Does anyone know why???


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Nov 10, 2012
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The best snowmobile in the world is the following:

It's the one that puts a smile on your face.
It's the one that when you look at you think "What a sick sled!!"
It's the one that feels right when you sit/stand on it.
It's the one that you feel comfortable on when riding.
It's the one that you love so much, you couldn't possibly care what other people think of it.
It's the one that in YOUR eyes is the best snowmobile in the world.

That being said I ride a SkiDoo ;)


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Yankee lover!!

Far from it. I am a proud Canadian but , like many Canadians, still recall the "favours" that our beloved Bombardier company have received over the years by our Eastern controlled federal government while we in the west got....very little. Do you remember Paul Martin? Do you remember Jean Chretien? Do you remember anything they and others over the years did to support Western Canada? neither.

Today, we are proud of this Canadian company, Bombardier.....we better be!
We have to be "proud" of our Quebec/Canadian gem because over the years we (taxpayers) have invested an estimated 6.7 BILLION into this company. "Corporate welfare" to the max!!
And over the years, many western based companies, including farmers were ignored while Bombardier received taxpayer dollars.

Your claim to be a farmer. I'm sure you remember back in 2002 when BSE practically destroyed the cattle industry? Thousands of farmer and beef related businesses were begging for support. The feds came to the table with 190 million for the beef industry while giving Bombardier 1.2 Billion...fair?? Maybe you might think so, but not me.....

So, sorry SnoPro for not feeling the love that you do towards Bombardier. While, I'm happy that a Canadian company is doing well today, I wonder how many other people/companies have suffered over the last few decades because the majority of funding headed to Eastern Canada (Ontario / Quebec)
How many cattle farmers have gone out of business and how many are still suffering today while the fatcats at Bombardier were "living the dream"

I hope this was "factual" enough for

Below is a excerpt from an article written by David MacLean (Director of Canadian Taxpayers Federation....yes its a 10 year old article but it still portrays the truth;

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today condemned Ottawa's $1.2 billion loan to Quebec Aerospace firm Bombardier and challenged Paul Martin to state where his priorities would lay.

"Bombardier is one of the biggest consumers of corporate welfare in Canadian history," said CTF Director David MacLean. "And the federal government continues to throw good money after bad."

Over the years, Bombardier has received $491 million in various grants and contributions. Through the Canada Account, a fund administered by the Export Development Corporation, an estimated $6.7 billion has gone to subsidize Bombardier sales.
Over the years, Bombardier has received $491 million in various grants and contributions. Through the Canada Account, a fund administered by the Export Development Corporation, an estimated $6.7 billion has gone to subsidize Bombardier sales.

Added MacLean: "The federal government is quick to assist one firm in the aerospace industry to the tune of $1.2-billion while producers in the cattle industry are given a mere $190 million in aid for the BSE crisis and are still losing $11 million daily in export sales, and another $7 million per day due to lower beef prices."

"It's the tale of two industries," said David MacLean. "A struggling company in one part of the country gets immediate assistance in the form of a massive government loan, while little has been done for cattlemen across the rest of the country."

Good response, and IMO the cattle industry is only one of many who have been as deserving of financial assistance but had to take a back seat because of the totally skewed advantage that has always been afforded to the Bombardier group. And to argue that this ability to access cash EVERY time it was needed, even if the corporate position was the result of managerial or mistaken company direction as happens in most large companies, hasn't had a direct effect on the Bombardier name is just ludicrous. They have been advantaged huge by the political support they have received whenever necessary in the way of taxpayers dollars. And one thing I've seen over the years, if one company fails, and the market actually wanted or needed the products they created, another will rise up and fill that space. To compare what happened with the auto makers is not really apples to apples. It will be if they go back to the government again and again, and are always successful, as Bombardier has been able to do. And you don't have to be a raging conspirity advocate to figure out why. Great sled, but to argue We should be thankful to BRP , bull, they should be thankful for what they've been able to accomplish because of governmental favor. And spare me the crap about all the separate corporations involved, none of them would exist if it weren't for the special treatment financially over the past years. Eastern advantage, man if it isn't evident to you, i suggest you've led a sheltered existence.
And yes I read the book. I also read Harry Potter, but I don't now believe in witchcraft and magic.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Yankee lover!!

Far from it. I am a proud Canadian but , like many Canadians, still recall the "favours" that our beloved Bombardier company have received over the years by our Eastern controlled federal government while we in the west got....very little. Do you remember Paul Martin? Do you remember Jean Chretien? Do you remember anything they and others over the years did to support Western Canada? neither.

Today, we are proud of this Canadian company, Bombardier.....we better be!
We have to be "proud" of our Quebec/Canadian gem because over the years we (taxpayers) have invested an estimated 6.7 BILLION into this company. "Corporate welfare" to the max!!
And over the years, many western based companies, including farmers were ignored while Bombardier received taxpayer dollars.

Your claim to be a farmer. I'm sure you remember back in 2002 when BSE practically destroyed the cattle industry? Thousands of farmer and beef related businesses were begging for support. The feds came to the table with 190 million for the beef industry while giving Bombardier 1.2 Billion...fair?? Maybe you might think so, but not me.....

So, sorry SnoPro for not feeling the love that you do towards Bombardier. While, I'm happy that a Canadian company is doing well today, I wonder how many other people/companies have suffered over the last few decades because the majority of funding headed to Eastern Canada (Ontario / Quebec)
How many cattle farmers have gone out of business and how many are still suffering today while the fatcats at Bombardier were "living the dream"

I hope this was "factual" enough for

Below is a excerpt from an article written by David MacLean (Director of Canadian Taxpayers Federation....yes its a 10 year old article but it still portrays the truth;

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today condemned Ottawa's $1.2 billion loan to Quebec Aerospace firm Bombardier and challenged Paul Martin to state where his priorities would lay.

"Bombardier is one of the biggest consumers of corporate welfare in Canadian history," said CTF Director David MacLean. "And the federal government continues to throw good money after bad."

Over the years, Bombardier has received $491 million in various grants and contributions. Through the Canada Account, a fund administered by the Export Development Corporation, an estimated $6.7 billion has gone to subsidize Bombardier sales.
Over the years, Bombardier has received $491 million in various grants and contributions. Through the Canada Account, a fund administered by the Export Development Corporation, an estimated $6.7 billion has gone to subsidize Bombardier sales.

Added MacLean: "The federal government is quick to assist one firm in the aerospace industry to the tune of $1.2-billion while producers in the cattle industry are given a mere $190 million in aid for the BSE crisis and are still losing $11 million daily in export sales, and another $7 million per day due to lower beef prices."

"It's the tale of two industries," said David MacLean. "A struggling company in one part of the country gets immediate assistance in the form of a massive government loan, while little has been done for cattlemen across the rest of the country."
You seem to be pretty good at quoting Google. Why not quote the many articles that explain the reasons for the government assistance as well? But that would be alot of copying and typing for you wouldn't it? I don't disagree that Canadian ranchers got the shaft on the BSE deal but good "deflection" as you say. We can argue this till the cows come home about the merits of loaning interest free money to large corporations but that would probably bore everyone on the site with the exception of Leonard who lives for this stuff. If people like you think this is the only company the Canadian government has helped over the years then you are very naive. It is a fact of life in our society and will continue on long after we are both gone. Bombardier aerospace employs over 33000 people, is the 3rd largest aircraft builder in the world and it is in our best interests to see them succeed on the world stage just as it is important for GM, Chrysler to succeed. You can help them compete in a tough, competitive world or you can let them fail and babysit all of the unemployed peeps left in the wake. Its a vicious circle unfortunately...


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Sorry, the last was for lilduke!

No that's my wife a-hole,,,lol Think ur talking to CAT401, Maybe that's ur wife?? Nice thread BTW. Bombardier= 3rd largest employer in Canada,,, U guys= Nothings/ Haters....lmao


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Good response, and IMO the cattle industry is only one of many who have been as deserving of financial assistance but had to take a back seat because of the totally skewed advantage that has always been afforded to the Bombardier group. And to argue that this ability to access cash EVERY time it was needed, even if the corporate position was the result of managerial or mistaken company direction as happens in most large companies, hasn't had a direct effect on the Bombardier name is just ludicrous. They have been advantaged huge by the political support they have received whenever necessary in the way of taxpayers dollars. And one thing I've seen over the years, if one company fails, and the market actually wanted or needed the products they created, another will rise up and fill that space. To compare what happened with the auto makers is not really apples to apples. It will be if they go back to the government again and again, and are always successful, as Bombardier has been able to do. And you don't have to be a raging conspirity advocate to figure out why. Great sled, but to argue We should be thankful to BRP , bull, they should be thankful for what they've been able to accomplish because of governmental favor. And spare me the crap about all the separate corporations involved, none of them would exist if it weren't for the special treatment financially over the past years. Eastern advantage, man if it isn't evident to you, i suggest you've led a sheltered existence.
And yes I read the book. I also read Harry Potter, but I don't now believe in witchcraft and magic.
Ah Leonard. Good job dragging BRP into a discussion about Bombardier Aerospace. Yes they still are a shareholder but your devout hate for everything that starts with a B and comes from the east is legendary. How anyone who hates a company as much as you can own there product, multiple times is something we all will never understand? Did you buy your XM on your meds or off them?


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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This started way before Bombardier Aerospace.
It actually started in 1966 Leonard. When the government helped Bombardier so they could take advantage of the tracked snowmobile for war efforts.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Ah Leonard. Good job dragging BRP into a discussion about Bombardier Aerospace. Yes they still are a shareholder but your devout hate for everything that starts with a B and comes from the east is legendary. How anyone who hates a company as much as you can own there product, multiple times is something we all will never understand? Did you buy your XM on your meds or off them?

It amazes me how you and guys of your ilk can construe my comments regarding your silly zealot rah rah crap, as a hate for any builder of snowmobiles. I
Dont misunderstand, I see the pluses and minuses of all the brands, unlike dopes like you who are saddled with an ego and a tunnel vision that sees only the merits of one brand, cause you own one.
Devout, nope, unless its about not eating the bull$hit you seem intent on serving anyone who will keep reading your typical "Doo can do no wrong" posts.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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It amazes me how you and guys of your ilk can construe my comments regarding your silly zealot rah rah crap, as a hate for any builder of snowmobiles. I
Dont misunderstand, I see the pluses and minuses of all the brands, unlike dopes like you who are saddled with an ego and a tunnel vision that sees only the merits of one brand, cause you own one.
Devout, nope, unless its about not eating the bull$hit you seem intent on serving anyone who will keep reading your typical "Doo can do no wrong" posts.
Now your rolling again little buddy! Good response!:p


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Hun minus 22! YAY

Fernie ski hill opening this weekend, get loaded up boys!

Ol' Sarge

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Jun 17, 2013
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Go ride your Cat Yankee lover.
Lol. Says the guy with a yard full of green paint. What's wrong with the tractors made in Winnipeg there Mr. Patriot?

Look, if you want people to know only the documented facts then maybe you should put all of them on the table, not just the ones that suit your argument. Up until 2003 the aircraft division was getting tired of propping up the rec products with gov't money that they wanted all for themselves. So when they punted them who came riding to the rescue? Bain Capital…cough..cough…Mitt Romney and the boys. And the dirty little secret is that as of today those awful Americans still own 50% of BRP. The original Bombardier family only owns 35%!!! If it hadn't of been for Mitt and the boys Ski-doo would have ended up in the dust bin of history just like those other massively successful french Canadian sled builders Alouette and Skiroule.
You can stop playing the patriot card anytime. The facts don't support your argument. And if you think that westerners should be happy to support a corporate culture in a province that remains a cesspool of graft and corruption you're goofy. That province spends every day trying to destroy our resource industry for their benefit. So let's keep it real, when you are sledding you are not on a Canadian aircraft, you're on a sled that exists because some Americans allow it to happen.


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
No that's my wife a-hole,,,lol Think ur talking to CAT401, Maybe that's ur wife?? Nice thread BTW. Bombardier= 3rd largest employer in Canada,,, U guys= Nothings/ Haters....lmao

once again lduke....your posts have zero value.....fluff

Yup, Bombardier has over 33,000 employees in Canada....they are a great force in Canada

The Agriculture Industry....#1 employer in Canada......has more than 56,000 employees in Alberta alone, you can look up the stats of it for Canada

Point of my earlier post is/was....where would Bombardier be today if we taxpayers did not give them over 6 BILLION dollars over the last few decades....will we TAXPAYERS ever get our "investment dollars" back.........not in our lifetime

Maybe if the Canadian govt would have kept on pumping money like that into Massey Ferguson in the 70's & 80's......they could have been a bigger company than John Deere but they didn't, thank God.....

I have no issues with the feds helping out large companies because these large companies employ a great amount of people but read some history before you start calling people names.....Bombardier is the largest "corporate welfare" case in Canada's history!
Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Lol. Says the guy with a yard full of green paint. What's wrong with the tractors made in Winnipeg there Mr. Patriot?

Look, if you want people to know only the documented facts then maybe you should put all of them on the table, not just the ones that suit your argument. Up until 2003 the aircraft division was getting tired of propping up the rec products with gov't money that they wanted all for themselves. So when they punted them who came riding to the rescue? Bain Capital…cough..cough…Mitt Romney and the boys. And the dirty little secret is that as of today those awful Americans still own 50% of BRP. The original Bombardier family only owns 35%!!! If it hadn't of been for Mitt and the boys Ski-doo would have ended up in the dust bin of history just like those other massively successful french Canadian sled builders Alouette and Skiroule.
You can stop playing the patriot card anytime. The facts don't support your argument. And if you think that westerners should be happy to support a corporate culture in a province that remains a cesspool of graft and corruption you're goofy. That province spends every day trying to destroy our resource industry for their benefit. So let's keep it real, when you are sledding you are not on a Canadian aircraft, you're on a sled that exists because some Americans allow it to happen.
The Rec Division was making a good profit for Bombardier Sarge. Thats why they were sold. It was a solid investment for the Bain Capitals of the world, a company that has a rich history of investing in blue chip money making companies. The money from BRP was used to prop up the Aero division which was suffering horribly because of the 911 gongshow, just like every other aircraft manufacturer. Do people really buy Massey Ferguson product still? Don't see many around. Maybe they should build a quality product? Works for BRP.

Got boost want snow

Active VIP Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Tasted doo-laide last year bitter sh!t. And really not enough hp for me. But all is good in whatever you ride just ride!!! :cool:
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