My Story + Mad Motorsports + This site


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Jan 26, 2007
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I don't even know what to say. I just read the whole post. We do lots of work with the foundation and your story is why we do what we do. Just keep taking it one step at a time, one day at a time. When you think you have had enough take one more step and then another. You are only 30 more days away from another favorable outcome. I think I speak for everyone one the site when I say if there is ever anything you need, anything from a night away or a helping hand for the afternoon, just let us know. One thing I know for sure about sledders is that we look after our own and help out when it is needed.

It's a good life!

Will Hickey


Active VIP Member
Oct 1, 2010
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Red Deer County
Re: My Story + Mad Motorsports + This site *** UPDATE ***

I have spent several long days at the Stollery ( with my grand son ) Taylor is being seen by the One Of The Best In The World ! "Don't Give Up" ! We are Praying for You All !


Active VIP Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Sherwood Park
Well guys I just wanted to post a update. We have had more meetings with the Doctors and have come up with a plan. Taylor is going to receive 33 sessions of Radiation - once a day, 5 days a week for about 6 weeks. We have hopes that in radiating her whole spine and head, well mapping the treatment around vital organs as much as possible this should give her the best chance at beating this. As well we have also been told that they believe there is a dusting of cancer cells all over her spine and brain now.

We can only speculate about the side effects that may come from this form of treatment regarding her brain but we hope it will have such little effect that she will only require a teachers aid for the first 2 years of school to help her stay focused. The side effects we know for sure will include stunted growth (a few inches shorter for sure), total damage to her pituitary gland, which will require Synthetic Hormone Replacement for the rest of her life, and a couple others that are so small I don't even care to talk about.

We still have the risk that it will come back again and have been reminded that most kids that have this type of cancer will not make it to there 5th birthday. We are hopeful and what do they know..... She wasn't suppose to make it this far anyway.

So with this weekend being Thanksgiving and all, I am thankful for all the support we have received from friends, family, S&M and my local fire department that I have been a part of now for 2 months.

I hope everyone has a great weekend with there family and little ones. Please give your children a extra hug and kiss today, and hold them a little tighter for a extra moment.

Have a great long weekend,
The Thiessen's


Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
Thanks for the update, were all thinking Taylor and your family tonight.



Active VIP Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Prince George
We will include your family in our prayers tonight, our thoughts are with you.Thank you for the update


Active VIP Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Sherwood Park
Re: My Story + Mad Motorsports + This site "Things have gone wrong"

Hi everyone.......

Well we were called into the Stollery again on Friday and... Well to make a long hard weekend a short quick story, we were told that when the MRI was being read by the radiologist at the Cross Cancer for her planning of radiation treatment. They had found more cancer that "did not" meet the first persons criteria that had read them. So we now have 4 opinions and a fifth one that will be complete from todays scans at 12:30.

What they have found is a additional 2 tumours in her spine, that making 4 tumours in her spine, 1 in her 4th ventricle at the base of her brain and have now found that her whole brain is coated in a layer of cancer.

We were told we more then likely have 6 months or less and they can not tell us at all what the end will bring because of so many tumours that could grow at all different rates.

I think what hurt the most and made this hit home (again... but in that moment) was sitting there in the meeting and telling them that my parents wanted to take Taylor to Disney World in march.... And them telling us that Grandma & Grampa better move that trip up as soon as they can because they don't think March will happen.

I want to thank everyone for there support, well wishes, prayers, and positive thinking.

Family and friends have setup a Facebook page "A wish for Taylor" and every person that "Likes" the page $2 will be donated to Taylor's trip to disneyland.

A Wish For Taylor | Facebook

There is also my sister in-law who has setup and maintained a blog with all our updates.

Landon, Mindy & Taylor

My wife and I are really not sure where to go from here, but we are just over whelmed by the kindness of people and people that we have never met.

At this point the only thing I really want to share with you guys is, life is precious and you never know what tomorrow will bring. PLEASE enjoy as much time as you can with your children, stop to give them hugs for no reason at all, enjoy how silly the can be and don't waste a moment of opportunity with them.

Thank you fellow sled heads.


Super Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Sorry to hear it's come back like that, we're praying for you and your family.


Active VIP Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Sherwood Park
Thanks for the update, were all thinking Taylor and your family tonight.


Ron, Taylor was sitting in my lap when I was typing this morning and when she seen the picture she started screaming with joy. I had to print it out for her and she is now dancing around and singing with the picture. What a silly little girl :d


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
2$ to click like is nice, but is there a paypal account or something where someone could send over something a bit more significant?

If so, let us know, S&M can make this trip happen far faster I would imagine.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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man what to say like i said the other night i have no idea what to say or do that can help ease this period in your families life. life is so precious that we need to cherish every moment we can with our loved ones. Taylor is one of the most adorable little girls(princesses) anyone could ever have the privelage of meeting she is so full of life it is unbelievable. and very hard to realize the actual situation that her and her family are in. she is always smiling and laughing, i know everybodys kids are like that when other people are around right. its when the visitors are away that the real kid comes out. but seriouslly she is always happy and full of energy it seems. i cannot imagine the mental anguish yous are going through trying to deal with this. like i said anything you need you got our number do not hesitate to call buddy. weather just to talk or just hang out i am available any time. stay strong and keep us all updated.


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
2$ to click like is nice, but is there a paypal account or something where someone could send over something a bit more significant?

If so, let us know, S&M can make this trip happen far faster I would imagine.

Inside 2 days would be my bet......


Active VIP Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Sherwood Park
2$ to click like is nice, but is there a paypal account or something where someone could send over something a bit more significant?

If so, let us know, S&M can make this trip happen far faster I would imagine.

I am a stuborn person at times and sometimes do not wish to admit that we need help..... ;)

So I didn't want to go "there" in posting anything like that. But if anyone wishes to do that it would be greatly appreciated like you would not believe. What I will do is post the link again to the Blog which has the "Trust Fund Account Info" that was setup TD Bank. It was setup 2 yrs ago by a family member when Taylor was born with her brain cancer.

The info is in the top right corner of the page.
Landon, Mindy & Taylor

If I take some heat from you guys I can post it on the site or someone else can if they beat me to it.

All I can say is "Thank You" I am at a loss for words right now. But you guys choke me up right now.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
Paypal costs to much, your better off emailing through your bank. It uses the interac system and is secure. Who ever has the trust account set up opens the emails and has it setup. It's actually easier than paypal.

Works for me, where does a guy send this too?


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I am a stuborn person at times and sometimes do not wish to admit that we need help..... ;)

So I didn't want to go "there" in posting anything like that. But if anyone wishes to do that it would be greatly appreciated like you would not believe. What I will do is post the link again to the Blog which has the "Trust Fund Account Info" that was setup TD Bank. It was setup 2 yrs ago by a family member when Taylor was born with her brain cancer.

The info is in the top right corner of the page.
Landon, Mindy & Taylor

If I take some heat from you guys I can post it on the site or someone else can if they beat me to it.

All I can say is "Thank You" I am at a loss for words right now. But you guys choke me up right now.

Do you want us to use the trust account fund for the D-land trip? After reading the blog the last few days I was thinking this would be a fund raiser idea independant of that and I can't think of a greater gift to give to Taylor than a trip to the greatest place on earth.

I'll cash in the overtime if it means she gets to go sooner. I want nothing more than to see this happen.

Either way, just let us know, there are lots of people willing to help.
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