NHL Playoff thread.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
A little chuckle for you today.....Go Canucks Go!

RECEPTIONIST: “Can I help you?”

CANUCKS: “I’m here to see the doctor.”

RECEPTIONIST: “Do you have an appointment?”

CANUCKS: “No. I was just hoping. ... I mean, it’s a bit of an emergency.”

RECEPTIONIST: “Oh? What’s the nature of the emergency?”

CANUCKS: “Well ... it’s a kind of ... ah ... it’s a ...” (looking around the crowded waiting room, then whispering) ... “‘man’ thing. If you catch my drift.”

RECEPTIONIST: “A man thing? I’m not sure I ... Oh ... Oh, I see. Yes, of course. Hang on a second. Let me see if the doctor can fit you in.” (She goes into the back, and emerges a few moments later.) “You’re in luck. The doctor has a few minutes open. Go on in.”

(The patient is shown into a small examination room. Moments later, the doctor enters. The doctor is a woman.)

DOCTOR: “Hi there. I’m a bit rushed today, so, sorry, but we’ll have to make this quick. What seems to be the problem?”

CANUCKS: “You’re a woman.”

DOCTOR: “Is that the problem or are you just making an observation?”

CANUCKS: “No, it’s just that ... I mean ... it’s a bit embarrassing for me. It’s a ... um ... a man problem.”

DOCTOR: “Ah, I see. A man problem. Please, don’t be embarrassed.

“I see this sort of thing every day.”

CANUCKS: “You do?”

DOCTOR: “Oh yes. It’s very common.”

CANUCKS: “I had no idea. I thought it was just ... you know ... a problem only I had.”

DOCTOR: “Far from it. It’s very common among men your age. By the way, how old are you?”

CANUCKS: “Forty-one.”

DOCTOR: “And how long have you had this problem?”

CANUCKS: “Well, the most recent bout started last week.”

DOCTOR: “The most recent bout?

CANUCKS: “Well, it’s happened before that. Actually, it’s happened for as long as I can remember.”

DOCTOR: “You mean you’ve never ... ah ... you mean you’ve always had this problem?”

CANUCKS: “Well ... yes. But I’ve been close! I mean, I’ve been really close! A couple of times it was like a matter of inches! I was right there!”

DOCTOR: “I see. And then what happened?”

CANUCKS: “And then I wasn’t there.”

DOCTOR: “Aha. And why do you think that is?”

CANUCKS: “Well, I get these thoughts in my head.”

DOCTOR: “Thoughts?”

CANUCKS: “Yeah. I’ll be doing what I’m supposed to be doing and then these thoughts come into my head. And then I can’t think straight. I can’t relax. Like last week.”

DOCTOR: “Last week?”

CANUCKS: “Yeah. Last week, things were going along great, and it looked like I was going to do it, and then, for some reason — and I have no idea why — an image of the John Hancock Building popped into my head. I mean, it was all I could think about. Which was a little intimidating for someone such as myself. And then I ... um ... shrank from the job at hand, if you catch my drift.”

DOCTOR: “I think I do. Here, let’s take a look at you. Stand up, please.” (The doctor examines the patient, checking blood pressure, listening to the heartbeat, feeling the glands for swelling.)

DOCTOR: “Is that tender?”

CANUCKS: “Cold hands!”

DOCTOR: “Sorry about that.... Well, everything seems to be in working order. But I think I know what your problem is. I’m going to prescribe something for you that should take care of it. Here. Take one of these pills four times daily.”

CANUCKS: “And that’s it?”

DOCTOR: “That’s it.”

CANUCKS: “Problem solved?”

DOCTOR: “With any luck.”

CANUCKS: “I could use some luck. Doc, I don’t know how to thank you.”

DOCTOR: “No thanks needed. Just get out there and do what you have to do. Here, let me see you out.”

(They walk out to the waiting room together. The patient leaves. The doctor and receptionist watch him go.)

RECEPTIONIST: “What was his problem?”

DOCTOR: “Nothing. Everything.”

RECEPTIONIST: “So what did you give him?”

DOCTOR: “A placebo. There’s nothing physically wrong with him.”

RECEPTIONIST: “You mean he’s a total head case?”

DOCTOR: “Totally.”

RECEPTIONIST: “Which is to say ...?

DOCTOR: “They haven’t made the pill yet that will ensure he’ll rise to the occasion.”


Read more: Opinion: The hockey doctor is in, and the remedy isn


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
I know its not favourable or probable. But i'm rooting for Tampa, so happy they hung in there last night. I actually went to their game in Tampa last Monday, they lost unfortunately..but who cares the tickets for 14th row from the ice were $75 and there still in so i'm keeping my fingers crossed! If they lose against Pittsburgh I will jump on the Van wagon.

Tampa is my 2nd team next to the Oilers, hard not to cheer for them when more than 3/4 of their team are Canadian..


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
Those last two minutes in the third really kept a guy on the edge of his seat. Nice to see them pull it together in OT.

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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last nights game reminded me of game 31 in the the regular season, the intenisty was way down, but I guess that was to be expected. Not taking Nashville lightly, they are just darn boring.

I can say this, I would trade Luongo for Rinne any day of the week.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
not a real intense game but a little tense just the same.....

One game closer to the parade....GO CANUCKS GO

it sure was a different feeling to OT in game 7 against Hawks. Maybe that is Nashville's strategy to make the Canucks sleepy then bang get a quick goal and rely of Pekka Rinne to keep them in.


Active VIP Member
Jul 20, 2009
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BC Baby
Time will tell, I think Vancouver will be the victors in this series as well, but look at last series was almost a bust........Go Canucks Go


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
I'm thinking this is a little known fact:

in 1976 the Olympics were held in Montreal.
in 1988 the Olympics were held in Calgary.
in 2010 the Olympics were held in Vancouver.

following the first two of those Olympics, do you remember who won Lord Stanley's Cup?

Montreal, Calgary, and this year, history will be made (as they say on TV):d:d:d
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