TCSC - December-2020-UPDATE

Ministik Man

Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
HI All

Well it has been 10 years since Ministik has opened on December 1, 2010.
TCSC is happy to say that in 2020 Ministik WILL open on December 1, 2020.

If you do not already have a membership or ASA Trail Pass print out the attached form and email or mail it.
Stop by one of the dealers on the Dealer Location Form attached.
Or just call Brian at 780-990-9339 we can process it over the phone with your Credit card number, and I will mail them out to you.
Or text Brian and I will call you after supper on the phone to get your information and credit card number
All Credit card numbers are destroyed after processing.

Alberta Environment & Parks (AEP) (they manage Ministik) called TCSC to discuss Ministik Opening on December 1
It meets the requirements of December 1 with 6” of snow, so it will open. That’s the good news
But it will be revisited in 14 days to see if we have received any new snow or if in this upcoming warm spell, the trails are down to no snow. But let’s enjoy these 14 while we have them.
With AEP permission TCSC will be opening the gates Tuesday December 1 during the day.

TCSC volunteer crews of 10 people a day, have spent many days in November clearing the fallen trees off the 65 km of trails, installing new signs, packing meadow grasses down so you can see the trails and packing the snow down on ice so it freezes better and thicker. We can not groom until the ice is thick enough to hold the weight of the groomer and drag (17” of ice) and has adequate snow depth of at least 6” packed snow on the trails

Signage – Ministik is a natural wilderness sanctuary managed by AEP therefor you will only see minimal directional signage entering the bush, meadows or as you come in off the lakes. Once on the trail it is easy to follow, if you just follow the main sled trail or look to the tree line and find the yellow directional signs, that will get you back onto the trail system. Using you GPS or cell phone APPS will help navigate through the 36 square miles and 65 km of trails.

Parking lots – We have contacted the Counties to plow out the parking lots 2 (west) & 33 (North). IF parking lot 33 does not get plowed TCSC might have to use our groomer to clear that parking lot as a last resort. Or if a member is close by with equipment that can clean 33.

BE COVID conscious
In the Parking lots and gatherings, keep your distance from people other than your household members.
No rallies or gathering can be held due to Covid rules, so just take the family and have a great ride.
Refer to the ASA’s Bulletin attached for more information

CAUTION – a reminder that opening on December 1 comes with CAUTION due to
1- Ice conditions and thickness vary from spot to spot and lake to lake and from springs around the lakes
– Due not assume all lakes are frozen to 6” this early and do not stop on the lakes, keep riding across to the shore before stopping. And do not stop and gather on the ice as it might hold 1 sled but not 2-4-6 sleds.

2- Surface Water – in the upcoming week with warm weather you might find surface water on top of the ice – this is due to the weight of the snow on top of the ice pushing the ice down into the water. The water then comes up through the cracks and sits on top of the ice until it refreezes. Also warmer weather causes the snow on the ice to melt and the remaining snow insulate the water from freezing over night. Ice crossing across the middle of the lake is not recommended yet stay more to the shore line
If you are crossing ice and see water in your trails or the sled in front of you, quickly turn towards the shore line and speed up until you reach the shore. DO NOT STOP – the slushy water and snow will trap your sled and your track has no traction on ice to get you out.

3- Shore and lake ROCKS are not covered in snow yet, so be careful of jumping a snow bump as it is probably snow on top of a rock

4- Fence lines – Ministik farming is over 100 years old and there are many old fence lines through out its 36 square miles.
- TCSC has marked the fence lines close to the trails but if you are off the trails you might find one – so be careful.

5- PRESURE HEAVES – as the ice freezes it expands and as it can not go sideways it cracks and goes up as high as 3 feet.
- Do not race across a lake in the new untouched snow. Drive across the lake at a slower speed to find any rocks or ice heaves – if none, then turn around and race back down your old track, knowing that there is nothing you will hit in that track. Again be careful

Thanks to all the TCSC Volunteers and let’s have a Long sled season.

PS please do not ask when the Groomers will be out as it will be at least Christmas, as we need a lot of snow yet to groom

If you have questions or are unsure, please feel free to contact Brian at 780-990-9339


  • 2020-21_TCSC Membership Sign-up Form Mailing 1000-BW-SS-TF.pdf
    97.4 KB · Views: 157
  • 2020-21_ASAPasses-Dealer-Locations.pdf
    63.5 KB · Views: 170
  • 2020-21_TCSC_Pamphlet Ministik Map - 1000-BW-DS-TF.pdf
    776.1 KB · Views: 165
    221 KB · Views: 161
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