Press ReLease : o ZoNE DaVe WoN the RaCE for the MaYoR of CalgarY !! Yes he WiLL !!


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2008
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I will try not to offend, but when an official statement of any sorts looks like a child typed it or someone trying to be purposefully amusing, it isn't going to get much support. Like, how about actual sentences with periods? If you are trying to seriously win and looking for serious support, maybe acting serious would help. If I didn't know your background and received this in my mailbox, I would think its some sort of joke and immediately toss it in the recycling bin.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I will try not to offend, but when an official statement of any sorts looks like a child typed it or someone trying to be purposefully amusing, it isn't going to get much support. Like, how about actual sentences with periods? If you are trying to seriously win and looking for serious support, maybe acting serious would help. If I didn't know your background and received this in my mailbox, I would think its some sort of joke and immediately toss it in the recycling bin.
I understand.. I like the way u think .. I’m reaching out to citizens of CaLgarY like yourself which I believe is more approach able … boots on the ground.. I’m well educated and the marketing style may not be for everyone.. but in today’s world we need to take a step back and look at the content as the real issue and issues .. I WiLL as your maYor will solve all the issues on my PLATFORM and beYond ...I appreciate your comments and as my campaign evolves I will make running changes going forward .. great questions .. together WE are CaLgarY
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Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Go ozone Go

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
I will try not to offend, but when an official statement of any sorts looks like a child typed it or someone trying to be purposefully amusing, it isn't going to get much support. Like, how about actual sentences with periods? If you are trying to seriously win and looking for serious support, maybe acting serious would help. If I didn't know your background and received this in my mailbox, I would think its some sort of joke and immediately toss it in the recycling bin.
I understand.. I like the way u think .. I’m reaching out to citizens of CaLgarY like yourself which I believe is more approach able … boots on the ground.. I’m well educated and the marketing style may not be for everyone.. but in today’s world we need to take a step back and look at the content as the real issue and issues .. i will as your maYor solve solve all the issues on mY PLATFORM and beYond <<>> I appreciate your comments and as my campaign evolves I will make running changes going forward .. great questions .. together WE are CaLgarY

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
I will try not to offend, but when an official statement of any sorts looks like a child typed it or someone trying to be purposefully amusing, it isn't going to get much support. Like, how about actual sentences with periods? If you are trying to seriously win and looking for serious support, maybe acting serious would help. If I didn't know your background and received this in my mailbox, I would think its some sort of joke and immediately toss it in the recycling bin.
Lets see what tomorrow brings <<>> CHaNGE is ReaL <<>> When The FuTuRE FiRST arrives WE dont recogniZe whaT it has to offer good, bad or otherWiSE and THE Benifits it can have on our socieTy for all HuMAN KiND <<>> i understand <<>> WE are all ParT of NaTURE <<>> nexXxT Question Please !! whaT TiME does DairY QueeN oPen <<>>
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Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
You're promising all this stuff, that you can't actually deliver on, but lets say you can, how are you paying for it all?
That's always been my beef with politicians. You can't fix alleys & roadways, renovate event centers, develop new this and that all while freezing tax rates and cutting fees. I'm not in Calgary and mean no offence to Dave personally, all politicians do it. I'd rather be told that some services will need to be cut, city org-chart will need to change and for every new initiative we need to figure out the funding model and prioritize. I don't mind paying taxes, but when most of what I get is inefficiency and waste it pizzes me off. I pay my county almost $5K in taxes each year and what do I get? snow cleared by an inept operator 2-3 times a winter, same operator grades my road and fawks it up each spring. A call to RCMP for assault or break & enter results in a 90 minute response time, and 3 blown out tires/rims on my car in the past year from potholes..... Frustrating. But just as frustrating is overly optimistic rainbow & roses campaign promises offering to fix everything at no additional cost.......

Again not throwing shade at Mr. Clark specifically just a problem in general with a broken and defunct system.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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That's always been my beef with politicians. You can't fix alleys & roadways, renovate event centers, develop new this and that all while freezing tax rates and cutting fees. I'm not in Calgary and mean no offence to Dave personally, all politicians do it. I'd rather be told that some services will need to be cut, city org-chart will need to change and for every new initiative we need to figure out the funding model and prioritize. I don't mind paying taxes, but when most of what I get is inefficiency and waste it pizzes me off. I pay my county almost $5K in taxes each year and what do I get? snow cleared by an inept operator 2-3 times a winter, same operator grades my road and fawks it up each spring. A call to RCMP for assault or break & enter results in a 90 minute response time, and 3 blown out tires/rims on my car in the past year from potholes..... Frustrating. But just as frustrating is overly optimistic rainbow & roses campaign promises offering to fix everything at no additional cost.......

Again not throwing shade at Mr. Clark specifically just a problem in general with a broken and defunct system.
Its not all a mayor either. Gotta get all those councillors to agree on what your vision is. I wish Dave luck but Calgary city council is a dysfunctional entity.


Active VIP Member
May 20, 2009
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Leduc, AB
That's always been my beef with politicians. You can't fix alleys & roadways, renovate event centers, develop new this and that all while freezing tax rates and cutting fees. I'm not in Calgary and mean no offence to Dave personally, all politicians do it. I'd rather be told that some services will need to be cut, city org-chart will need to change and for every new initiative we need to figure out the funding model and prioritize. I don't mind paying taxes, but when most of what I get is inefficiency and waste it pizzes me off. I pay my county almost $5K in taxes each year and what do I get? snow cleared by an inept operator 2-3 times a winter, same operator grades my road and fawks it up each spring. A call to RCMP for assault or break & enter results in a 90 minute response time, and 3 blown out tires/rims on my car in the past year from potholes..... Frustrating. But just as frustrating is overly optimistic rainbow & roses campaign promises offering to fix everything at no additional cost.......

Again not throwing shade at Mr. Clark specifically just a problem in general with a broken and defunct system.
I fully agree, the fact that he can post his shout out videos, even with them suspiciously missing the actual owners/reps of those establishments, he can't be bothered to answer a simple question. If I lived in Calgary, there is no way in hell I'd vote for this clown


Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2015
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Kanedog 2015-2019, thanks for the good times S&M!
Bigger/ride4life go ahead and start your own thread to offer your opinions on the city of Calgary. This is Dave’s election thread. Now, back to the subject, election.
I saw a lady with Alberta plates at the gas pump next to me. I’m in Langley, BC. I welcomed her to the province of BC. She said drove 11 hours from Calgary. Then I asked if she would vote for my friend, Dave “Ozone” Clark for Calgary Mayor, Oct. 18, twenty, twenty one. She asked me what party is he with. I didn’t have an answer. But I did shout out “OzoNe Dave” when she was leaving!
Dave are you affiliated with any political party?
I also support the ozoNe boots on the ground campaign. I think it’s the best way for you to campaign. If ya did a normal campaign, your personality wouldn’t fit and it would seem fake. People can relate to you, you make people smile, you’re gonna fix the potholes, red tape will be cut, re-vitalizations, the Brothas are gonna have 24hr B-ball, you have a plan.
Screw the haters, non of them say how they how they would run the city, therefore those opinions don’t matter. They just chit on someone who is making the effort. That’s the Beauty of a free country and a democracy. Anybody, absolutely anybody can run in an election!! Do it how you want OzoNe! Give them DaVe!
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Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Down by the Bay
Bigger/ride4life go ahead and start your own thread to offer your opinions on the city of Calgary. This is Dave’s election thread. Now, back to the subject, election.
I saw a lady with Alberta plates at the gas pump next to me. I’m in Langley, BC. I welcomed her to the province of BC. She said drove 11 hours from Calgary. Then I asked if she would vote for my friend, Dave “Ozone” Clark for Calgary Mayor, Oct. 18, twenty, twenty one. She asked me what party is he with. I didn’t have an answer. But I did shout out “OzoNe Dave” when she was leaving!
Dave are you affiliated with any political party?
I also support the ozoNe boots on the ground campaign. I think it’s the best way for you to campaign. If ya did a normal campaign, your personality wouldn’t fit and it would seem fake. People can relate to you, you make people smile, you’re gonna fix the potholes, red tape will be cut, re-vitalizations, the Brothas are gonna have 24hr B-ball, you have a plan.
Screw the haters, non of them say how they how they would run the city, therefore those opinions don’t matter. They just chit on someone who is making the effort. That’s the Beauty of a free country and a democracy. Anybody, absolutely anybody can run in an election!! Do it how you want OzoNe! Give them DaVe!
Municipal politics is non-partisan.....

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
You're promising all this stuff, that you can't actually deliver on, but lets say you can, how are you paying for it all?
fellow sledders said i couldn't deliver the big iron shootout <<>> ReVeLSToKE believed in the process from a faR <<>> what i promise is what will BE delivered and BeYoND <<>> I've been doing BooTs on the ground inn CaLgarY I'm well educated in all forms that i have posted in my PLATFORM <<>> PLease reread oVeR and oVeR .. lol <<>> NexT Question.. A MaN <<>> A PLaN <<>> A MaYoR <<>> aahh CaLgarY <<>> on ocT 18 2021 david oZone CLarK will be your MaYor for 4 YeaRs and BeYond ... BanK of <<>> C <<>> eh <<>> N <<>> eh <<>> D <<>> eh <<>> Together WE are CaLgary <<>> The PasT is A mYsTerY <<>> The FuTuRE is ReaL BRiLLanT wiT David oZone Clark as YouR MaYor on ocT 18 2021 .. thanks CiTiZeNs of CaLgarY i personally appreciate the supporT <<>> nexXxT QuesTion <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> 1
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Municipal politics is non-partisan.....
CoDE ReD <<>>LiGHT BLuE <<>> RoYaL BLuE <<>> BLuE <<>> Manderian ORaNGE <<>> GRASSy GReeN <<>> deaF -ant- Lee NOT PuRPLE ONioNS <<<>>> RaLPH KLeiN WouLd be ProuD !! hiP hiP HooRaY !! come on down Ta the KiNG eddY !! on monday oct 18 2021
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Bigger/ride4life go ahead and start your own thread to offer your opinions on the city of Calgary. This is Dave’s election thread. Now, back to the subject, election.
I saw a lady with Alberta plates at the gas pump next to me. I’m in Langley, BC. I welcomed her to the province of BC. She said drove 11 hours from Calgary. Then I asked if she would vote for my friend, Dave “Ozone” Clark for Calgary Mayor, Oct. 18, twenty, twenty one. She asked me what party is he with. I didn’t have an answer. But I did shout out “OzoNe Dave” when she was leaving!
Dave are you affiliated with any political party?
I also support the ozoNe boots on the ground campaign. I think it’s the best way for you to campaign. If ya did a normal campaign, your personality wouldn’t fit and it would seem fake. People can relate to you, you make people smile, you’re gonna fix the potholes, red tape will be cut, re-vitalizations, the Brothas are gonna have 24hr B-ball, you have a plan.
Screw the haters, non of them say how they how they would run the city, therefore those opinions don’t matter. They just chit on someone who is making the effort. That’s the Beauty of a free country and a democracy. Anybody, absolutely anybody can run in an election!! Do it how you want OzoNe! Give them DaVe!
i agree <<>> please check my LiVE acTion booTs on the ground Videos on both THREADS .. Together WE are CaLgarY sir i appreciate your support and respecT others commenT <<>> ADVANCE FREEDOM with David oZone CLarK as Your MaYoR on ocT 18 2021 ..thank You everybody in all Forms


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
fellow sledders said i couldn't deliver the big iron shootout <<>> ReVeLSToKE believed in the process from a faR <<>> what i promise is what will BE delivered and BeYoND <<>> I've been doing BooTs on the ground inn CaLgarY I'm well educated in all forms that i have posted in my PLATFORM <<>> PLease reread oVeR and oVeR .. lol <<>> NexT Question.. A MaN <<>> A PLaN <<>> A MaYoR <<>> aahh CaLgarY <<>> on ocT 18 2021 david oZone CLarK will be your MaYor for 4 YeaRs and BeYond ... BanK of <<>> C <<>> eh <<>> N <<>> eh <<>> D <<>> eh <<>> Together WE are CaLgary <<>> The PasT is A mYsTerY <<>> The FuTuRE is ReaL BRiLLanT wiT David oZone Clark as YouR MaYor on ocT 18 2021 .. thanks CiTiZeNs of CaLgarY i personally appreciate the supporT <<>> nexXxT QuesTion <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> 1
As a Calgarian, I can't be bothered to read this kind of mess. As a Calgarian, I have the right to post this as well.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Its not all a mayor either. Gotta get all those councillors to agree on what your vision is. I wish Dave luck but Calgary city council is a dysfunctional entity.
Double ChocaLate ice - Cream at DQ should soften them upPpPpPpPpPp !! <<>> sure softens mosT peopleS upPpP !! PreDaToRs BeWaRE David oZone CLarK is on the HuNT for the maYors Chair on oct 18 2021 <<>> hiP hiP HooraY !! ralph KLeiN would be Proud

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
As a Calgarian, I can't be bothered to read this kind of mess. As a Calgarian, I have the right to post this as well.
as of oct 18 th 2021 i wiLL clean up the mess <<>> i will maKe sure your RiGHTS will be in fuLL force <<>> people who can't be bothered are always the first to complain after the facT .. which 1 are u <<>> i will cLean up CaLgarY for all HuMAN KiND .. i am now exercising the freedom of speech acT of <<>> manY - MooNsago <<>> he was a greaT guY and maybe more people should be inspired iNN a positive waY ... Meow !!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Mr Ozone, your campaign has the momentum of a speeding freight train, why are you so popular?
yes THaNKS ... gunna haVe Ta sTaY TiGHT for now <<>> LiLduKe i LiKe Your sTyLe !! HoTsauce .. beeP !! beeP !!
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