

Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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i have been too europe it is very nice there and there are not as much problem with cyclist there because they have a lane for them in places and they do not ride 4 wide but in single file... and yes i do think it is cool too pollute them hahahah... shooting pedestrians ummmm cyclist getting paint balled ummm i could do that from my porch i think this weekend i am buying a paint gun anyone want too play paint ball by the road free beer for every cyclist that is hit hahahaha

And you wonder why the general public thinks sledders are pricks.... you are the poster boy of the stereo type.


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
this has WHAT to do with sledding? besides this website.


cyclists are extremely dangerous imo. especially in town/highways. is it really safer to be in a traffic lane than onnt he sidewalk like fawwk.

this is one of my biggest pet peeves i will follow this thread until its firey death.


Active VIP Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Smoking people out, especially those not in a vehicle (pedestrians, cyclists) just shows the level of your mentality. Pitiful.

That said, when I ride my bicycle, I'm too scared to ride on the roads. Not scared some prick will smoke me out, more like run me over cause he is too busy checking emails on his BB.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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A bicycle has the right to ride down the center of their lane. They do not have to ride on the shoulder as they are a vehicle. Cyclists do not have to move over for vehicles.

Stop defending "these" people???? You mean myself, my kids, my wife and every other person who rides a bicycle..... umm sorry dude not going to happen.

If I am riding my bike down a paved road, and obeying traffic laws, and if some a-hole smokes me out....

You better PRAY PRAY PRAY that I don't catch you..:nono:


Active VIP Member
Jul 11, 2010
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S.W. Minnesota
this has WHAT to do with sledding? besides this website.


cyclists are extremely dangerous imo. especially in town/highways. is it really safer to be in a traffic lane than onnt he sidewalk like fawwk.

this is one of my biggest pet peeves i will follow this thread until its firey death.

Talking sense into these cyclist is like trying to talk sense to a 2 year old or worse.

So cyclist.........why can't ATV's ride down paved county roads unless they have a farm plate and are checking fields? They dont even allow it if I buy the trail permit.

I'll be waiting for a good/logic answer. I don't want any of this bullchit, cyclist have a right trash! I'M WAITING!


Active VIP Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Edmonton AB
Maybe the cyclists would ride better, if they didn't have idiots smoking them out, or potentially hitting them/running them off the road as they can'
t drive or are not paying attention. It's a two way street. I've seen alot more people who can't drive worth chit than cyclists who can't ride on the road.


Active VIP Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Grande Prairie
It's canada a free country you do what you want but they pave hiways for fast transportation not slow moving bikes you would be upset if i quaded on mountain bike trails just as people are upset that bikes are on streets and hiways just 2 my cents


Active VIP Member
Dec 19, 2009
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Medicine Hat, AB
Hilarious thread...

If we are pickin sides for the fight, Im gonna have to go with the smokers...

Every time I see one of you boneheads on a bike RIDING through a crosswalk, I check to make sure I have lots of washer fluid and step on the go pedal...Thats right! You are a vehicle when you are riding, you want all the other rights, then dont RIDE through a crosswalk and expect me to stop or slow down.


Active VIP Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Grande Prairie
A Comprehensive Guide to
Cycling Impotence

'There are two kinds of cyclists: those who are
impotent and those who will be'

That claim was made by Dr Irwin Goldstein, a prominent urologist, in "Bicycling Magazine" a few years ago.

The jury's still out on the subject of whether bicycle riding causes cycling impotence, largely because there has been no qualified or scientifically acceptable studies carried out on the link between impotence and bicycling.

Think about it is it really worth it......?


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Hilarious thread...

If we are pickin sides for the fight, Im gonna have to go with the smokers...

Every time I see one of you boneheads on a bike RIDING through a crosswalk, I check to make sure I have lots of washer fluid and step on the go pedal...Thats right! You are a vehicle when you are riding, you want all the other rights, then dont RIDE through a crosswalk and expect me to stop or slow down.

Exactly. If i'm making a turn I will not stop for them riding through it, walk it or I have the right away and I WILL take it. I have more patience for kids on bikes, but adults, none. Follow the rules of the road because I sure as hell won't look out for you if you don't.

Bikes need to decide which one they want to be, if I see you riding on the lane, then run the red light thinking you can ride through the crosswalk. You can get fawked if you think i'm going to give you any room, or be nice to you riding. Cops should be handing them nice red light tickets for it.....

Not all people on bikes are bad but a lot of them are. Any slowing moving traffic with ANY respect pulls off the road to let people by once in a while if they are holding up traffic bad. But if your on a bike and don't want to, don't start crying if someone clips you trying to pass you because you won't move the fawk over.

But any person on a bike riding on the road where there is a perfectly good sidewalk is braindead if your more worried about a ticket then your life. Plus I bet it's only enforced if your riding on the sidewalk like a douche and deserve it. I guess that's why they ride on the road then :p
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Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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Hilarious thread...

If we are pickin sides for the fight, Im gonna have to go with the smokers...

Every time I see one of you boneheads on a bike RIDING through a crosswalk, I check to make sure I have lots of washer fluid and step on the go pedal...Thats right! You are a vehicle when you are riding, you want all the other rights, then dont RIDE through a crosswalk and expect me to stop or slow down.

WOW Mad Max is in the house... It's amazing how many talk big.

You would purposely run down a cyclist to prove a point? I call B.S. Perhaps you should get your licence revoked.

Lets keep this thread sensible...FFS


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2008
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ok so think that you would keep going in a intersection if they do not stop and walk there bike... well i dont do that i just jump the gun a bit and lay on the horn, one guy almost fell off his bike when i did it lol, and kids well i let them be, if there parents can not teach them proper well it is not there fault.... not sure if you guy think i would run some cyclist off the road... but i give the cyclist all the room in the world on a road all i doo is give them a little bit of carbon too suck on....


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
The cleats that hold my shoes to my pedals would not be gentle to the side of a nice truck. Not sayin, just sayin.

If a guy is obeying the laws, and you smoke him out, I surely hope you wind up with some cleat marks in your paint. Not obeying laws, well, that's not something I will stand up for.

Travelling by bicycle is so much nicer, but I guess we are spoiled in Kimberley where there are ample trails to get wherever you need to go while avoiding the roads, but if I'm riding roads and catch a face full of soot, my foot is going out.


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2008
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The cleats that hold my shoes to my pedals would not be gentle to the side of a nice truck. Not sayin, just sayin.

If a guy is obeying the laws, and you smoke him out, I surely hope you wind up with some cleat marks in your paint. Not obeying laws, well, that's not something I will stand up for.

Travelling by bicycle is so much nicer, but I guess we are spoiled in Kimberley where there are ample trails to get wherever you need to go while avoiding the roads, but if I'm riding roads and catch a face full of soot, my foot is going out.

lol... good for you but you would have to go a long way too get my truck lol.... and i wait till i am right beside the cyclist before i smoke them lol..... i know i should just find out where they part and flatten there tires on there cars because they have to drive out here too ride :eek: .....


Active VIP Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Fort Saskatchewan
when i learned how to ride a bike (before helmets and elbow and knee pads), we were taught how to signal with our hands, to ride in a single line with the flow of the traffic on a sidewalk, and to walk our bike across the road.


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Feb 12, 2010
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Ardrossan Alberta
it has come that time of year again... time too chip up my truck to get the cyclist fogger it tune ..... some might think i am a dick for smoking cyclist off the road well i am haha so dont ride your bike on a secondary hiway there are lots of trails along the river valley... well this year i plan on reporting all cyclist that dont ride in a single file and if the do not fallow road signs.... i hate these buggers, last year i almost hit some that desided road signs weren't for them ....

P.S. if you dont want to ride the river valley go to a gym and ride there bikes then you wont get smoked out and you dont need to obay the road signs

Thank you for posting this. Ardrossan area is crazy for people on bikes, and i have absolutely no sympathy for them if they get ran over when they are riding 4 wide and half on the highway. Sorry but this is my opinion, and it pisses me right the f*k off when i see this. Yes a bike is considered a vehicle, but dont be so stupid and ride halfway on the highway. And for all you bike riders out there don't whine and say "oh we don't do that" or "we have a right to ride beside vehicles" i really don't give a f*k, just be sensible and use your head.


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Jan 6, 2010
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ymir bc baby
Why stop at cyclists? My personal fave is dumping a gallon of used motor oil in my tank and rolling coal through school zones...damn kids and there slow zones...those kids deserve it.


Active VIP Member
Dec 19, 2009
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Medicine Hat, AB
WOW Mad Max is in the house... It's amazing how many talk big.

You would purposely run down a cyclist to prove a point? I call B.S. Perhaps you should get your licence revoked.

Lets keep this thread sensible...FFS

Haha...I didnt say I would run them down...Just aim at em to prove a point. If one gets hit by accident, well, thems the breaks. Happened a couple times in town last year. One kid was actually hurt real bad, was thrown over 40ft, hit by a mother that just picked up her kid from the same school this kid was riding home from. Just like this thread, everyone picked sides, half wanted the mother charged, the other half said, too bad about the kid, but he should have been following the rules of the road. In the end, the mother was not charged, and the family of the kid on the bike was actually responsible for the repairs to the vehicle. The kid was riding through a crosswalk with flashing lights, and he had stopped and pushed the button to engage the flashers.

Vehicle and bikes both have their places, I do not agree that they are the SAME places though. Bikes on a residential street that are swerving around parked cars doing 20-30km/h in a 50km/h zone Im sorry are a hazard. Our city is trying to adopt bike lanes, and that is the only way I see the 2 types of vehicles co-existing on the road.

Funny that all you bike riders talk about rights and such, but its the equivalent to me saying hey, I should be allowed to drive my riding mower along the street as a vehicle and if you happen to be in your truck, you better learn to share the road with me. Even bike riders would say this is ludicrous, but yet you defend bikes. If you are considered a vehicle, then follow the rules as a vehicle, thats all anyone here is saying...

On a side note: My kids (3) all ride bikes, and we have taught them the rules of the road, including walking across crosswalks, and to yield to anything bigger than them because no bike wins against a car or truck. I also own a bike, just dont get any enjoyment out of riding it. I also dont enjoy rollerskates but do like to rollerblade on occasion LOL
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Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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I appologize for my poor analogy yesterday... did not think that one through, roguh day and to many:beer:

Touchy subject for me as I have had lots of near misses with cars over the years. Some my fault most not.

True there are many cyclists who are a hazard and should be dealt with(bike couriers are brutal) but to smoke one out or squeeze by him because he is slower than you is not right and dangerous. Worried about a cyclist running a stop sign.... yes illegal but how many of you drivers drive the speed limit "all the time"???

Many arguements on both sides but getting even with a cyclist because he pissed you off may not end well for either party, be prepared to live with the thought of killing or seriously injuring someone if it happens.
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