H1 N1 Vaccinations


Active VIP Member
Jan 22, 2008
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St. Albert
I agree with everyone that is not taking the vaccine, one day there is H1N1 and the next there is a vaccine. I never get the flu shots or anything in that matter. 2 years ago family and I was going to Punta Cana and everybody was saying that you need to get shots for malaria, virusess and so on, so we all did. 1 week into our trip i got so sick down there that I was on 5 different meds and needed to get injections in my stomech for a week after, I have never been that sick in my life. I travel all over and never had a problem before. So they can stick that were the sun really doesn't shine....Enjoy for all the ones that do......:nono:


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Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Don't believe everything you hear from the medical community either. If they are so knowledgeable and pure of intent, why are their cancer treatment therapies such a joke? Why is it that there are such terrible side effects from the drugs they give for mental illness? It isn't heresay, my nephew has mental problems and has bad side effects from the drugs they give out. I've known several people with cancer that trusted the "medical experts" and took the standard therapies. They all died very soon after. I've also known people that used alternative treatments, and they are still alive. The medical experts have made blunders, and will religiously persecute anyone that has a viewpoint that is not the same as theirs, as they are all one big happy family. I will listen to the doctors, but I take what they say with a huge grain of salt, as I've seen many I wouldn't take my dog to. You can ridicule me if you like, but at least I am confident in the knowledge that I can think for myself.:rant:

If you look at the number of deaths in the US attributed to "medical mistakes" it's mine boggling. Waaay more than any pandemic. Seasonal flu takes out about 36,000 people annually in the US. Each year in the US about 10,000 people are killed walking across MARKED crosswalks and getting smoked by a vehicle.

If anyone bothered to look at the death rate stats table I posted from Stats Can/Health Assoc., actual deaths attributed to indectious disease is actually at the bottom of the list. Unintentional accidents is near the top in all age groups.

My Sister and nephew went and stood in line for 2 hours to get the shot. Nephew developed the flu that night. Likely cuaught it from some of the sick people waiting along side them. Sooo...you go get the shot but are at a higher risk for contracting the flu....

Go figure!?

Junior Highmark

Active VIP Member
Dec 5, 2006
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HOW BOUT THEM CALGARY FLAMES???:mad::realmad::rant:

They got to skip the line to get the shot in because they are considered "High risk" because they make contact with another team every once in a while.

Police men, Fire fighters, Parademedics! None of them get to skip the 6 hour lines because they are considered high risk.

I watched the news and someone's going to be fired for this =)
If they wanted it that bad, they could have gone state side and used there millions of dollar salary's to pay for it.

Pizz's me right off. That's not right. :rant::mad::nono:

Just sayin..


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2008
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H1N1, to get the shot or not.....:confused:

Well considering I'm high risk (not near as old as SBR) that was funny Mike :d, I thought I would go to one of the clinics and get the shot....

Stayed in line for awhile and started to wonder just how safe I was with the hundreds of people standing around coughing and gasping :eek:, me thinking they surely would have also been high risk (yes sarcasm :() I finally left wasn't too thrilled at what I saw.

Now, today is day 7 that I have been home sick, started out with the flu then went to full blown H1N1 (yes tested at the vet clinic as mike (all them numbers) calls the place), been on the tamiflu since day 1 and I still feel like crap, I have never been so sick in my life.

I am thinking that maybe instead of telling them I was extremely high risk that maybe I should have told them that I played hockey for the flame maybe I would have been moved to the front of the line, or maybe they would have opened a special clinic then I could have called SBR and said that he was the goalie or something and he could have gotten his shot also..........

Yes I am pizzed, not that I got sick, pizzed at the whole way they rolled out the botcher of a program that they did. I hope, I really hope someone answers for this huge blunder...... :rant:


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
H1N1, to get the shot or not.....:confused:

Well considering I'm high risk (not near as old as SBR) that was funny Mike :d, I thought I would go to one of the clinics and get the shot....

Stayed in line for awhile and started to wonder just how safe I was with the hundreds of people standing around coughing and gasping :eek:, me thinking they surely would have also been high risk (yes sarcasm :() I finally left wasn't too thrilled at what I saw.

Now, today is day 7 that I have been home sick, started out with the flu then went to full blown H1N1 (yes tested at the vet clinic as mike (all them numbers) calls the place), been on the tamiflu since day 1 and I still feel like crap, I have never been so sick in my life.

I am thinking that maybe instead of telling them I was extremely high risk that maybe I should have told them that I played hockey for the flame maybe I would have been moved to the front of the line, or maybe they would have opened a special clinic then I could have called SBR and said that he was the goalie or something and he could have gotten his shot also..........

Yes I am pizzed, not that I got sick, pizzed at the whole way they rolled out the botcher of a program that they did. I hope, I really hope someone answers for this huge blunder...... :rant:

Man!!!!!!!!!! I hope you feel better! :d:d:d:d


Active VIP Member
Oct 24, 2008
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A, A
I'm going to be blunt and just say the responses I've read so far are largely posted out of ignorance!

We are just entering flu season and I guarentee you each one of you will be touched by this virus! How would you feel if your child dies and you could have done something about it!!!

A great big thanks to you Doc!!! I pick life for my kids....just saying....

Education isnt it wonderful...


Active VIP Member
Oct 24, 2008
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A, A
I have to say after working in the ER the last two weeks has changed my mind about H1N1.....In my opinion we have nothing to lose by getting the vaccine as the alternative could mean ventilator in ICU or death ...!!

We all have to be informed .............read up on it for yourself and don't listen to bad information , make a educated decision......:d:d

Whatever ............... bottom line get your shot!!

I think that I have been clear in saying make an educated decision .........Don't want to get it for personal reasons ...DON'T ........I'm not really sure when this became a" US "against "THEM" debate ........I just want everyone to be informed .........If medicine was a exact science we would all be out of jobs............:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Thank you to NP and SD for all the right and educated information....as a fellow Health Care Professional I agreed with all the above comments....in the end make your desicions for YOU and YOUR beliefs not based on anyone else or the media hype

And yes we all (7yr old, 13yr old, Mattmedic and myself) got our shots and have had no side effects....My opinion....get your shots...:)
Last edited:

Alberta Boy

Active VIP Member
Jul 21, 2008
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No longer in Alberta... Moved to Toronto!
...and until you actualy have children you will never have any reasonable input, theories, and all else is simply "blah blah blah"

I have four kids oldest 13 youngest 2 ........whats in your house ??

I spend countless hours researching autism and the effects of Immunisations in fact I have over 20 hours this week alone more than 100 hours in the last 3 weeks

while you are busy at your job and impressing the chicks well I am busy filling the Shots full of holes no pun intended . ;)

I assume that this is a feeble attempt to sling mud at me...

First off, I am married and have 2 kids myself (4.5 years and 8 months), Secondly, I don't know if you are in a position to question me or my knowledge on this subject and lastly, this has nothing to do with "the chicks" as you claim... :confused:

I have NEVER once said that I was for or against the vaccine (and I think that is a personal choice)! What I HAVE been saying is make sure that you are educating yourself by reading up on the risk/benefit of the H1N1 shot from CREDIBLE sources... I have seen links, videos and quotes to some of the most ridiculous information I have ever seen! It is even beyond comical with little or no support based on fact. Go do your research in reputable clinical publications like the Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine or even JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). All of these journals have strict procedures of peer (other scientists and specialists) reviewing to make sure that all of the data is credible and there was no bias in the clinical study...

Provide me information from a reputable journal and I will listen...

PS... good on you for doing the research!... just make sure you are researching material that is supported with fact not simply theories...


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
I am still opting out for getting the shot, I just got over the flu and my body fought it off naturally, I didn't go to the doctor once, just stayed home and took care of myself..I don't even know if I had H1N1 or a regular cold/flu virus but whatever it was I have never had it before. I have a friend who got the shot and it made her sooo sick, sicker then I was with the flu - no thanks! I have read plenty of things, I have a big long e-mail and the source is from a "credible" doctor with a link to his bio and everything, outlining the very negative effects of some of the "ingredients" in the flu shot and I am just not willing to take the risk of putting some of these things into my body. If anyone has interest in reading this info on the swine flu vaccine I have about the "negative" effects, let me know I will send it.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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H1N1, to get the shot or not.....:confused:

Well considering I'm high risk (not near as old as SBR) that was funny Mike :d, I thought I would go to one of the clinics and get the shot....

Stayed in line for awhile and started to wonder just how safe I was with the hundreds of people standing around coughing and gasping :eek:, me thinking they surely would have also been high risk (yes sarcasm :() I finally left wasn't too thrilled at what I saw.

Now, today is day 7 that I have been home sick, started out with the flu then went to full blown H1N1 (yes tested at the vet clinic as mike (all them numbers) calls the place), been on the tamiflu since day 1 and I still feel like crap, I have never been so sick in my life.

I am thinking that maybe instead of telling them I was extremely high risk that maybe I should have told them that I played hockey for the flame maybe I would have been moved to the front of the line, or maybe they would have opened a special clinic then I could have called SBR and said that he was the goalie or something and he could have gotten his shot also..........

Yes I am pizzed, not that I got sick, pizzed at the whole way they rolled out the botcher of a program that they did. I hope, I really hope someone answers for this huge blunder...... :rant:

Hope you get better soon Dale:d Flu SUCKS!!!!
I'm boycotting the flu..........

my mod

Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Water Valley....Gone from McMurray!!!
"I'm not really concerned about swine flu. Here's my concern...

3 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the cow = Mad Cow disease.

2 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the bird = Avian flu.

This year, Chinese calender year of the pig = swine flu.

Next year, Chinese calender year of the cock :eek:


Active VIP Member
Dec 12, 2008
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Central Alberta
"I'm not really concerned about swine flu. Here's my concern...

3 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the cow = Mad Cow disease.

2 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the bird = Avian flu.

This year, Chinese calender year of the pig = swine flu.

Next year, Chinese calender year of the cock :eek:

You are very FUNNY !!!!! LOL LOL
Many of us need a good laugh with this serious subject !!!


Active VIP Member
Oct 26, 2008
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North of 60 ....deep deep in da bush ...
I assume that this is a feeble attempt to sling mud at me...

First off, I am married and have 2 kids myself (4.5 years and 8 months), Secondly, I don't know if you are in a position to question me or my knowledge on this subject and lastly, this has nothing to do with "the chicks" as you claim... :confused:

I have NEVER once said that I was for or against the vaccine (and I think that is a personal choice)! What I HAVE been saying is make sure that you are educating yourself by reading up on the risk/benefit of the H1N1 shot from CREDIBLE sources... I have seen links, videos and quotes to some of the most ridiculous information I have ever seen! It is even beyond comical with little or no support based on fact. Go do your research in reputable clinical publications like the Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine or even JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). All of these journals have strict procedures of peer (other scientists and specialists) reviewing to make sure that all of the data is credible and there was no bias in the clinical study...

Provide me information from a reputable journal and I will listen...

PS... good on you for doing the research!... just make sure you are researching material that is supported with fact not simply theories...

did you watch that 90 minute documentry on Vacs ???? hmmm


Active VIP Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Mcbride BC
148 days, still alive and healthy.

Does anyone know if Santa got his shot, he should've been first in line, thinking he's extremely high risk, and the kids would really miss him.....

Alberta Boy

Active VIP Member
Jul 21, 2008
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No longer in Alberta... Moved to Toronto!
I guess this is the part where I put a muzzle on you for good

didn't want to but here goes ....My oldest boy is Autistic ........

sooo in classic H2 style

have a nice day

very classy... thank you for confirming my point on ignorance!
Did you sue the government and pharmaceutical company when you found out your boy has Autism?

PS... If you follow Jenny McCarthy's "autism cure program", your son should be good as gold in no time!


Active VIP Member
Oct 26, 2008
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North of 60 ....deep deep in da bush ...
I guess this is the part where I put a muzzle on you for good

didn't want to but here goes ....My oldest boy is Autistic ........

sooo in classic H2 style

have a nice day

very classy... thank you for confirming my point on ignorance!
Did you sue the government and pharmaceutical company when you found out your boy has Autism?

PS... If you follow Jenny McCarthy's "autism cure program", your son should be good as gold in no time!

no we didn't sue the gov ...it was a while before could connect the dots ......he was 2 years old good to go happy ..learning ..had lots of enthusiasm ...and then after his 2 year shots his face changed...became silent , reclusive etc ...

thanks but 11 years later and 100% natural aproach to things he has gotten better to where he can smile again

ps I deleted my previous ..just was for you ;):beer:
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