Recomended av gear


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2008
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Just wondering if you guys could post some real world experiance on av gear that you have used in the field and really liked or hated. I would hate to by a av pack and find out the cord doesn't work first pull in a avalanche or the probe I bought is to cheap and won't push through the ice and snow. Beacons also aren't cheap I want to make sure when i get one that it has sufficent range. Anyone ever bought a car starter that claimed to work for 2km and bairly works 10 feet from the car:mad:


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Oct 1, 2008
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Used to be the Best Country on Earth
Contact "Zac's Tracks" - take the AST 1 - they bring an assortment of gear you can check out for yourself not to mention you can pick their brains for excellent advice - one major thing our group learned was our "cheap short probes" were useless in real Avy run out (Too short & not stiff enough..... ya I know - makes me laugh too) - Our group took it last year - definitely think it is a requirement - having the gear without knowing how to use it is as bad as not having it - any way good luck


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
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Sprucegrove Ab.
Just wondering if you guys could post some real world experiance on av gear that you have used in the field and really liked or hated. I would hate to by a av pack and find out the cord doesn't work first pull in a avalanche or the probe I bought is to cheap and won't push through the ice and snow. Beacons also aren't cheap I want to make sure when i get one that it has sufficent range. Anyone ever bought a car starter that claimed to work for 2km and bairly works 10 feet from the car:mad:

I agree with hot head I took the AST 1 this year and found it very usefull also small book you get in the classroom very good for refreshing yourself as far as beacons I have the DSP by pieps very easy to use, very accurate and when we did the course I was aprox 30 feet futher away than the rest of the group before loosing signal and found 3 of the 8 beacons hidden in a group of 9 students there are other good ones out there though also use ABS bag the first series mono bag i got it for 450.00 but probably not the best one out there. goodluck. 1 piece of advice if someone in the group is not comfortable the group doesnt go trust your gut instinct


Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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BTT. More info the better. Taking the courses but other expirience is good too. Everyone seems to have an opinion on cans, tracks etc. But no one is giving out much info towards avy gear.
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