NFL players , bunch of self important Whiny tits !


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Opinions are like a-holes, everyones got one.(and this is Some NFL goof's opinion doesn't concern me.
The fact that so many people, including the POTUS do care what these guys think is rather alarming though.

Seriously, it's a bunch of grown men throwing around a ball and slapping each others ass's and these are who kids
are supposed to be looking up to?

No wonder our society is chit and is going to fall in short order.
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luvz da mud

Active VIP Member
May 4, 2012
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Actually I believe it had more to do with cops shooting unarmed citizens particularly black citizens. And yes athlete's are people of great influence and role models for many youth. The NFL has done a great deal to clean up it's image over the last 10+ years and no it isn't perfect but it has come a long way from the days of yacht orgies and repeated drug arrests. I too don't agree with taking a knee during the anthem as it does show great disrespect, however as most of those players are of color they have spent the majority of their lives dealing with a level of racism that many of us will never understand and was in all honesty was something I couldn't comprehend until spending a month working in Louisiana.

Perhaps their time would be better spent preaching police compliance to their people when they are pulled over? Almost every video I've seen the poor disenfranchised folks dont comply with police orders, tries talking over the officer negotiating with him trying to control the narrative. Not all, but most. Some even go as far as pointing a firearm at the cop then playing the race card when the cop shoots him. If I pull a gun on a cop I fully expect to get shot, regardless of the colour of my skin. Yet they constantly play the victim card with zero accountability for their own actions.

I wounder how many of them are donating their time and money in the off season trying to "make a difference"?

And if you think the NFL has cleaned up its act then you have clearly not been paying attention, they are acting like spoiled children now more than ever. How else would you describe sponsors cutting ties and continuing fan attendance dropping like a rock? Because the players are acting like disrespectful jackasses pushing a false narrative.

Check out some of Tommy Sotomayor's vids on YouTube, that's a guy I have a lot of respect for, NFL players, not so much.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Perhaps their time would be better spent preaching police compliance to their people when they are pulled over? Almost every video I've seen the poor disenfranchised folks dont comply with police orders, tries talking over the officer negotiating with him trying to control the narrative. Not all, but most. Some even go as far as pointing a firearm at the cop then playing the race card when the cop shoots him. If I pull a gun on a cop I fully expect to get shot, regardless of the colour of my skin. Yet they constantly play the victim card with zero accountability for their own actions.

I wounder how many of them are donating their time and money in the off season trying to "make a difference"?

And if you think the NFL has cleaned up its act then you have clearly not been paying attention, they are acting like spoiled children now more than ever. How else would you describe sponsors cutting ties and continuing fan attendance dropping like a rock? Because the players are acting like disrespectful jackasses pushing a false narrative.

Check out some of Tommy Sotomayor's vids on YouTube, that's a guy I have a lot of respect for, NFL players, not so much.
Many video playing both sides. But this what the people are kneeling for. We face the same racial tensions but our culture around gun violence is completely different. Look what happened to the Toronto cop that killed the guy on the bus or trolly or whatever it was. Obviously the taking of a knee has garnered some affect as people and governments are taking notice.
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