I wonder if they will allow snowmobiling here


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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So Ur saying all u albertians are rich fort Mac peeps ??

I'm just a poor alberta auto tech...

It does make a difference for how many times I get to go a year.

For example. Good breakfast in McBride. 6.95.

Golden 11.95 for the same thing.

U are close to double the price for a room in revy.

That's 2 nites somewhere else for the price of one.

How about fuel. Golden is allways at least 5c more a L than revy.

I don't down town it anymore.

Revy used to have a awsome nite life and spent way too much.

It's all gone and now I just stay in the room.

U tell me what ski hills do pano....

sent from my I phone azz kicking HTC

nope, i was reffering to the cost of hotel rooms in northern alberta. 20 yrs ago when i pipelined in n ab rooms were $50 a night. Now they're over a $100 and you're lucky if you can find one. Anyones fault???? No just supply and demand, same as Revy.

Destinations are going to get more expensive, if you are not happy with the costs then for sure go somewhere else or talk to the business you have been dealing with for 20yrs. But to bash Skiers and put the blame on them for driving up the cost.....

I am tired of the skier bashing on here, it is a form of bullying and there is no reason for it. I have a child that gets bullied at school and you have no idea how it affects us. It may seem like a small thing to bash a skier but it shows the lack of respect our society has for others who are "different", when kids hear parents talk this way it carry's over to them and what is relative to them. Such as another kid who is different socially, or rides a bmx instead of a skateboard, or plays in band vs football team.

What do ski hills do..... lose money. I know this first hand working in management for nearly 10yrs and now out of due to downsizing to save $. For someone to want to start a resort now they either need a tax write off or they have no idea what they are doing. Revy is losing, Golden is losing, Pano is losing.... if these established resorts can not make a profit then how does a new resort stand a chance?

I heard a rumor the proposed Valemont ski hill is backed by the same group as Jumbo..... makes ya wonder what the reason is. I don't think its about money so much as the ability to say "I built that" just another picture in the portfollio.

summer operations at resorts are a losing cause also, the only one that makes money is Whistler. All others have to short of season to generate big enough numbers to actually make a difference. A $100k summer profit is nothing when a resort loses 1 million overall. Most resorts are saying screw it, not worth the effort.

Golf courses are the same, losers. Grey Wolf has not turned a profit in years, neither has Eagle Ranch why.... to short of season, to many other golf courses, it goes on and on.


Active member
Nov 18, 2009
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Well I see a silver lining to this whole ski hill thing.

Me:"Hey honey, we should go on a nice couples weekend with couple friend x and y"

Wife:"That sounds wonderful, nice to get away from work in the winter for a change and it will be nice to spend the time with you"

Me:"Ok you pack your skis and I'll load the sled!"

10 minutes later I fills my buddy in on the deal. Sure I might have to go boarding for a day but hell if it gets me to the mountains for another weekend and a few more brownie points I'm game.
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