Has ISIS gone too far?


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2013
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G.P Alberta
Hard to believe they have go through a story like that.
Just goes shows how strong headed they are to make it through all that and still want to slaughter us.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Classy comment, I bet you would have a different tune if you were born into a different situation
Hard to believe they have go through a story like that.
Just goes shows how strong headed they are to make it through all that and still want to slaughter us.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
One thing is for sure.... .Putin is like a kid in a candy store... !!! He does not know what bomb/ missile to try next..not often you get to real world test your arsenal on real people. This is a a BIG warning to the U.S. , your done.....


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Anybody see the footage of Obama and Trudeau's meeting in Manilla? Apparently they were discussing ISIS and Obama looked very perturbed to say the least. Looked very strained.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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something to mull over

You’re 29 years old with a wife, two children and a job. You have enough money, and can afford a few nice things, and you live in a small house in the city.
Suddenly the political situation in your country changes and a few months later soldiers are gathered in front of your house. And in front of your neighbours’ houses.
They say that if you don’t fight for them, they will shoot you.
Your neighbour refuses.
One shot. That’s it.

You overhear one of the soldiers telling your wife to spread her legs.
Somehow you get rid of the soldiers and spend the night deep in thought.
Suddenly you hear an explosion. Your house no longer has a living room.
You run outside and see that the whole street is destroyed.
Nothing is left standing.
You take your family back into the house, and then you run to your parents' house.
It is no longer there. Nor are your parents.
You look around and find an arm with your Mother’s ring on its finger. You can’t find any other sign of your parents.
"But asylum seekers have so many luxury goods! Smartphones, and designer clothes!"
You immediately forget it. You rush home, and tell your wife to get the children dressed. You grab a small bag, because anything bigger will be impossible to carry for a long time, and in it you pack essentials. Only 2 pieces of clothing each can fit in the bag.
What do you take?
You will probably never see your home country again.
Not your family, not your neighbours, your workmates…
But how can you stay in contact?
You hastily throw your smartphone and the charger in the bag.
Along with the few clothes, some bread and your small daughters favourite teddy.
"They can easily afford to get away. They aren’t poor!"
Because you could see the emergency coming, you have already scraped all your money together.
You managed to save some money because of your well paid job.
The kind people smuggler in the neighbourhood charges 5,000 euros per person.
You have 15,000 euros. With a bit of luck, you’ll all be able to go. If not, you will have to let your wife go.
You love her and pray that you the smugglers will take you all.
By now you are totally wiped out and have nothing else. Just your family and the bag.
The journey to the border takes two weeks on foot.
You are hungry and for the last week have barely eaten. You are weak, as is your wife. But at least the children have enough.
They have cried for the whole 2 weeks.
Half the time you have to carry your younger daughter. She is only 21 months old.
A further 2 weeks and you arrive at the sea.
In the middle of the night you’re loaded onto a ship with other refugees.
You are lucky: your whole family can travel.
The ship is so full that it threatens to capsize. You pray that you don’t drown.
The people around you are crying and screaming.
A few small children have died of thirst.
The smugglers throw them overboard.
Your wife sits, vacantly, in a corner. She hasn’t had anything to drink for 2 days.
When the coast is in sight, you are loaded onto small boats.
Your wife and the younger child are on one, you and your older child are on another.
You are warned to stay silent so that nobody knows you’re there.
Your older daughter understands.
But your younger one in the other boat doesn’t. She doesn’t stop crying.
The other refugees are getting nervous. They demand that your wife keeps the child quiet.
She doesn’t manage it.
One of the men grabs your daughter, rips her away from your wife and throws her overboard.
You jump in after her, but you can’t find her again.
Never again.
In 3 months she would have turned 2 years old.
Isn’t that enough for you? They still have it too good here and have everything handed to them on a plate?
You don’t know how you, your wife and your older daughter manage to get to the country that takes you in.
It’s as though everything is all foggy. Your wife hasn’t spoken a word since your daughter died.
Your older daughter hasn’t let go of her sister’s teddy and is totally apathetic.
But you have to keep going. You are just about to arrive at the emergency accommodation.
It is 10pm. A man whose language you don’t understand takes you to a hall with camp beds. There are 500 beds all very close together.
In the hall it’s stuffy and loud.
You try to get your bearings. To understand what the people there want from you.
But in reality you can barely stand up. You nearly wish that they had shot you.
Instead you unpack your meagre possessions:
Two items of clothing each and your smartphone.
Then you spend your first night in a safe country.
The next morning you’re given some clothes.
Among the donated clothes are even branded ‘label’ clothes. And a toy for your daughter.
You are given 140 euros. For the whole month.
"They’re safe here. Therefore they should be happy!"
Outside in the yard, dressed in your new clothes, you hold your smartphone high in the air and hope to have some reception.
You need to know if anyone from your city is still alive.
Then a 'concerned citizen‘ comes by and abuses you.
You don’t know why. You don’t understand “Go back to your own country!"
You understand some things like “smartphone” and “handed everything on a plate.”
Somebody translates it for you.
And now tell me how you feel and what you own?
The answer to both parts of that is “Nothing.”

Heres roes another perspective,

[Numerous European governments have taken it upon themselves to provide aid to Syrian refugees. Evacuees are being provided with food, shelter and clothing. Despite the support they have received, these same refugees have publicly stated that they are less than impressed with their present lodgings. There was a recent television piece in the Netherlands concerning a new group of Syrian evacuees. During the segment, the refugees were approached by a Dutch reporter after discovering that they were sleeping outdoors. The refugees had decided to sleep outside in order to protest their current living conditions.

One of the refugees, an English-speaking Syrian woman, stated “this is not a life when you get inside to a room without a TV. Just a bed, there is no fridge, no lockers, no privacy.” The clothing worn by the speaker was better quality than would be expected for a refugee, and her hair had been dyed red. The woman did not stop there. She went on to say “we’re going to stay outside because we don’t want to eat this food, and we don’t want to stay in the room. We’re running away from our country because of the situation, and now we live in a jail.” The evident dissatisfaction with the afforded provisions comes as something of a shock considering that they are being provided at the expense of taxpayers. The reporter followed up with the woman the next morning. In addition to her unwavering complaints about living conditions, she also criticized the allowance the refugees were receiving from the government of the Netherlands.

The reporter sat, amazed, as she went on to explain that she thought they would be better off back in their occupied homeland. She complained that “here, it is not a life. There, we know there is a war, but here there is no life. You are sitting here in jail. It’s the same situation, but in Syria you can live for real. They are giving us just 10 to 12 Euro (a week). It’s not real.” There have been reports that numerous refugees have taken issue with the arrival of additional evacuees. Some migrants have stated that the various European governments offering aid are incapable of caring for all of the refugees. Most would assume that for those fleeing a country ravaged by war, the offer of shelter and safety would be more than enough.]

My thoughts;

Fact is that Syria and Turkey and the a couple other countries in that area of the world have certainly been the focus and the star of the world show at present, and the situation of their people is certainly dire and desperate and deserving of help,
but Reality is, if you really start looking and comparing the situation their people are experiencing to a very large number of countries around the world , and even in our own countries, your ill find there are many people deserving of better in desperate situations all over the world. My take is so many bleeding hearts and wanna be do gooders and religous zealots get all fired up by the flavour of the month cause that presently is getting Center stage in the world media show, and that's great good on em, if they need to support those people financially or travel there and give assistance great. But this dumb idea that everyone in our country has to incur the cost and the risk of helping , needs to stop. You wanna help, fly at it, personally , good on ya, but don't assume that all of us want to participate, and keep in mind , you can't save every disadvantaged person on the planet, so just choosing the ones who have the media stage at this time is kind of a slippery slope, what are you gonna do if the news networks start showing all the desperation in all the countries in the world, how ya gonna pick ? I think some peoples common sense gets lost in their desire to be seen as a saviour and benefactor for the most visible minority, while putting at risk their own family's safety and long term prosperity.
You wanna give support and money , go ahead, personally, it's your call.

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Active VIP Member
Mar 10, 2010
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Grande Prairie
VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – The federal Liberals’ plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees is pegged to cost $1.2 billion dollars over the next six years.

According to a document obtained by The Canadian Press, the Immigration Department would need $528.4 million this year, and Defence $98.7 million.

A Vancouver immigration lawyer says a lot of expenses will be incurred beyond just getting the refugees here from temporary camps abroad.

Processing and screening the refugees will take up a large part of that budget, and so will transporting them into Canada, says Peter Edelmann.

Another significant part of that money will be needed to get the refugees resettled.

“It’s getting the kids into school, and getting the adults to learn a new language and getting them to the point where they can work. There is also lot of counselling and housing that are required.”

The federal cost estimates come in the midst of a debate over whether we are prepared to accept the refugees given what happened in Paris last week.

But Edelmann points out regardless of whether those refugees are accepted, some 20,000 people make refugee claims in Canada every year.

“People either make claims at ports-of-entry, usually at Canadian airports. There is another group of people who are here as visitors, workers, students, who make claims while living in Canada.”

The in-country applicants have had no prior screening and have no support systems in place, unlike sponsored refugees.

Edelmann feels accepting 25,000 Syrian refugees is a drop in the bucket, compared to the roughly quarter million permanent residents who make Canada their new home every year.


Active VIP Member
Apr 16, 2010
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Central Alberta
The first perspective missed the part with the option to put your family In a safe place after you flee and then you join whichever force it is fighting the people ruining your country and God willing you defeat them and go back to your town and rebuild.

Thing is that isn't happening. They are just turning and running. So what happens when it's all over? Who rebuilds the country if everyone leaves?

Sorry I have no bleeding hearts for them. If that same scenario happened here after my family was safe your damn right I would go back to fight.

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Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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Ya sure... Thing is they catch you and cut your head off...unless you join up... wanna see a vid?

It's easy to say this from the comfort of your computer....

The first perspective missed the part with the option to put your family In a safe place after you flee and then you join whichever force it is fighting the people ruining your country and God willing you defeat them and go back to your town and rebuild.

Thing is that isn't happening. They are just turning and running. So what happens when it's all over? Who rebuilds the country if everyone leaves?

Sorry I have no bleeding hearts for them. If that same scenario happened here after my family was safe your damn right I would go back to fight.

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Active VIP Member
Apr 16, 2010
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Central Alberta
Ya sure... Thing is they catch you and cut your head off...unless you join up... wanna see a vid?

It's easy to say this from the comfort of your computer....
Don't get caught.

Has nothing to do with being on a computer either. I say these things honestly as I care about my country, my fellow citizens, and our freedom. I wouldn't stand by and watch it get destroyed without doing something.

Look at Vietnam, South Korea, Japan. They all got the $hit kicked out of them and never had mass exodus' to other countries trying to run away. When it was over, they came back to rebuild.

And those that did leave damn sure didn't protest in the streets complaining because they don't like the food or have a TV.

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Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Ya sure... Thing is they catch you and cut your head off...unless you join up... wanna see a vid?

It's easy to say this from the comfort of your computer....

So you're solution is they just run away, but expect to be taken in somewhere , with the expectation that their entire cultural, religious way of life will be made available, well, just the good parts or parts they demand. Historically this has happened many times before in many countries, what would have happened you think if in the past , every time this horrible situation developed, the citizens just packed up, applied to be taken in by some good samaritan country and left the mess behind ? What would have become of all these countries that were in this same boat, if they wouldn't have fought back, stood up, defended their ancestry, their culture and their family homes and businesses. Talk about enabling, now we got the unrealistic bleeding hearts saying, yeah thats horrible come on over here and get away from that mess, you know, the one that they themselves had some part in making. Sure, Bring that crap over here and let us add all of your problems to our own increasing pile of BS that we don't have a handle on.
What you gonna do if the monsters come to your door and demand everything you got, run away and expect someone to assume and fix all your problems cause it hit the fan. a great number of these tragically affected people in some way or another brought this $hitstorm on themselves, some by action, some by inaction, but regardless, those are problems specific to that country and those problems should stay in that country, not be assumed by Canada or any other country. We are mucking with the natural order here IMO, a lot of folks are getting a little full of themselves, gonna fix the world, i see it coming around to bite some of those folks hard on the a$$.

popcorn popper

Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2008
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central alberta
Watch this video changes things abit!The Ezra Levant Show: Best of... Muslims in Paris - The Rebel Also the Greeks issued a warning that I their handling of migrants you cannot find out who is a Jiahadi and who is not!Based on this alone I think longer screening process is a must!Also if all this money is to be spent why not spend it rebuilding Syria for these people?When you watch video it makes you wonder just what the hell s going on!The middle east is a turf war between east and west I believe and Isis was a fabbed up tool of west thats gone awol!Or is that what they've been ordered to do?
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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Watch this video changes things abit!The Ezra Levant Show: Best of... Muslims in Paris - The Rebel Also the Greeks issued a warning that I their handling of migrants you cannot find out who is a Jiahadi and who is not!Based on this alone I think longer screening process is a must!Also if all this money is to be spent why not spend it rebuilding Syria for these people?When you watch video it makes you wonder just what the hell s going on!The middle east is a turf war between east and west I believe and Isis was a fabbed up tool of west thats gone awol!Or is that what they've been ordered to do?
Stevie? You think ISIS was a born in the west group? To do what? Attack the hand that feeds them? HaHa. Whats the reasoning?

popcorn popper

Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2008
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central alberta
Stevie? You think ISIS was a born in the west group? To do what? Attack the hand that feeds them? HaHa. Whats the reasoning?
Ken the US govt has even came out and said they equipped and trained al qeida to their Benifit in Iraq. This was to help over throw Hussein, after he was out the Iraqi army( also backed by us gov) went AWOL and started what is now supposedly Isis. You see what those guys are saying is that it is not them (Muslim) that is the issue it's the people who are physcopaths or terrorists. I don't know which is which but you want to beleive him as much as you can just you would anyone. He says he is French first then Muslim. If he's honest you cannot fault him in any way. I do not know myself who is telling the truth. I will say this from the extensive reading I have done on this subject. First of all it is common knowledge that Hussein was cia trained before getting into power as was khadaffi . Both were taken out of power when they were about to start trading oil in their own currencies. Coincidence ? I do not know the reasoning but these are facts and if you google it up you will get a ton of hits. Since these guys are gone we have isis running rampant in both areas with a migration of people from both North Africa and Iraq and syria? It seems to me that when the colonel was in and Hussein as ruthless as we heard they were, the world was a hell of a lot safer!Dont take it from me, google it up you will see the hits you will get. I don't think Putin is out to cause ****! He's had enough and drew the line in sand. He has said the same thing numerous times in front of press! No one says hey vlad you full of it that can't be true? They all
agree. So it must have merit. I think it's a mess that will not go away soon.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
in case you guys haven't figured it out

Thank Allah someone has figured it out what is happening in the middle east, I was confused but now it's as clear as mud.
A highly restricted briefing document on Syria....
President Assad (who is bad) is a nasty guy who got so nasty his people rebelled and the Rebels (who are good) started winning (Hurrah!).
But then some of the rebels turned a bit nasty and are now called Islamic State ( who are definitely bad!) and some continued to support democracy (who are still good.)

So the Americans (who are good) started bombing Islamic State (who are bad) and giving arms to the Syrian Rebels (who are good) so they could fight Assad (who is still bad) which was good.
By the way, there is a breakaway state in the north run by the Kurds who want to fight IS ( which is a good thing ) but the Turkish authorities think they are bad, so we have to say they are bad whilst secretly thinking they're good and giving them guns to fight IS (which is good) but that is another matter.
Getting back to Syria.
So President Putin ( who is bad, cos he invaded Crimea and the Ukraine and killed lots of folks including that nice Russian man in London with polonium poisoned sushi ) has decided to back Assad (who is still bad) by attacking IS (who are also bad) which is sort of a good thing?
But Putin ( still bad ) thinks the Syrian Rebels (who are good) are also bad, and so he bombs them too, much to the annoyance of the Americans (who are good) who are busy backing and arming the rebels (who are also good).
Now Iran (who used to be bad, but now they have agreed not to build any nuclear weapons and bomb Israel are now good) are going to provide ground troops to support Assad (still bad) as are the Russians (bad) who now have ground troops and aircraft in Syria.
So a Coalition of Assad (still bad) Putin (extra bad) and the Iranians (good, but in a bad sort of way) are going to attack IS (who are bad) which is a good thing, but also the Syrian Rebels (who are good) which is bad.
Now the British (obviously good, except that nice Mr Corbyn in the corduroy jacket, who is probably bad) and the Americans (also good) cannot attack Assad (still bad) for fear of upsetting Putin (bad) and Iran (good / bad) and now they have to accept that Assad might not be that bad after all compared to IS (who are super bad).
So Assad (bad) is now probably good, being better than IS (but let’s face it, drinking your own wee is better than IS so no real choice there) and since Putin and Iran are also fighting IS that may now make them Good. America (still Good) will find it hard to arm a group of rebels being attacked by the Russians for fear of upsetting Mr Putin (now good) and that nice mad Ayatollah in Iran (also Good) and so they may be forced to say that the Rebels are now Bad, or at the very least abandon them to their fate. This will lead most of them to flee to Turkey and on to Europe or join IS (still the only constantly bad group).
To Sunni Muslims, an attack by Shia Muslims (Assad and Iran) backed by Russians will be seen as something of a Holy War, and the ranks of IS will now be seen by the Sunnis as the only Jihadis fighting in the Holy War and hence many Muslims will now see IS as Good (Doh!)
Sunni Muslims will also see the lack of action by Britain and America in support of their Sunni rebel brothers as something of a betrayal (mmmm... might have a point) and hence we will be seen as Bad.
So now we have America (now bad) and Britain (also bad) providing limited support to Sunni Rebels (bad) many of whom are looking to IS (Good / bad) for support against Assad (now good) who, along with Iran (also Good) and Putin (also, now, unbelievably, Good) are attempting to retake the country Assad used to run before all this started?
I hope that clears all this up for you.

popcorn popper

Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2008
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central alberta
I thought I had it all figured? Screw it sled season now! I will say one thing from traveling a little around the world although not to Mid East but have had relitives there. Most the people I met were average joes just like us and do anything to please you and show you their culture as we would them. I can't help but wonder who or what could piss me off enough to strap a bomb on myself and want to take people out. I don't think the average Joe anywhere thinks this way. There's a deep rooted reason and I don't honestly think it has any thing to do with being a martyr!But I have been wrong before!
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