

Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Down by the Bay
Those dishes aint gonna wash themselves trish.....

Ok.. I'm in.

I'm not going to rip your nads off because you slammed riding with women or the things that we do as women sledders. Yet......

True enough man, it's not for everyone. Those who chose to ride with their wives are usually not a part of the "old boys club". To each their own. My husband was attracted to me initially BECAUSE I rode, and sled too... (little humor there).
The good old days are still kicking around for some. I am thankful for my sled guys. They are my best friends in the world. We all share the same demented sledder humor. There's enough room on the hill for each mentality, and each is not for everyone, for sure.
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