A great avy video to learn from


Active VIP Member
Jan 13, 2011
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Boyle, Alberta
thanks for the post, im heading out this weekend and it really makes me think about how hard i want to push my luck. Also it reinforces the rule of ride with the gear or dont ride at all. I think its important for every trip for guys to watch these very sobering clips.

be safe out there guys

on a side note i noticed the one guys used the exact same shovel as me and was digging till they found him. I did hear on the vid that 2 shovels broke so i hope that shows my shovel will stand up (like the research shows) when i really need it to.
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Active VIP Member
Jul 18, 2010
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wow...i have to say this....

this video makes our sport look REALLY bad. i would actually like to see it removed...thats how bad it makes us look. more ammo for the naysayers. i mean the guy didnt even have a beacon????? who the hell rides in the mtns without one??? no one had a shovel on their persons??? then there is the GLARING slide to the right, obvious repeating slide hill.

the the hysterical wife in the mix diggin with her hands??? get her out of there and keep the calm. what if this would have turned out worse...he had passed...thats great for her to see.

i think the only good in this video...the guy was wearing Klim...lol

is there a "hate" button?

btw not towards the op..lol. just hate this video...ALOT.

i took my avy one course 4 years ago...our group rides pretty tight and fairly safe practice with the beacons....i still feel i need more training. these guys are idiots.


Active member
Jan 5, 2012
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I get it , what Im saying is calling the people involved in this idiots will not help with the thinking that sharing your misstakes with others helps them not make the same mistakes. Just like you try to with kids.
The fact is obvious that leaving their safety gear in the truck bc they were not going into dangerous terrain was a mistake. That is what this vid is telling people


Active VIP Member
Jul 18, 2010
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I'll take educating people over how it makes us look any day! :nono:


your missing my point. this isnt really an educational video. not wearing a beacon isnt uneducated...ITS DAMN RIGHT RETARDED. these brainiacs thought it would be a good idea to share their story with the news. all it has done is inform people who dont sled or who do but not mtn ridin....that people ride in the mtns without any avy gear! AMMO.
if anything this video has skewed the uneducated of our sport. think of it like this:

no beacon...but still found the guy
stayed with sled...but still found the guy
guy climbing a pull that had avy written all over it...still found the guy
people keeping their shovels strapped to sled...still found the guy

everything they did was wrong. IMO. there are a ton of other vids showing HALF the fawk ups with a good outcome that are much better suited as educational. this one is just an utter disrespect for our sport. pisses me off. and to think the guy with the beacon was a search and rescue??? where?? ive been in search and rescue....he did not have control of the scene. having the irate wife of the victim diggin with her hands??? geezus h. what if that man had been dead. that woman (anyone, really) shouldnt have to witness this. take her aside and have some calm over the situation.

all i know...if you dont have a beacon/shovel/probe...your NOT riding with me. my life is in your hands.

i mean no disrespect to the OP. NOT IN THE LEAST.

i will tell ya what happened...i had a relative who has never sledded in their life see this one the news. she called me and asked if i "knew them (lol...i guess us sledders know all others) and if i had ever been buried like that, it looks so scary. that poor lady, i cant imagine what it would have been like for her, i dont think you should ride in the mtns anymore, its so dangerous"

thats the bullch!t this video spews to the uneducated of our sport....


Active VIP Member
Jul 18, 2010
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im not going to argue whether or not this video was educational. its just MHO. my ol lady, my ma, my sister, they all worry enough about me riding the mtns. to the point where it is annoying sometimes. now i have aunts calling me from hours away telling me not too.

i just REALLY hope i never get caught in one....man the i told ya so's....lol.

i honestly think my ol lady would sell my sled out from under me....


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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So I guess they had alot of red flags to dodge on that hill to get there highmarks? Hmmmmmmm...


Active VIP Member
Oct 20, 2007
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Parkland County, Alberta (Heart of GBCA)
Thanks for the video! It is educational to me... I went to the mountains for the first time, a couple of weeks ago, wore a beacon, BCA pack and had all the proper gear... this video helps someone like me that is new to the mountains of what NOT to do and why it is so important to ensure your group is protected and on the same page!
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Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Prince George, B.C.
This guy beat the odds...he had luck on his side. I hope everyone can learn a lot from this video. What was wrong that day???

Avalanche, A Life Saved on Vimeo

If you don't have any avy training please get some....

What was wrong that day? Let me see.

1. Riding on an unstable slope that has a previous run-out zone.

2. The rider caught in the avy is not wearing a beacon.

3. The rescuers are panicking and is a scene of chaos.

4. Safety equipment used by the rescuers is either not on their person; or is faulty.

That is four things that I picked out right away, but I could make a list alot longer if I wanted to. I just wish that people would start getting the message out there. If you are going to ride the backcountry, you NEED to take an avy course. Wear a beacon at all times, and carry a shovel and probe. Having the equipment is all fine and dandy, but knowing the steps to take in a rescue situation such as this, can only come from practicing scenarios at an avy course. And periodically practicing with your avy equipment to make sure you are proficient in using them. By the grace of God this guy made it out alive. If anything this video should reinforce the fact of how important it is to get some avy training.


Active VIP Member
Apr 18, 2007
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raaatarded, can't believe what i just seen,,,,it was like ricky, julien and bubbles on snow. brutal,,happy buddy was found

Holly fawk people are really that stupid. I am embaressed for them. Then they think there fawking teachers now. I think those retards should be placed on a wall while we throw stones. Then at the end they make it like a warner bros film with credits.

I think the guy burried with no beacon should be charged and fined for his actions not interviewed like a war survivor the only survivor he is the fact hes a proffesional fuk up.

Sorry to be harsh but this is like driving a car 12 beers in there is no logic period.

knee deep in it

Active VIP Member
Jan 31, 2008
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thanks for this post Chris. This was actually quite instructive as it shows that a hill with multiple highmarks can still slide. A lot of times, we get a false sense of security when we see a lot of tracks on a hill or a lot of guys riding it. The reality is that a hill is just as likely to slide after the first poke as it is after the 20th.

The other thing is that the slide happened later in the day. That seems to be very common. A lot of those high marks might have been made before the hill got sun soaked all day.

BTW, for those who are calling the riders stupid, let him without sin cast the first stone.


Active VIP Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Kimberley, BC
IT is a video to learn from. I have done all sorts of dumb stuff and got away with it, as I am sure everyone here has as well. Mistakes were made by these guys learn from them and move on.
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