25 Things about Me (& You)


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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This was a kinda fun thing that went through Facebook a while back. I learned some kooky nd unexpected things about some of my closest friends. Thought it would be interesting here... You are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. I will go first and I guess if no one responds, you will all know more about me than I care to admit!!

1. I hate the phone.

2. I am clumsy. Always have been. I fell out of bed this morning.

3. I rarely read the newspaper or watch the news- its too depressing to watch how cruel we humans can be to each other.

4. My favorite place in the world is our acreage first thing in the morning. I especially love my acreage when I am surrounded by my dogs and horses. Other than that, I really don't like mornings...

5. The first thing Jer and I ever did together was dirtbiking. He kept smashing my helmet with his. Turns out he was trying to kiss me... I loved him then and I love him more now.

6. My favorite thing about my husband is the way he giggles when he is genuinely amused. It is a sound that makes my heart smile.

7. I used to think that when you are 32 (like me) you know who you are and what you are doing. If this is true, then I'm only 16!

8. I love the Food Channel. Jer hates it.

9. I am a good cook but I never know what to make. Its a curse.

10. My children are my whole world: they make me want to be better and do better. They think they need me, but the truth is that I can't live without them.

11. I think people who deliberately hurt children should be shot. Period.

12. I am a shy person- meeting new people terrifies me. This is something I have worked a long time to overcome, and it is my personal Mt. Everest.

13. I was once suspended from school for drinking at the Provincial Debating Championships. My parents didnt quite know how to punish the straight-A, captain, and coach of the Debating Team... I had a lovely 3 days off.

14. I am terrible at saying I am sorry.

15. I have a love-hate relationship with Photography. I hate taking photos because I get so nervous I could literally puke. I love looking at the photos later because I am always pleasantly surprised that I didnt tank the job...

16. Aside from my family, the greatest thing I ever did was going to Romania on a Medical Mission. I will go back over and over and over.

17. If I never married and had a family I would be a doctor and a missionary. Instead, I am a stay-at-home doctor whose missions involve laundry, groceries, appointments, gymnastics, pony club and so much more. My kisses are my medicine. Its a good life.

18. If I had a genie-in-a-lamp I would wish for: a housekeeper, a nanny, and more time in the day.

19. Both of my parents live with rare and debilitating diseases. From them, I have learned about courage and integrity. I have also learned to appreciate the gift of health and to celebrate the miracle that occurs each time my body moves for me and with me.

20. My favorite clothes are jeans and hoodies. I don't own pajamas.

21. I am a Daddy's girl. My father is an amazing man who has taught me what it is to be simple and humble and kind and accepting. My heart melts every time I witness my husband and daughters in this same tender relationship. I hope they will always love him just a tiny bit more than me.

22. As a parent, the greatest thing I can give my girls is wings. I pray continually that I will be a model to them of what a woman should be. I hope that from me they will learn to be independant and brave and adventurous and compassionate. I don't want them to see me as perfect, but I do want them to see me struggle and perservere and know that its okay to fall down and get back up again.

23. I have the disease to please- I am terrible at saying "NO". I am working on it.

24. I am addicted to excercise. And Lululemon clothing.

25. The best day I ever had with my husband was out quadding in the mud and muck. There is something about watching him at play that I find inexplicably sexy. He is my best friend.


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Well sled mamma you set the bar pretty high with that one......Ummmm
1. I have a pretty good dog, her name is pepper
2. I really am 42 and have never set foot in a bowling alley.
3. Jus realized that sledmamma is 25 things cooler than me:confused:

THATS IT....... we need to have a S&M bowling tourney..... the poor fellow has no idea of the pleasures to be had when throwing a big heavy ball at a bunch of little skinny pins.......

I perfected spitting into the air and catching it back in my mouth at 13 years old.....
When I was 16 I was 5'3" and could dunk on a 10' basketball net.......
When I was 14 I had 151 stitches inside my mouth, and busted out my 4 front teeth.....
When I was 15 I would have won the Nova Scotia Provincial Junior Boys 5km cross county running title....... but I made a wrong turn and ended up 3rd
How I look now is the BEST the reconstructive sergeons could do.....
Every spanking I ever recieved growing up was Plio's fault.....
My very first time watching an NHL game live I ended up in Jail
My College graduation I ended up in Jail
First time in a strip club I ended up in Jail
I often cry myself to sleep at night because of Stripe.............
The first time I ever talked to Pistonbrike he put me in the headlock and took me down, I was a little turned on......


Active VIP Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta
Ok, I will try...

1. I am not very creative
2. I love animals especially cats.
3. I pay for all my sleds and mods
4. I met my hubby at a Tractor Pull
5. I love to sleep in on the weekends
6. I will live in the mountains one day
7. Computers hate me
8. I have been a vegetarian since I was 16
9. I was a terrible student so now I am stuck with a chitty career
10. I am scared of spiders
11. I agree with Sledmamma's #11 but include animals and women in there too
12. I hate socks and could live in flip flops and hoodies
13. I have recently become addicted to Grey's Anatomy
14. Kids scare me, especially when they are in groups
15. I can't talk on the phone for long
16. I am good friends with my parents
17. I am best friends with my hubby
18. I hate getting older
19. My favorite band growing up was The Doors
20. I love the movie Natural Born Killers
21. I suck at dancing but do ZUMBA classes with my friend
22. I love meeting new sledding buddies!
23. I like working on my sled, although at times it doesn't like me
24. I hate driving at night
25. I am not surprised Bogger was turned on by Pistonbroke's headlock :eek:
Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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Awww... I am loving these! Keep em coming :)


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2008
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Middle of nowhere
Wiil give this a try but can't promise anything!!!

1. Spent my years growing up figure skating (close to 30 hours a week).
2. Trained in Germany for one summer when i was 13.
3. Trained with Kurt Browning at the Royal Glenora Club
3. One regret was quitting skating when I was seventeen due to finding my
wild side..lol
4. Hate to admit this but used to live up in Anzac way back when only about
200 people lived there. Their idea of fun was spending the weekends on
the trapline.
5. Drove for a whole year without a driver's license. I was only 15 and
drove all over the place.
6. Met my husband when I was 15 in Trapper's pub.
7. Never finished high school (3 credits short)
8. Got married on my 20th bday.
9. Had three kids by the time I was 24.
10. Used to raise bison, and used to haul them down to the Denver Stock
11. Love camping, quadding and a newbie to sledding.
12. My husband and I do everything together. We are inseperatable.
13. really enjoy salmon fishing.
13. We met Gene Simmons down in Reno at the volleyball festival. Our team
was playing his daughter's (sophie) team.
14. Love fast cars.
15. Cooking.
16. Travelling
17. Movies
18. favorite color is black
19. I don't mind sitting in the truck waiting for hubby while he is out sledding
for the day. (On those days, when i am not up to sledding).
20. doctors tell me that i have ms.
21. Always enjoy a good time with family and friends.
22. And I am shy..:d


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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Thanks Sledbunny! I have heard wonderful things about you- maybe one day I will find you in the parking lot and I can see what all the fuss is about...


Active member
Sep 4, 2008
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1. I am one of 11 children, and no my family is not catholic!
2. I love to read.
3. I did not own a TV until the attack on the World trade center, my cousins worked in tower 1.
4. By the time I found the correct stand to put the TV on, I knew we were not going to war so there was no hurry to unpack the box.
5. I still dream of being a long haul trucker.
6. I could not find a summer job while going to university so started selling firewood of my brother-in-laws land and a woodlot of my Dad's. It is now my brother-in-laws main source of income.
7. To earn money in the past I have harvested blueberries and pine cones, you need to pick a lot to make a dollar.
8. I love the water, the mountains are nice but you can't take the beach out of beach baby!
9. My sweetie is going, honey it is midnight get of the computer!
10. The year I moved to AB (Oct 83) it did not rain for months, when it finally rained I cried.
11. It can be tshirt weather in downtown Calgary, but go to Springbank to ride your horse and you need your down jacket because of the wind chill.
12. I bought my own personal sled last spring that I do not have to share with anyone.
13. I love trucks.
14. I could camp every weekend of the year.
15. I love computers, but I really enjoy putting in the data and spitting out the report without knowing what happens in the background.
16. I love to entertain and cook.
17. I invite people over to dinner as it forces me to clean the house.
18. It took me a long time to learn this lesson, but I am a successful woman even though I have never been married.
19. A horse is the perfect pet, it cannot ever come in the house!
20. Put the word horse in a sentence if you want my attention.
21. I have a $12,000 hole in my backyard that pretends to be a pond at times.
22. I love to garden, and every year I say I am not doing it again because of all the rain and hail after I get things planted and then I do it again!
23. I am getting addicted to snow and mud.
24. I went sledding with the boys at MM3 and I held my own!
25. I own pjs but who needs them.:d:d:d:d:d


Active VIP Member
Jul 27, 2008
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North of Stony Plain
1. I was born in Holland
2. Moved to Spruce Grove, AB when I was almost 7
3. Don't ever wish to live anywhere else(Alberta that is)
4. I have a 23 year old stepson
5. I have a 14 year old bio son
6. Love horses, cats, dogs and rabbits and have owned all of them
7. Currently have one dog(see avatar) and one cat
8. Am probably getting a little house dog within the next couple of months
9. Will have to buy a baby snuggly to take little dog quadding with us
10. My favorite color is yellow
11. Have been with hubby since 1987, married since 1991
12. My best friend lives in Carvel, we used to ride together when she lived next door.
13. I hate drunks and loud music especially when camping.
14. Could go camping/quadding every weekend in the summer(May-Oct)
15.Graduated high school and went staight into the workforce.
16. On my bucket list is a cruise one day, when to old to quad
17. Want to travel to Alaska with camper and quads when youngest is all grown.
18. Wish my hubby had quieter muffler(if you know what I mean) LOL
19. My hubby wishes that I did not eat boiled eggs.
20. Want to sell house one day , buy big RV bus, take quads with and travel North America.
21. Port(wine) makes me a "Good Miranda" around the campfire, according to my quadding buddies.
22. Been laid off 4 times in exactly one year
23. Have an excellent job now, working on military vehicles, with no mechanical experience
24. Know how to drive a forklift and operate an overhead crane.
25. I got to ride in a LAV last fall down the yellowhead while standing out of turret, what a rush.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
Whew, 25...I'll try.

1. I’m an only child..;)

2. I love animals, of all kind, but dogs are my pet of choice by far.

3. I prefer it when I’m right. I’m even ok with pretending I’m right.

4. I’m a natural in the kitchen...my time serving in restaurants as a youth paid off big time.

5. I was suspended in school for a week for throwing eggs at the VP’s house...drug by my hair, picked up by the fuzz and hauled to the slammer...all the rest of the group fessed up cuz I wouldn’t fink and it resulted in the biggest suspension in school history.:eek:

6. I hate wearing socks but love moccasins. Hate bras too..thanks goodness I don’t have D-cuppers. :eek:

7. I’m not a fan of housework. It sucks. Although I like my house clean and organized. (Hubby's not a fan of this one)

8.I am fortunate to have a wonderful man in my life...and have for 20+ years. He can do most anything, and I tend to take advantage of that sometimes.

9. I was an honor student in school. Top Female Athlete, Best All Round Student...yadayada...yet I was a bit of chit disturber...don’t know how I pulled it off really. I even got perfect attendance awards even though I skipped out multiple times...??:dunno::kissass:

10. I like to procrastinate. I think it comes from my ability to work best under pressure...so I make sure I put it on myself.

11. I can’t kill things. I will go through ridiculous measures to save a spider or bug...I can however, kill mosquitoes and flies.

12. I have a really low attention span...unless I’m very stimulated I fade out fast. My mind goes faster than it should and my mouth sometimes faster...I tend to not have a self-edit function. And maybe a bit of ADD. LOL:d

13. What was it I was doing again?...:p

14. I love people. Always worked with people and in careers that have made me understand and read people well. Enjoy meeting new sledder chicas.

15. I hate people. Bad people. And sometimes I just like to be by myself, enjoying my home, yard, pets and life.

16. I love a challenge and doing things people say I can’t do. I tend to make a point of having some kind of challenge in my life to keep me stimulated and happy.

17. I leave my vehicle insurance to the very last day...minute actually, sometimes even later. No reason, just cuz.

18. I'm not affraid of challenge and asking for what I want. 99% of the time you get it.

19. Not a big drinker, although I do indulge...and I have enough of a potty-mouth without adding alcohol. :nono:

20.I once convinced a cop to pull me out of the ditch I drove in cuz I was drunk...it was against his rules but he did it anyways...hooked to my bumper, pulled me out...I proceeded to wave thanks and drive away with him still attached for a half a block...more like drug him.:eek:

21. I’ve only been sledding for 3 years, but I have a passion for it like nothing else. I ride my dirtbike and quad in the summer and spend great weekends camping with friends...but still dream of sledding. Hubby and I play together and it's a great way to be!

22. I hate paying bills, banking, bookkeeping...and anything that looks like or sounds like it. Not cuz I can’t, I just don’t want to. Money management is a weakness...I can make it but handling it is another story. One of hubby’s strong suits thank goodness.

23. I am close to my parents and am in business with my mother. My love of speed and motorized things comes from my dad. As a girl only child I was always determined to be a good daughter to my dad too...so more cars and less sewing for me!

24. I love gardening, flowers, shrubs...we have hundreds of species in our yard.

25. I'm creative and artistic and definitely possess some stereo-typical personality traits as such.:eek:


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Cockring, AB
1. My best friend, soul mate, and sledding partner is Amy - I trust her 100% with choices in the backcountry
2. I am not sure if I will be able to make 25 of these points.
3. I love Yamaha 4 stroke sleds, and have spent an inordinate amount of time and money trying to keep the 2 that I have running at the top of their game.
4. I have a career that is very stressful at times, and that no-one understands. (poultry equipment distribution and service)
5. Boost is highly addictive and worth all the effort in #3.
6. I am very proud of Amy's motivation in slaying nearly impossible climbs.
7. The best vehicle purchase I ever made was my 2002 dodge cummins - this thing is the rock on which our sledding relies.
8. I miss my dad every day. This man fueled my passion for sledding and anything fast in general. He groomed trails and has a trail named after him just west of Winnipeg.
9. I feel that point #8 is a poor tribute to him and doesn't begin to relay the honor he deserves.
10. I have so many good friends that I feel badly for not connecting with all of them well enough.
11. I hate household chores. We have a Roomba, and much rather service the machine than sweep the floors myself.
12. I love beer.
13. I knew that Bogger was turned on when I put him in a headlock.
14. I am surprised that I made it this far
15. How It's Made is the best TV program - ever.
16. I read technical articles on weaponry from WW1 through present day and find it fascinating. Amy thinks I am the biggest geek alive.....and she could be right.
17. I am fawking TIRED of explaining to friends, relatives, and everyone else why Amy did not win the Miss Extreme contest. Frankly, it's an embarrasment to me and everyone I got to help vote for that gong show.
18. Some people you meet via the internet turn out to be the best, salt-of-the-earth people that you are proud to know. You know who you are and I am happy to know you.
19. I know how to fly model airplanes, including twin engine types.
20. I love guns, but am not a hunter. Shooting trap and skeet are about the best ways to spend a summer afternoon that I know of.
21. I have a great amount of patience for most things....Amy has very little....we balance each other very well. :)
22. I have captained a tournament paintball team, and won 1st place trpohies in 2 divisions in the same year. I have played the sport since it's inception, roughly 20 years ago.
23. Our coffee table is a 35" top fuel dragster rear tire, topped with a round piece of glass.
24. I will not tolerate phony people.
25. I love Amy so much it hurts.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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Poultry equipment! thats interesting, i was watching Dirty Jobs last night and it was at a huge farm in arizona. I always marvel at the equipment like the egg conveyors and such. The work that someone goes thru to invent and maintain that hardware is amazing


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Whew, 25...I'll try.

1. I’m an only child..
2. I love animals, of all kind, but dogs are my pet of choice by far.
3. I prefer it when I’m right. I’m even ok with pretending I’m right.
4. I’m a natural in the kitchen...my time serving in restaurants as a youth paid off big time.
5. I was suspended in school for a week for throwing eggs at the VP’s house...drug by my hair, picked up by the fuzz and hauled to the slammer...all the rest of the group fessed up cuz I wouldn’t fink and it resulted in the biggest suspension in school history.
6. I hate wearing socks but love moccasins. Hate bras too..thanks goodness I don’t have D-cuppers.7. I’m not a fan of housework. It sucks. Although I like my house clean and organized. (Hubby's not a fan of this one)
8.I am fortunate to have a wonderful man in my life...and have for 20+ years. He can do most anything, and I tend to take advantage of that sometimes.
9. I was an honor student in school. Top Female Athlete, Best All Round Student...yadayada...yet I was a bit of chit disturber...don’t know how I pulled it off really. I even got perfect attendance awards even though I skipped out multiple times...??:dunno::kissass:
10. I like to procrastinate. I think it comes from my ability to work best under pressure...so I make sure I put it on myself.
11. I can’t kill things. I will go through ridiculous measures to save a spider or bug...I can however, kill mosquitoes and flies.
12. I have a really low attention span...unless I’m very stimulated I fade out fast. My mind goes faster than it should and my mouth sometimes faster...I tend to not have a self-edit function. And maybe a bit of ADD. LOL:d
13. What was it I was doing again?...:p
14. I love people. Always worked with people and in careers that have made me understand and read people well. Enjoy meeting new sledder chicas.
15. I hate people. Bad people. And sometimes I just like to be by myself, enjoying my home, yard, pets and life.
16. I love a challenge and doing things people say I can’t do. I tend to make a point of having some kind of challenge in my life to keep me stimulated and happy.
17. I leave my vehicle insurance to the very last day...minute actually, sometimes even later. No reason, just cuz.
18. I'm not affraid of challenge and asking for what I want. 99% of the time you get it.
19. Not a big drinker, although I do indulge...and I have enough of a potty-mouth without adding alcohol. :nono:
20.I once convinced a cop to pull me out of the ditch I drove in cuz I was drunk...it was against his rules but he did it anyways...hooked to my bumper, pulled me out...I proceeded to wave thanks and drive away with him still attached for a half a block...more like drug him.:eek:
21. I’ve only been sledding for 3 years, but I have a passion for it like nothing else. I ride my dirtbike and quad in the summer and spend great weekends camping with friends...but still dream of sledding. Hubby and I play together and it's a great way to be!
22. I hate paying bills, banking, bookkeeping...and anything that looks like or sounds like it. Not cuz I can’t, I just don’t want to. Money management is a weakness...I can make it but handling it is another story. One of hubby’s strong suits thank goodness.
23. I am close to my parents and am in business with my mother. My love of speed and motorized things comes from my dad. As a girl only child I was always determined to be a good daughter to my dad too...so more cars and less sewing for me!
24. I love gardening, flowers, shrubs...we have hundreds of species in our yard.
25. I'm creative and artistic and definitely possess some stereo-typical personality traits as such.:eek:

You and I sound ridiculously similar Tam!--- we might be hell-on-wheels if unleashed together in Revy!! OOOOOH BOY>>>> :beer:


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
1. My best friend, soul mate, and sledding partner is Amy - I trust her 100% with choices in the backcountry
2. I am not sure if I will be able to make 25 of these points.
3. I love Yamaha 4 stroke sleds, and have spent an inordinate amount of time and money trying to keep the 2 that I have running at the top of their game.
4. I have a career that is very stressful at times, and that no-one understands. (poultry equipment distribution and service)
5. Boost is highly addictive and worth all the effort in #3.
6. I am very proud of Amy's motivation in slaying nearly impossible climbs.
7. The best vehicle purchase I ever made was my 2002 dodge cummins - this thing is the rock on which our sledding relies.
8. I miss my dad every day. This man fueled my passion for sledding and anything fast in general. He groomed trails and has a trail named after him just west of Winnipeg.
9. I feel that point #8 is a poor tribute to him and doesn't begin to relay the honor he deserves.
10. I have so many good friends that I feel badly for not connecting with all of them well enough.
11. I hate household chores. We have a Roomba, and much rather service the machine than sweep the floors myself.
12. I love beer.
13. I knew that Bogger was turned on when I put him in a headlock.
14. I am surprised that I made it this far
15. How It's Made is the best TV program - ever.
16. I read technical articles on weaponry from WW1 through present day and find it fascinating. Amy thinks I am the biggest geek alive.....and she could be right.
17. I am fawking TIRED of explaining to friends, relatives, and everyone else why Amy did not win the Miss Extreme contest. Frankly, it's an embarrasment to me and everyone I got to help vote for that gong show.
18. Some people you meet via the internet turn out to be the best, salt-of-the-earth people that you are proud to know. You know who you are and I am happy to know you.
19. I know how to fly model airplanes, including twin engine types.
20. I love guns, but am not a hunter. Shooting trap and skeet are about the best ways to spend a summer afternoon that I know of.
21. I have a great amount of patience for most things....Amy has very little....we balance each other very well. :)
22. I have captained a tournament paintball team, and won 1st place trpohies in 2 divisions in the same year. I have played the sport since it's inception, roughly 20 years ago.
23. Our coffee table is a 35" top fuel dragster rear tire, topped with a round piece of glass.
24. I will not tolerate phony people.
25. I love Amy so much it hurts.

THanks Pistonbroke- I can hardly wait to meet you. I like my Roomba too, even if it takes longer to clean the brushes and wheels than it would to vaccuum an entire room! Your #25 is so sweet--- I cried a little :p


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2008
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The business end of a Beer!
1. I don’t like all animals equally. Dogs good…steak good too.
2. Isn’t this a chick thread and an answer game thing (I’m busted)?
3. I’m addicted to sledding.
4. My job gets in the way of fun, but I need it to pay for said fun.
5. You people put way too much time into how Bogger feels or fits into your lives...just sayin.
6. I drink way too much beer. (Gets me past #4).
7. I have an awesome wife and daughter...they actually understand me and my vices.
8. MMIII was a freaking gas, will never miss another till I cannot sled.
9. N.O. Saints deserved this one.
10. I’m 44, Superbowl 44, easy to remember.
11. This is harder then you might think.
12. I was adopted.
13. Skiing is a second passion to sledding…mucho funo.
14. I understand thateveryone does not agree with everything I believe in.
15. The older I get the faster time goes…damnation.
16. Camping without water and power services rocks.
17. Diesel rules.
18. “Floating” in the summer is contagious.
19. I like the smell of freshly mowed grass (sensitive entry).
20. I ALWAYS get butterflies before I jump on my sled.
21. Family and friends first.
22. I have a great life…consider myself very lucky.
23. I work very hard at #4…retiring in 10.25 years.
24. My dog thinks I’m cool.
25. I’ve never had a body cavity search.


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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1. I don’t like all animals equally. Dogs good…steak good too.Me either. Dogs & horses, but not cats! Steak: NO! Chicken:YES!!
2. Isn’t this a chick thread and an answer game thing (I’m busted)?YES, Yes, it is! Body cavity search for trespassing!
3. I’m addicted to sledding.Me Too!
4. My job gets in the way of fun, but I need it to pay for said fun.I hear ya
5. You people put way too much time into how Bogger feels or fits into your lives...just sayin.Ya, I don't really care how Bogger feels! But I like him anyway
6. I drink way too much beer. (Gets me past #4).I drink too much Rye (Is there such a thing?)
7. I have an awesome wife and daughter...they actually understand me and my vices.Ditto for my family-- except the wife bit!
8. MMIII was a freaking gas, will never miss another till I cannot sled.I begged my hubby to take me, but we went to Sicamous. It killed me to be sooo close to MMIII and miss it. Next year, fo sho!!
9. N.O. Saints deserved this one.?!?!?
10. I’m 44, Superbowl 44, easy to remember.Well, you got Alzheimers beat, for now!
11. This is harder then you might think.I know, right!!
12. I was adopted.I tell people I was! Just kidding!
13. Skiing is a second passion to sledding…mucho funo.Agreed, but I don't do much of it since we started sledding. Need more winter, and less working!
14. I understand thateveryone does not agree with everything I believe in.That's the beauty of living in a free country
15. The older I get the faster time goes…damnation.AMEN!!
16. Camping without water and power services rocks.Is their any other way to camp?
17. Diesel rules.Yeah, I have no opinion
18. “Floating” in the summer is contagious.What is floating? Can you get vaccinated ?? :confused:
19. I like the smell of freshly mowed grass (sensitive entry). I just cried a little!!
20. I ALWAYS get butterflies before I jump on my sled.Me too!! And I smile even bigger when I think about it... and I just got a new idea for a tattoo!
21. Family and friends first.Of course
22. I have a great life…consider myself very lucky.That makes me smile!
23. I work very hard at #4…retiring in 10.25 years.Wowza!
24. My dog thinks I’m cool.Somebody has to!
25. I’ve never had a body cavity search.
Refer to #2!! :eek:


GBCA Member
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Calmer, formerly of the GBCA
1- i am a very proud maritimer, and Nova Scotia will always be home.
2- my dogs are my kids.....couldn't live with out them
3- i love my gf. and probably don't show it enough.
4- i sometimes wonder why she's put up with me this long
5- floating isn't just contagious, it is a necessary part of life.
6- my boat is the best $2000 i ever spent
7- my sled is the best $1000 i ever spent
8- i cant believe it took me 29 years to discover sledding.
9- opposite todd....i would have to put my passions #1 skiing and i can see sledding turning into #2 (tied with my boat)
10- i cant believe my gf has stayed with me this long
11- believe it or not i got my black belt at 16....and plan to get back into martial arts in the near future
12- my mom in my eyes is the strongest person i have/will ever meet
13- my only regret is not keeping in better contact with friends and family over the years
14- i an slowly making it a point to fix #13
15- i believe Jesus is the first super hero, and the bible the the first comic book........so you pray to him and I'll pray to superman
16- i think blue tooth's should only be allowed when in a vehicle, not while walking through a mall looking like your talking to yourself
17- vasdddddddddddjbg <--------that was my dog jumping on my lap
18- i'm running out of chit to type
19- i was once ran over by a car and dragged underneath across a parking lot
20- i think donairs, BK whoppers, and beer are the greatest tasting things on earth
21- its currently past my bed time
22- i to this day cant sleep on christmas eve....also happens to be my favorite day/night
23- i stand a towering 5'5 1\2......and yes when your this short that 1/2" matters
24- i'm going to bed now

oh wait...25.....when i was a kid i was trapped in a bathroom by a knife weilding bogger for over an hour untill our mom got home.....so i may have been a partial reason for that spanking...


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
Reaction score
Area Code 306
Im not creepin out...I swear....but there are some neat threads over here

1. my friends think I have ADD (I don't disagree)
2. I used to check out my wife's ass all the time when we worked together (and werent dating yet) - always got busted
3. priorities change when you have kids (for the better)
4. my little girl Taylor is my life, I would do ANYTHING for her
5. I went to "Grade 13" - don't ask
6. My wife is SUPER hot....no really
7. can I make 25??
8. I also am terrified of meeting new people and striking up a "conversation"
9. I'm scared sh*#less riding in the mountains
10. I'm afraid of heights (hense # 9)
11. I Recently discovered Yamaha 4 stroke snowmachines - what took so long?? (Thanks TJ!)
12. I have the best job - but hate kissing everyone's a$$ to get business
13. I once thought I was addicted to ebay....don't ask how much I spent last year
14. I want to buy a camper, but am not really good at backing a trailer up
15. Working in the "patch" was the best/worst experience I have ever had - I learned very valueble life lessons that will forever be with me. But I hated the work and pay. (I worked siesmic....yep nuff said.)
16. I too was adopted...mom randomly told me at 18 - I don't speak to my parents anymore
17. I still like punk rock - Pennywise, Face to Face, Strung out are some of my favorite bands to this day
18. I am a freakishly good golfer - I dare you to play me skins.......;)
19. My wife is the greatest thing to ever come into my life
20. I consider my bro in-law my best friend - and an actual "brother" to me
21. I have always been really naturally good at sports, but never stood out in the crowd (even for golf - I'm good, but those guys in the PGA are unbelievable)
22. I'm not a good teacher
23. I hate working out, but can't stand to be out of shape - so I'm in the gym 5 days a week
24. If I never married or had kids, I would have been a sales rep for a major brand - like Titleist, Under Armour or Nike
25. I'm really good at selling things (hense # 24) - like my old car's, trucks, sleds, parts whatever - I will sell you on buying it

wow I made it......sorry for hangin out in here .... again!!! hahah!


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Down by the Bay
Well I guess since everyone else is taking the time to make an actual serious attempt at this I should as well........

1. I am what I am, some like me some hate me....Not a fan of those who hate me.
2. My wife (Arlene) is the best thing that ever happened to me, she is a big part of the reason I have custody of my children and we ballance each other out in almost every way.
3. I am generally able to find the positive in any situation and easily laugh things off.
4. I've met some of my best friends on the internet....Including my wife.
5. Proudest moments of my life to date were marrying arlene and watching my 11 year old daughter shave her head bald for cancer, she raised $2500 much of which was donated by S&M members.
6. Like plio I will always be a maritimer at heart... I miss the ocean but not much else.
7. Aside from my wife my brother is my best freind.
8. I love beer, donairs & whoppers as well......Lobster is my favorite food.
9. Dexter is my favorite non cartoon TV series, we don't have TV so I have the DVD's
10. I love cartoons, Have all the Simpson's seasons, most family guy, king of the hill some southpark and futurama.
11. I love being on the water... Doing nothing on the boat is better than doing anything anywhere else.
12. I have a lakelot I have only been to twice in the past two years because I spend all my time in the summer on the boat at wabamun.
13. I'm nervous as hell to ride the mountains in Cooke but excited to meet all the Imaginary internet freinds I've made.
14. We currently live in a 1150 sq/ft house with 7 people, 2 dogs and a rabbit.
15. I never really had any use for horses, but now that we have them I see the appeal, even without riding them.
16. My mother is my hero, If I can be 1/2 the person she is I'll be happy.
17. If arlene had met me anytime before 27 years old she would not have wanted anything to do with me... the end of my first marriage and ensuing divorce changed me for the better.
18. I am mechanically retarded, some would argue mechanics isn't the only area.
19. I am socially outgoing, so much so that I often leave arlene in the lurch when we go to large social gatherings, for this I appologize.
20. I don't drink Whisky anymore, all the jail incidents from my last post began with whisky.
21. I'm not religious, nor am I against religion. I find it too coincidental that our solar system shares so many characteristics with a "cell" ..... I believe we as humans are cancerous by nature and eventually whatever is out there will find a cure, until then game on.
22. I will help anyone with anything at any time within my ability, I don't like being taken advantage of and believe karma evens things out in the end.
23. Energy can niether be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another..... this theory is the key to the question "where do we go when we die"
24. My children drive me nuts, I tell them every day (more than once) that I love them. However I do not spend enough quality time with them and this needs to change.
25. Homer Simpson Rules.... we share a last name, a love for beer, a knack for doing stupid things and a career.

Wow..... there is 15 mins I will never get back...........:d
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