Trials riding at its finest


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Nov 13, 2007
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I do not agree with you TOOL, his redneck redereck should stay in his inbread trailer. Stop with the I will beat you down attitude, to many people in life bully and beat on others for what??? To make BUBS feel good??? WTF?? Get a F$%KING life!! LOSER!!
Kids that he was talking about are probley his own misdirected little inbread sons of a sister(his sister) and he is mad at them for hitting on his date, the neighbors dog.
Loser, thats it, me BUBS me tough, me kick little peoples asses. Direct are youth, don't beat them up, every parent needs to look at themselves when there little hellion is out there disturbing the public, This world has no accountablity anymore.
It was just a video of a very talented young man with a very bright future. Thats it, then its oh how I would bash his skull in if he were close to me BULLSH1T! BUBS children will more than likely have the same precious mentality, thus the wonderfull place we all live in. Best thing that could happen would be BUBS get kicked in the Jimmy by the next donkey that he tries to please and can never reproduce!


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Spruce Grove, AB
I do not agree with you TOOL, his redneck redereck should stay in his inbread trailer. Stop with the I will beat you down attitude, to many people in life bully and beat on others for what??? To make BUBS feel good??? WTF?? Get a F$%KING life!! LOSER!!
Kids that he was talking about are probley his own misdirected little inbread sons of a sister(his sister) and he is mad at them for hitting on his date, the neighbors dog.
Loser, thats it, me BUBS me tough, me kick little peoples asses. Direct are youth, don't beat them up, every parent needs to look at themselves when there little hellion is out there disturbing the public, This world has no accountablity anymore.
It was just a video of a very talented young man with a very bright future. Thats it, then its oh how I would bash his skull in if he were close to me BULLSH1T! BUBS children will more than likely have the same precious mentality, thus the wonderfull place we all live in. Best thing that could happen would be BUBS get kicked in the Jimmy by the next donkey that he tries to please and can never reproduce!

I think you need medication and therapy ...:confused:


Active VIP Member
Nov 15, 2007
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Penticton BC
I do not agree with you TOOL, his redneck redereck should stay in his inbread trailer. Stop with the I will beat you down attitude, to many people in life bully and beat on others for what??? To make BUBS feel good??? WTF?? Get a F$%KING life!! LOSER!!
Kids that he was talking about are probley his own misdirected little inbread sons of a sister(his sister) and he is mad at them for hitting on his date, the neighbors dog.
Loser, thats it, me BUBS me tough, me kick little peoples asses. Direct are youth, don't beat them up, every parent needs to look at themselves when there little hellion is out there disturbing the public, This world has no accountablity anymore.
It was just a video of a very talented young man with a very bright future. Thats it, then its oh how I would bash his skull in if he were close to me BULLSH1T! BUBS children will more than likely have the same precious mentality, thus the wonderfull place we all live in. Best thing that could happen would be BUBS get kicked in the Jimmy by the next donkey that he tries to please and can never reproduce!

I do agree with the saying "the apple does not fall far from the tree" If Bubs is talking about laying someone out because they came to close to him on the street, kids will pick up on that and the "cycle" begins. :nono:This dude has raw talent, as long as it does not hurt others let him ride. :d


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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:rant: Thanks for the laugh .08 I needed that. My basement flooded the day I posted my original message and I was in a bad mood...sorry if I got you that worked up that you needed to bash for me awhile. As for all the Hillbilly inbreeding, dog and wife beating stuff, you've never met me or even talked to me on here before, but if that's what you think I am like, then so be it.

Anyways maybe .08 will calm down now and this thread can be returned to being about the guy on the bike and his skills. Sorry for any offences and implied harshness on my part.

Have a good night fellas:beer:


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
:rant: Thanks for the laugh .08 I needed that. My basement flooded the day I posted my original message and I was in a bad mood...sorry if I got you that worked up that you needed to bash for me awhile. As for all the Hillbilly inbreeding, dog and wife beating stuff, you've never met me or even talked to me on here before, but if that's what you think I am like, then so be it.

Anyways maybe .08 will calm down now and this thread can be returned to being about the guy on the bike and his skills. Sorry for any offences and implied harshness on my part.

Have a good night fellas:beer:

Takes a man of intergety to respond the way you did to all the trash talk that you just took. I salute you, GIBBIES to Bubs. Hope that all goes well with your basement. I think I know where you are coming from with that post. I agree with you to some degree. that kind of riding should not be done randomly on the street. BUT and I say that because I don't know for sure, but I'm willing to bet that this video was shot in a controlled environment. Guys with that kind of talent know the risks they aare taking and don't need any outside factors that they have to worry about. Look at the video again and tell me that I'm wrong.


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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I don't know it looks to me like there is people walking around and stuff, but maybe the rider feels they are a safe enough distance away. A crazy amount of skill that's for sure. Thanks for the Gibbys, wish I could actually have one. As for the basement I have tore out the carpet, underlay, bottom foot of drywall and insulation during the day...working nights this week to top it all off.



Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
I don't know it looks to me like there is people walking around and stuff, but maybe the rider feels they are a safe enough distance away. A crazy amount of skill that's for sure. Thanks for the Gibbys, wish I could actually have one. As for the basement I have tore out the carpet, underlay, bottom foot of drywall and insulation during the day...working nights this week to top it all off.


if you really need Gibbies I'm Only an hour and a half away.
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