Mad as Hell


Active VIP Member
Jun 9, 2013
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Edmonton Alberta
Liberal government fully restores refugee health care program - Politics - CBC News

I sent his letter to The Honourable Jane Philpott federal minster of health

Please explain to me why new Canadians are getting better health care than me?
I have lived and worked in this great country all my life paid my share of the taxes and someone coming into this country gets health care for free
My wife had major work done in her mouth over that past 3 years WE had to pay for in ourselves we had no help for the province or the federal government
I am facing a work slowdown and you folks in Ottawa can't give our tax dollars away fast enough
Can I claim refugee status so I can get some freebees?
I don’t expect an answer as the new Liberal government doesn’t answer emails


Active VIP Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Edmonton Alberta
Here is my question to all you snow n mudders. Everyone has social media pages be it face crack, instagram, tumblr, twister, who the hell knows them all. The question is:
Who has seen one positive blip regarding politics lately being created by parties in power? Saskatchewan is exempt, that guy kicks A$$.

With social media so powerful these days how it these half wits get away with what they do AND how do those who support them keep the bubble wrap around their head intact?
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