Recent content by marcel.

  1. marcel.

    Digital gauge and headlights not working!

    Yeah check the fuse and maybe wiggle the connection a bit.
  2. marcel.

    Proclimb suspension

    I have 75 on right side 78 on left and I'm about 175 in rear and for some reason the rear still bottoms out I'm 230lbs it shouldn't bottom out at that psi. I might switch to coils in the rear anyways the front I like.
  3. marcel.

    Track tension

    Yeah the best tention always seems to be as loose as possible without ratcheting.
  4. marcel.

    Bogging issues

    I had similar issues with my 09 m1000 all I did was punch two holes in the airbox in front and put those slp flow rite vents and my problem was solved.
  5. marcel.

    Chain case oil change

    I totally agree with the engineering going backwards. They sure don't make it easy to work on these machines anymore.
  6. marcel.

    Break in period 14 m8000

    You must hook up real well now haha
  7. marcel.

    Break in period 14 m8000

    Ok so all things I can do myself. So if i don't bring it in will this void warranty in any way?
  8. marcel.

    Break in period 14 m8000

    So now I'm curious my dealer said first service at 500 km is this a money grab or is there a real reason behind thid?
  9. marcel.

    Break in period 14 m8000

    Thanks for the opinions guys.
  10. marcel.

    Break in period 14 m8000

    I just bought a brand new 14 m8000 I'm just curious on what everyones opinions are on break in periods. I've asked a few buddies of mine and they all had different answers some even said no break in is required. So im just curious as to what you guys think.
  11. marcel.

    is the 14 PC 800 actually better than the the 13 ?

    When I bought my 14 the other day I asked the guy what the major differences were between 14 and 15 and he said its only the graphics and the 15 comes factory anti stab kit. So I bought the 14 because I saved a lot of cloin.
  12. marcel.

    Edmonton Sled Show

    Its an awesome show but I have one bit of advice for you. Know your prices so that when you go to buy something and they tell you its a good deal you know if it is or isn't. And when I went I paid everything in cash, they like cash haha cash =deals :)
  13. marcel.

    Best exhaust and why?

    But I don't understand why some you need programers and some you don't how does that work and that tss pipe looks nice. Other than that dead end looks funky
  14. marcel.

    Best exhaust and why?

    How much $$ did that run you if you don't mind me asking.
  15. marcel.

    Best exhaust and why?

    Yeah and most of the time with only a can you loose torque from loss of back pressure.
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