will keep mining our resources to feed the greed and overpopulation of the other countries.

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Active member
Mar 19, 2012
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The other side of the coin is that we we should be grateful that we have the resources to attract the interest of the foreign markets to invest in. This creates jobs for everyone. This also creates the market where investment in to our technology to optimize the safe delivery of our resources becomes very attractive.

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