NDP Alberta?????


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
Remember this guy believes in more taxs and social programs in Alberta , not less....

This is a direct quote from swat:
"The great depression, the 80's in Canada and the Greek economic crisis. Read a book from time to time or at the very least use Google. It's a proven fact cutting social programs and lowering taxes only works in the short term. Perhaps if Alberta would have had a pst of 3%, well below the national average a massive deficit wouldn't be in the near future. Your probably going to mention the provincial equality payments handed out to other provinces but the fact of the matter is oil and gas is a Canadian resource not just a Alberta resource. I might be just a dumb rig hand but I'm also a educated rig hand. People need to see past the end of the day before tomorrow runs them over."
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Active member
Nov 15, 2006
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You do realize that WCB is government run insurance company huh!! You most likely have a company and don't have a choice. You still never answered the ? did u vote for these clowns that are gonna see this province torn apart. Enjoy your day
He said. Good day!...now GOOD DAY!

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Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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That's bot very accurate. It is more proven that giving tax breaks to the upper earners and increasing the tax on the middle class hurts the economy. Why doesn't it make sense to tax those who make more on a higher scale? certainly if your making over 100k per year you can afford some extra tax. Yes everyone hates paying taxes and we all do our best to find loop holes and avoid it but if you can afford it why shouldn't a person have to pay it?
Minimum income to be in the top ...
10% of income earners$80,400*
1% of income earners$191,100*
0.1% of income earners$685,000**
0.01% of income earners$2.57 million**
*National Household Survey (2011), **Statistics Canada T1FF (2010)

increasing taxes on ANYONE is a bad idea at the best of times,let alone in a downturn. It's basic economics. Set aside the fact that the big money people gravitate to where taxes are lowest in the world, (and removing their money from the local economy when they do so) taking excessive money out of the economy in the form of taxation is just bad economic policy and defies common sense.
Money siphoned of in taxes is money that largely disappears from the economy. A certain amount of it comes back in the wages that get paid to government workers, and in contracts and services that the govt purchases. Where it goes off the rails is in the gross inefficiency, waste and fraud that are rife in govt programs as well as pet projects of politicians that make them feel good but do nothing to support the economy (eg Syrian refugees, green energy etc). Look at health care. Costs go up every year, and waiting times never improve much. Too much of the money is used up in the layers of bureaucracy before it gets to the effective, hands on workers.
Private industry, not govt, is what keeps the economy afloat. Money in private hands creates jobs, buys and sells goods and services, and generates profits and returns for investors that again get cycled back into the economy. Money taken in taxes do none of that.
Look at the upcoming carbon tax. It's gonna directly take money from you, me and every person, business, and organization in the province. The more energy you use, the more it costs you. The NDP says it's gonna use that money for clean energy initiatives. (Windmills).
So all that tax money goes into the govt hands. A big chunk will be absorbed by the bureaucrats to run the program. Another chunk will leave the country forever to Germany and the U.S. To buy the windmills (there's none made in canada). Some local benefit will be produced in the jobs for the guys that build the wind farms, and some land speculators will make a profit on the land where the windmills sit.
And when they're all up and running, we all pay more again in higher utility costs to subsidize the operators of the windmills, because just like in Ontario, the govt will find out that wind energy is not a commercially viable source of electricity, and that ratepayers have to shoulder the added costs.
In a nutshell, the economy (and you and I) get hit twice, once for the carbon tax, and again in higher utility costs to support the pet project of the govt. And the poorest among us get hit the hardest because both the carbon tax and the higher utility rates costs everyone the same regardless of income. Can you see how leaving things alone is a far better course of action for everyone BUT the govt?
That's what is scariest about the NDP. They can't leave things alone. They think they know better than everyone what is best for us and they will tax us into economic ruin to try and socially engineer society into their socialist utopia. Common sense be damned.


Active VIP Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Freedom, Ab

Pretty f@$kin much and it will start to happen here also if that carbon tax is a go amongst other anomalies. It starts with small thieving then seeing what the consumer will buy then onward and upward. Oh then of course we will here about it from the media/cops then the Ins companies and so on and wonder why is this happening duhhhhh!!! Maybe there will be lots of security guard jobs cause the heat is all ready stretched to the limit. But then again who wants to get beat up for 14hr to try and run a bunch of thieves off company property. Just my 2 cents.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Almost like the wild wild west.Except back then,thieves would get hung or shot.
Stealing it right off the animal around here already. Taking the whole animal, stealing small herds or just shooting it and doing a crude butchering job in the pasture. Sh!t could get really bad.


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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Tailings ponds provide up to 90 per cent of a company's water needs through the re-use of process-affected water, significantly reducing the amount of fresh water required.
Comprehensive monitoring programs have not detected impacts from tailings ponds on surface water or potable groundwater.

Tailings are made up of natural materials including water, fine silts, residual bitumen, salts and soluble organic compounds. They also include solvents that are added to the oil sands during the separation process.

Tailings ponds are managed within a closed-circuit drainage system and no tailings or process-affected water are allowed off-site.

Most NDP and Liberals are so concerned about tailing ponds, which are contained and monitored very closely so no problems occur. And I'm not saying there hasn't bin incidents, when there is they take all measures to fix it or clean it up properly.
Meanwhile it's cool to dump 8 billion gallons of raw sewage into the St Lawrence. Oh don't forget about Vancouver where does all there's go?? Yup straight out in the pacific as we speak. You could let everything tailing pond we have go, and it wouldn't even come close to a fraction of environmental damage that the sewage there dumping has. I just think before trying to control, and brain wash others on how bad this dirty oil that feeds everyone is. They should clean up there own chit!

That's a pretty picture there, however that is not a primary treatment pond or should i say lake.
I do not beleive 90% of the h2o the process uses is from ponds.


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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A scandal or two we can afford. This government we cannot afford.

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A scandal or 2.... How much did redford spend on her palace? The planes? The travel? I dont have time to find all the other money wasting they did during their time in power. You conservative supporters have blinders on if you think the blue party was doing a good job. If they were there would be no provincial debt.


Active VIP Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Freedom, Ab
I sure to hell hope that Manitoba this spring does not vote these marxist clowns in again and do the right thing and send them packing.


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
If they were there would be no provincial debt.

and this current NDP govt has put us farther into debt than Alberta has ever been, and no sign of even trying to balance the budget until after their term...... you would call this good? wtf!!


Active VIP Member
Apr 4, 2007
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A scandal or 2.... How much did redford spend on her palace? The planes? The travel? I dont have time to find all the other money wasting they did during their time in power. You conservative supporters have blinders on if you think the blue party was doing a good job. If they were there would be no provincial debt.

I did not say blue was without fault at all, quite contrary. However at the rate our new government is going, the comparison is beginning to make me want blue back! Crazy right? By the end of this term we will have a gigantic debt, no jobs left in oil construction, large job losses in the coal industry, electricity cost gone way up, elevated taxation on almost everything, and anyone needing work will have moved to sask.

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SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
If they were there would be no provincial debt.

and this current NDP govt has put us farther into debt than Alberta has ever been, and no sign of even trying to balance the budget until after their term...... you would call this good? wtf!! And all their spending won't affect the average Albertan, other than possibly job losses.... They're trying to impose their beliefs onto Alberta, to form their idealized socialist society, rather than what a good government should do, by promoting our province and what we have, and attempting to spark the oil/timber/mining/farming sectors, rather than imploding them, and in the case of mining and oil, "putting them down" every chance they get....

Look how Saskatchewan just picked up a major oil investment, and LEX bypassed Alberta, because of the poor investor interest in the province, which is brought on by the NDP and their royalty review, carbon tax, etc.... Yes I believe a fair carbon tax should be implemented, but I doubt to the extent Knothead wants to instill...


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
A scandal or 2.... How much did redford spend on her palace? The planes? The travel? I dont have time to find all the other money wasting they did during their time in power. You conservative supporters have blinders on if you think the blue party was doing a good job. If they were there would be no provincial debt.
Trust me I am no Redford fan , but what she spent will be laughable compared to what our new premier will do to the province...
you think we have debt now !!!just wait.....


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
Trust me I am no Redford fan , but what she spent will be laughable compared to what our new premier will do to the province...
you think we have debt now !!!just wait.....

and they have no plans to even attempt to balance the budget until after their term in office....
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