2013/2014 Season Summary


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Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
DCIM65[N5450059W12226632T407D7A9AH0481C6].jpg DCIM55[N5437837W12213870T4063207AH0392A4].jpg


Active VIP Member
Dec 2, 2009
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No big sercret, that is pow cow, been sledding out there since the late 90's.


I was told it was Little Sands so if someone refers to it by another name, kind of hard for me to know. It was my first time there. Also, so many people get their panties in a knot if you say the name of an area so figured I would zip it. But your vid clearly shows name and area so I guess it's ok to refer to it. :D :beer:

I did love the area. Will be going back in the winter with some real snow. Some really nice tree lines and downhill descents!

Edit: So hard to know when you are allowed to say the name of an area or not!! :confused:
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Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I was told it was Little Sands so if someone refers to it by another name, kind of hard for me to know. It was my first time there. Also, so many people get their panties in a knot if you say the name of an area so figured I would zip it. But your vid clearly shows name and area so I guess it's ok to refer to it. :D :beer:

I did love the area. Will be going back in the winter with some real snow. Some really nice tree lines and downhill descents!

Edit: So hard to know when you are allowed to say the name of an area or not!! :confused:

Powder Cowboy is the Cat ski company that used to operate in this area, Little Sands is the geographic name. Same area. If Pow Cow is running in mid season, generally its accepted that sledders stay out of the area until cat ski season is over. They have not operated the last 3 yrs? if I'm remembering correct.


Active VIP Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Powder Cowboy is the Cat ski company that used to operate in this area, Little Sands is the geographic name. Same area. If Pow Cow is running in mid season, generally its accepted that sledders stay out of the area until cat ski season is over. They have not operated the last 3 yrs? if I'm remembering correct.

ahhhhh ok so obviously an area I don't need to be hush hush over then. I googled Powder Cowboy cat skiing and it re-directed me to Island Lake with this terrain map. Catski Terrain - Island Lake Catskiing

HRT Offroad

Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Kimberley, BC
ahhhhh ok so obviously an area I don't need to be hush hush over then. I googled Powder Cowboy cat skiing and it re-directed me to Island Lake with this terrain map. Catski Terrain - Island Lake Catskiing

The tenure and Powder Cowboy's is owned and was operated by Island Lake. The local name for the area is Little Sand Creek. The original owners of the Cat Ski tenure was Snomuch Fun (who used to be my neighbours back in Cranbrook) and they later sold to Island Lake/Powder Cowboys. The Snomuch Fun crew worked closely with snowmobilers, but Powder Cowboys...not so much (from what I have heard, as we didn't ride there in cat ski season when it was a "live" tenure), as the only area that was designated for sledders was the Lakeside area which is relatively small and is mostly comprised of Avy terrain.
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