S&M - “Trail Closure Fund” (Fund)

Ministik Man

Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2006
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I am proposing that we need to get Ron to set up a “Trail Closure Fund (FUND)” that can be purchased here on this website. Have an Icon by your avatar that indicates you purchased your Trail Closure Fund support and that the members of S&M will support and assist on preventing trail closures NOT just complain about it.

“Put You Money Where Your Mouth IS” so to speak. It also uses peer pressure to purchase your Trail Closure Fund support as you can no longer complain about closures on a thread if you have not supported the Fund.

The ASA Budget for 2008/09 Season was $923,000 with $880,000 in expense leaving $39,000 as float for a rainy day after a years work…

S & M has 17,000 members, if each purchased a $20.00 “TRAIL CLOSURE FUND” (FUND) that is $340,000. If half went to ASA and the other to BCAF they could hire full time people to just look after Closures and slowdown or even stop them…

The Governments are not going to help you --- you must help your self and others by supporting a “TRAIL CLOSURE FUND” (FUND) or we will not be riding anywhere.
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SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
Re: S&m - “trail closure fund” (fund)

s&m - “trail closure fund” (fund)
i am proposing that we need to get ron to set up a “trail closure fund (fund)” that can be purchased here on this website. Have an icon by your avatar that indicates you purchased your trail closure fund support and that the members of s&m will support and assist on preventing trail closures not just complain about it.

“put you money where your mouth is” so to speak. It also uses peer pressure to purchase your trail closure fund support as you can no longer complain about closures on a thread if you have not supported the fund.

The asa budget for 2008/09 season was $923,000 with $880,000 in expense leaving $39,000 as float for a rainy day after a years work…

s & m has 17,000 members, if each purchased a $20.00 “trail closure fund” (fund) that is $340,000. If half went to asa and the other to bcaf they could hire full time people to just look after closures and slowdown or even stop them…

the governments are not going to help you --- you must help your self and others by supporting a “trail closure fund” (fund) or we will not be riding anywhere.

i'm in favour of it...... Brian for primeminister!!!!(and i don't mean mulroney:))


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Down by the Bay
I agree with the concept.....

But to play devils advocate....

out of 17000 members lets say 12000 sled, there are many members who just quad/bike/boat/truck/......

Out of those 12000, lets assume...... 2000 are tightwads and another 2000 a are "Douche Canoe's"

So we are at 8000 members..... minus 500 for alters and proably 2500 for inactive...

so we have 5000 active/concerned/willing/sledding members

thats still $100K...... however the split between the ASA and BCSA may not work because what about the members from the US/Sask/Eastern Canada ect....

Just putting it out there............I'll send my $20 but $340K aint gonna happen...

Just sayin


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
Parkland County
I am proposing that we need to get Ron to set up a “Trail Closure Fund (FUND)” that can be purchased here on this website. Have an Icon by your avatar that indicates you purchased your Trail Closure Fund support and that the members of S&M will support and assist on preventing trail closures NOT just complain about it.

“Put You Money Where Your Mouth IS” so to speak. It also uses peer pressure to purchase your Trail Closure Fund support as you can no longer complain about closures on a thread if you have not supported the Fund.

The ASA Budget for 2008/09 Season was $923,000 with $880,000 in expense leaving $39,000 as float for a rainy day after a years work…

S & M has 17,000 members, if each purchased a $20.00 “TRAIL CLOSURE FUND” (FUND) that is $340,000. If half went to ASA and the other to BCAF they could hire full time people to just look after Closures and slowdown or even stop them…

The Governments are not going to help you --- you must help your self and others by supporting a “TRAIL CLOSURE FUND” (FUND) or we will not be riding anywhere.

Great idea Brian! I'm in support of this, but why limit it to Snowandmud? why not push it in with the snowmobile clubs as well, yes members pay membership fee's but whats another $20?


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
Can someone come up with a better name for it? I hate seeing the words "trail" and "closure" in the same sentence! :eek:

Roy Maxwell

Active VIP Member
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
I am proposing that we need to get Ron to set up a “Trail Closure Fund (FUND)” that can be purchased here on this website. Have an Icon by your avatar that indicates you purchased your Trail Closure Fund support and that the members of S&M will support and assist on preventing trail closures NOT just complain about it.

“Put You Money Where Your Mouth IS” so to speak. It also uses peer pressure to purchase your Trail Closure Fund support as you can no longer complain about closures on a thread if you have not supported the Fund.

The ASA Budget for 2008/09 Season was $923,000 with $880,000 in expense leaving $39,000 as float for a rainy day after a years work…

S & M has 17,000 members, if each purchased a $20.00 “TRAIL CLOSURE FUND” (FUND) that is $340,000. If half went to ASA and the other to BCAF they could hire full time people to just look after Closures and slowdown or even stop them…

The Governments are not going to help you --- you must help your self and others by supporting a “TRAIL CLOSURE FUND” (FUND) or we will not be riding anywhere.

Count me in.


Active VIP Member
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with the concept.....

But to play devils advocate....

out of 17000 members lets say 12000 sled, there are many members who just quad/bike/boat/truck/......

Out of those 12000, lets assume...... 2000 are tightwads and another 2000 a are "Douche Canoe's"

So we are at 8000 members..... minus 500 for alters and proably 2500 for inactive...

so we have 5000 active/concerned/willing/sledding members

thats still $100K...... however the split between the ASA and BCSA may not work because what about the members from the US/Sask/Eastern Canada ect....

Just putting it out there............I'll send my $20 but $340K aint gonna happen...

Just sayin

Its's okay I will donate double i will pay $40 (atleast) for the cause. I have doanted to a lot of other useless causes but this one I truly believe in. I will say that I prefer to support the ASA a little more than BCSA because I sled more in AB than BC. Regardless - I support the intent and the cause - I will talk to my buddies and see if there on board.


Active VIP Member
Apr 10, 2008
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New Sarepta
perhaps webadmins can bring this idea to other webpages. just to name a few like Dootalk.com. im sure theres many out there that people here know about.

lets try and get those forums on board as well. not sure if any US boards would fund the cause but if we get a few of the Canadian forums on board.

ild hit up a few myself but wouldnt quite know at this point what to tell them or what to say. perhaps we could just post on thier forums and post a link back here if its setup? anyone with perhaps a better idea on how to spread the word to other forum sites, if i can help out i will


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2007
Reaction score
Blue River
Its's okay I will donate double i will pay $40 (atleast) for the cause. I have doanted to a lot of other useless causes but this one I truly believe in. I will say that I prefer to support the ASA a little more than BCSA because I sled more in AB than BC. Regardless - I support the intent and the cause - I will talk to my buddies and see if there on board.

I believe it should be even as there are ASA members and BCSF members....:twocents:
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