

Apr 3, 2010
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Hey, just thought I should start a thread for people to rant about everyday stuff that affects them. For Example:

Today I was driving into Edmonton, and now that the snow is all melted, I could actually see how disgusting the roadside was. And then I noticed a couple different groups of volunteers who actually give a crap about their city, cleaning up after the pigs who throw stuff out their windows. Scrap that; pigs are cleaner. At least pigs don’t ch!t (metaphorically make a mess of) where they live. I mean, correct me if I’m looking at this wrong, but shouldn’t it be the ones littering who have to clean it up instead of the good quality 4-H kids all the time? Realistically, what does I little fine teach the guy who has thrown a couple hundred Tim Hortons cups out the window when he’s only been caught once. Nothing. In my opinion, if he had to miss a day of work/pay, to clean trash under the blistering sun, maybe he’ll reconsider. Too many people just expect those volunteers to keep up after them because they’ve never been taught to use common courtesy. And then what do these jerks pass on to their kids in the back seat when they throw their cups out the window? That it’s all right because someone else will deal with it? Well excuse me but that’s just wrong. I’ve also noticed that there are more and more of these people, and fewer and fewer of the generous volunteers…

Well, that’s just an example. Leave your own story and how you think it should be corrected. After a while, we should have a pretty good think-tank on the worlds problems!


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2008
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If they started fining people the $2000.00 for littering then you'd see a lot of these people stop throwing chyt out of their vehicles........


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Hey, just thought I should start a thread for people to rant about everyday stuff that affects them. For Example:

Today I was driving into Edmonton, and now that the snow is all melted, I could actually see how disgusting the roadside was. And then I noticed a couple different groups of volunteers who actually give a crap about their city, cleaning up after the pigs who throw stuff out their windows. Scrap that; pigs are cleaner. At least pigs don’t ch!t (metaphorically make a mess of) where they live. I mean, correct me if I’m looking at this wrong, but shouldn’t it be the ones littering who have to clean it up instead of the good quality 4-H kids all the time? Realistically, what does I little fine teach the guy who has thrown a couple hundred Tim Hortons cups out the window when he’s only been caught once. Nothing. In my opinion, if he had to miss a day of work/pay, to clean trash under the blistering sun, maybe he’ll reconsider. Too many people just expect those volunteers to keep up after them because they’ve never been taught to use common courtesy. And then what do these jerks pass on to their kids in the back seat when they throw their cups out the window? That it’s all right because someone else will deal with it? Well excuse me but that’s just wrong. I’ve also noticed that there are more and more of these people, and fewer and fewer of the generous volunteers…

Well, that’s just an example. Leave your own story and how you think it should be corrected. After a while, we should have a pretty good think-tank on the worlds problems!

good story!!!!! too bad i dont hae one! or......maybe its a good thing.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
I have often thought about the littering issue, when we didn't have a timmies or a mcdonalds up here there was garbage in the ditches. after they came around, 80% of the garbage you see if from one of those two. I think the two companies should offer money for their branded garbage, like 25 cents/pound or something. you see a lot of people bottle picking, if the garbage was worth something maybe they would pick that up too.

I know it's far fetched, but it's just the rambling thoughts of a trucker driving along seeing the garbage....and disgusted by it.


Active VIP Member
Jul 27, 2008
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North of Stony Plain
What really irks me is smokers throwing their butts out the window so that it can land in the DRY ditches and start grass fires. Cars have ashtrays for a reason.


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
Both of my kids spent a few years in 4-H so the first weekend in May was spent walking the ditches along with the kids picking trash. I know my attitude about littering was changed from the experience (not that I was a litterer before). I am willing to bet after the disgusting experience of picking up coffee cup after coffee cup and McDonalds bags. etc that none of these kids litter to this day. And it used to really upset everyone when a couple hours later.....there is trash in the ditch where they just cleaned.

Perhaps every school in Alberta should be made to clean a few miles of ditch every year. This will influence our next generation to keep their trash in the vehicle. Once you walk those 4 or 5 miles picking ....... not only will you not litter but your attitude on litter will change. I think it is too late to change the attitude of the pigs who litter today but maybe we can change the habits of the next generation.

I also strongly agree that the fine for littering should be much higher but even with high fines those pigs (and I hate to use that name because pigs are cleaner) will still litter....they will just be a bit more carefull that no one sees....and you need to catch them in the act to make the fines stick.

Anyway just my two bits...:beer::beer:


Apr 3, 2010
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Ok, here’s another one that’s burning me. When a bunch of disrespectful teens thinking they are cool go and tag up (spray paint) the side of a building, it’s the responsibility of the owner to clean it up or else be fined. I agree that it’s an eyesore for the majority of the public walking by and it should be cleaned up. That being said, if these little pukes think they are cool little painters, they should have no problem cleaning it up right? How come a 70-year-old businessman has to foot the clean up bill? It’s ridiculous. And I don’t think tax dollars should go to the clean up either because it’s kids or a bunch of 20 something’s that don’t contribute to society and pay them anyway. Basically, I’m sick and tired of having to pay for the scum who won’t amount to much in life anyway. But that’s just my opinion. So what do I suggest… if any of you watch the Naked Gun movies, you’d know there’s a “anti-graffiti” wall in one of them. When the guys start spraying, the wall sprays back! Maybe we should equip the wall with some of that money ink stuff that will not come off! Just a thought… haha.


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2007
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Here is my thought on this topic, It has always pi&%&d me off that we have thousands of people sitting on there butts in jails, enjoying the easy life with our tax dollars.
I think these convicts should be shackled and chained together and put out to do some labor. Why could they not pick garbage or cut and split fire wood?


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
Here is my thought on this topic, It has always pi&%&d me off that we have thousands of people sitting on there butts in jails, enjoying the easy life with our tax dollars.
I think these convicts should be shackled and chained together and put out to do some labor. Why could they not pick garbage or cut and split fire wood?
they do exactly that up here, inmates from the Shaftesbury Correctional Institute pick garbage and split firewood for the provincial campgrounds. no shackles and stuff tho, I think Shaftesbury is a minimum security jail. Locals call it the Shaftesbury


Apr 3, 2010
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Speaking of jail and whatnot, what do you think about repeat offenders? Come on judicial system, there has been study after study published saying it’s almost impossible to rehabilitate these people, how come you don’t get it? Granted, people make mistakes sometimes, but when freaks molest little children, our future generation, we let them go so they can ruin other peoples lives – plain and simple. I think these guys should be nurtured or just taken out back like the good old days. You know, one time I was listening to the radio to a segment called “My Big Yap” and the host suggested we tattoo the word “Pedophile” in big letters across his forehead. Good idea, but the law says this violates their rights. As far as I’m concerned, they don’t deserve rights. I think it’s time to stop babying the offenders and start taking care of our own people more! But no, instead, these guys rape kids while their parents have to pay to keep them alive in a jail where all their needs are provided. Doesn’t make any sense to me. If someone could please explain why we keep these scum bags alive, it would be appreciated.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
I personally believe that if you are incarcarated, you should be working. No sense in having them hang out all day doing nothing. Might as well get them cleaning ditches, or breaking rocks. A tired inmate would offer less grief at the end of the day, and we would get lots of jobs that nobody wants to do, done. Frankly, seeing people outside in the hot sun, working hard may deter more criminals, as some turn to crime as a way to not work, and still make a living.

In the end, it won't happen, but its a thought.

team dirt

Active VIP Member
Oct 17, 2008
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brooks ab/seymour arm
what really bothers me is, when im driving through the mountains and everyone is doing 60-70 km/h. Then you hit a passing lane and all of a sudden these same cars can all do 140km/h and no one can pass. Then the passing lane ends and they are all doing 60-70 again. pisses me off. if you cant maintain the speed limit on the whole road then slow down on the passing lanes and let the others by.
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