Hello form Claresholm


Active member
Apr 4, 2012
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Claresholm Alberta
Hello all. As it says, from Claresholm. I've been surfing this site for awhile couple years anyway, thought I signed up but maybe not so I am now. If your wondering about the handle it's because of the kids car, I don't own a 240. I have a Chev truck, for packing toys, and a VW Jetta diesel for getting places cheaply when I'm not packing toys. I bought a 1000 Summit couple years back, after many years of not owning snowmobiles, had one bite me when I was a kid and lost interest. Skied for many years after that cause that's what I grew up doing, then was interested in the back country again and bought the sled. Was thinking of using it to backcountry ski, turns out the ski's don't make it into the plans, think it might have something to do with horsepower. I own numerous dirtbikes, and have for years, that's what I do in the summer. I ride and play in the Crow and into the East Kootenays, Fernie Cranbrook area is where I grew up, been living in Southern Alberta for about 15 years, you have to love the sunshine. Have family on other side of the pass, tease them often about living in the rain while it's sunny over here. I've been riding often in Crowsnest lately trail system in the area is great and since March snow has been too, there's still lots of it at present. Anyway have fun and stay safe out there.
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