NDP Alberta?????

Summit 934

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Dec 26, 2014
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Pincher Creek
What's really scary is that the NDP has basically done nothing but announce future changes and every one of them shows a total lack of common sense or business acumen. Very few of them have any relevant business experience and a shocking number of them have never even held a job!!
Its true that they're not to blame for the price of oil, but raising income taxes, starting a carbon tax scheme, and wanting to diddle with royalties when the economy is in this state creates uncertainty that drives capital and investors away. This is what totally escapes them. Alberta is now one of the last places any investor will look to put his money, largely because they can't trust that it won't be taxed away. Companies will spend money in a downturn if they think it will pay dividends in the future. Often their money will go farther due to lower wages and construction costs, and that they stand to reap a bigger profit when things pick up. All higher taxes do is remove money from the economy that could be used for re-investment.

What is gonna make it worse for us is the Feds encouragement of devaluing the dollar. Watch in the spring when the auctions start liquidating assets for struggling companies. Americans will arrive in droves and buy up all the good equipment due to the difference in the dollar. Any one local that has the cash to upgrade will be unable to compete with the Americans. Then when things do turn around here, we're gonna have to re-tool again and buy new equipment at a much higher cost, often from the states. Now is the time we need govt to help business by making it easier to do business, retain workers and important assets and infrastructure, and not to destroy the confidence and business atmosphere of the province.

Thats is what the NDP can't understand because they have a pathological need to tax, spend and try to socially engineer the world. It hasn't worked in any other province and won't work here.

You have it figured out Cdnfireman, if you ever decide to run for the blue team against Knothead you have my vote!!


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
Sums it up....


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Jun 1, 2011
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Freedom, Ab
How can ole Ralphy pay off Albertas debt with 35$ Oil and Knothead/Crew can add 10 billion $ deficit with 35$ Oil!! Hmnnn.


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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Why do the NDP hate oil sands? I keep hearing these dirty oil coments.. The oil is in the sand! They clean the oil out of the sand and then put the clean sand back!! They should love this!! they there cleaning up the environment! Now thanks to them all this oil is out there stuck in the sand dirtying up the place no one to clean it up! And how everyone saying all your eggs in one basket. We have one huge egg! That feeds everyone! And one perfict basket that it fits in. Why wouldn't you do everything in your power to protect that egg, instead of Throwing that egg out and getting a couple small eggs that only feed a few people in a couple little baskets and leave the big one empty..

Yup only clean sand left after pulling oil out....


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2012
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The tailing ponds? I haven't heard of uses for them yet...
Tailings ponds provide up to 90 per cent of a company's water needs through the re-use of process-affected water, significantly reducing the amount of fresh water required.
Comprehensive monitoring programs have not detected impacts from tailings ponds on surface water or potable groundwater.

Tailings are made up of natural materials including water, fine silts, residual bitumen, salts and soluble organic compounds. They also include solvents that are added to the oil sands during the separation process.

Tailings ponds are managed within a closed-circuit drainage system and no tailings or process-affected water are allowed off-site.

Most NDP and Liberals are so concerned about tailing ponds, which are contained and monitored very closely so no problems occur. And I'm not saying there hasn't bin incidents, when there is they take all measures to fix it or clean it up properly.
Meanwhile it's cool to dump 8 billion gallons of raw sewage into the St Lawrence. Oh don't forget about Vancouver where does all there's go?? Yup straight out in the pacific as we speak. You could let everything tailing pond we have go, and it wouldn't even come close to a fraction of environmental damage that the sewage there dumping has. I just think before trying to control, and brain wash others on how bad this dirty oil that feeds everyone is. They should clean up there own chit!


Active VIP Member
Apr 4, 2007
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Conservative party never had any scandals though....
A scandal or two we can afford. This government we cannot afford.

Oh i see one person did, I am sorry to say i did once in BC as well. Not long after the our debt was tremendous and all the high paying jobs disappeared. Welfare, minimum wage jobs and lots of red tape is what their specialty is

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Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
Your government and the federal government had one goal in mind....to shut down the oil sands at all costs. And replace it with smart new technologies. Even a dumb person can figure out what the end result will be. Bite the hand that feeds you.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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That's bot very accurate. It is more proven that giving tax breaks to the upper earners and increasing the tax on the middle class hurts the economy. Why doesn't it make sense to tax those who make more on a higher scale? certainly if your making over 100k per year you can afford some extra tax. Yes everyone hates paying taxes and we all do our best to find loop holes and avoid it but if you can afford it why shouldn't a person have to pay it?
[h=2]Minimum income to be in the top ...[/h]
10% of income earners$80,400*
1% of income earners$191,100*
0.1% of income earners$685,000**
0.01% of income earners$2.57 million**
*National Household Survey (2011), **Statistics Canada T1FF (2010)
The NDP has introduced caps and new regulations as we'll as a royalty review .Imo this is not the time to do this, when oil is so low..

Where do you think federal tax dollars come from ?? Seriously.....again if you decrease the amount of potential tax payers , it would not matter how much you tax the RICH!!! It still would generate less income for the government .... Sorry this is a fact , proven over time on many countries around the world .
Of course the oil market is down, thus the government should be helping and promoting the oil industry, instead of creating a sense of fear & uncertainty in investors and stake holders !

I see it all boils down to your distaste of a company making a profit...even though our society would be doomed if it meant the government helped prevent that....imo


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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To be considered in the top 1% in the world you only need to make a little over 32k per year. The trick is to not have any debt.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
That's bot very accurate. It is more proven that giving tax breaks to the upper earners and increasing the tax on the middle class hurts the economy. Why doesn't it make sense to tax those who make more on a higher scale? certainly if your making over 100k per year you can afford some extra tax. Yes everyone hates paying taxes and we all do our best to find loop holes and avoid it but if you can afford it why shouldn't a person have to pay it?
Minimum income to be in the top ...
10% of income earners$80,400*
1% of income earners$191,100*
0.1% of income earners$685,000**
0.01% of income earners$2.57 million**
*National Household Survey (2011), **Statistics Canada T1FF (2010)
What financially ruins most countries is the number of people who are poor and can not pay any tax . If you tax the high earners enough they will simply find better ways to get out of paying tax , by transferring their wealth to a region with kinder tax benefits . That is what is proven . Along with that the high end earners usually drive the economic train ( that's why they make big$$)and if you lose them , they are not replaced by 50k a year people ...!

The NDP way of tax the high end earners way more sounds great and appeals to people who are not financial bright... But in the real world ... It has never ever worked ! Show me a provincial government with this thought process ( aka NDP ) that has ever been successful ....ever ?? Once you limit people's ability to realize there entrepreneurs dreams , ( by removing any incentive by tax) you have failed your objective .

In short higher taxs (for any one )are not the answer , never have and never will be.....sorry that is just a fact !


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
To be considered in the top 1% in the world you only need to make a little over 32k per year. The trick is to not have any debt.
I don't know what you are talking about with the 1% thing and how that applies the the NDP in Alberta . However , I do believe in Good debt and bad debt ....and the ability to leverage with other people's money is not a bad thing....lol
Ask our major banks......if it works ?


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2012
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That's bot very accurate. It is more proven that giving tax breaks to the upper earners and increasing the tax on the middle class hurts the economy. Why doesn't it make sense to tax those who make more on a higher scale? certainly if your making over 100k per year you can afford some extra tax. Yes everyone hates paying taxes and we all do our best to find loop holes and avoid it but if you can afford it why shouldn't a person have to pay it?
Minimum income to be in the top ...
10% of income earners$80,400*
1% of income earners$191,100*
0.1% of income earners$685,000**
0.01% of income earners$2.57 million**
*National Household Survey (2011), **Statistics Canada T1FF (2010)
Taxing the higher earners more is insane! Penalizing success! Why would anyone want to do better In there life's? If someone's going to take it. This is what breads more New Democrates, I don't have to work hard, someone will just give me what I need.
These higher earners are trying to get a head, there building businesses, investing, creating more jobs for others to try to do more and move up and create more jobs. Which means more people paying taxes more revenue! Taxing them is penalizing grow. If we all just eat granola soon you will deplete and drive anyone with any money to take out of the province or country. Then what?? I say you tax the lower income more, put a fire under there a££, to go out and try to do something instead of just sitting waiting for hand outs.


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Taxing the higher earners more is insane! Penalizing success! Why would anyone want to do better In there life's? If someone's going to take it. This is what breads more New Democrates, I don't have to work hard, someone will just give me what I need.
These higher earners are trying to get a head, there building businesses, investing, creating more jobs for others to try to do more and move up and create more jobs. Which means more people paying taxes more revenue! Taxing them is penalizing grow. If we all just eat granola soon you will deplete and drive anyone with any money to take out of the province or country. Then what?? I say you tax the lower income more, put a fire under there a££, to go out and try to do something instead of just sitting waiting for hand outs.
This is also why taxing the middle class doesn't work. No one wants to take the next step from lower to middle and get penalized..
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