Will the USA fall?


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
Your attitude on military was all it took to know where you lived, compared to other posts in the thread. USA's attitude needs an adjustment. When your living on welfare, and about to be kicked out on the street and have NOTHING, the last thing you need is to take out a loan to buy a gun, when your already 10 miles deep in loans you will never payoff. That is the exact state the USA is in. They cannot afford military, they can't afford ANYTHING. Look at the cost of the wars lately, to achieve what? Nothing? It's their own fault they are there in the first place and it goes back decades on their attitude with war. The only thing they need to focus on is spending less money, and helping out the people who need it because of the crappy economy they created.

It sucks they are in such bad shape, but it was bound to happen, and is for their own good. Maybe the US will actually learn something from it and not let it happen again......If you couldn't see this coming years ago, you need to remove the blinders.

CYCLE HAS SPOKEN! Lock this thread up all the problems are solved!

wait the war has solved nothing? If the USA hadn't gone into Iraq (People are gonna freak for this but THANK YOU GEORGE W BUSH) and gotten Sadam and Bin Laden(I thank George for sending them in, i thank the servicemen and women for getting him). Where do you think they would be? How many more attacks would have happened? How many more innocents would have died? That's like saying oh the US shouldn't have fought in WW2. Shoulda let the Japanese keep attacking them at will and let the Geramans continue there horrific crimes. Just like we should have let Sadam keep killing his own people with spray planes. What pulled the USA out of the great depression?

Let me put this simply. If you are having money problems do you spend less money on:
A) Home security that keeps your family safe
B) Stop giving your drug addict little brother money to feed his addiction


Active member
Feb 13, 2011
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Your KIDDING right?

Going to Iraq did nothing to stabalize the world the WMD's didnt excist so no global terror from saddam was a threat the terror training camps picked up and moved to Iran and other terror friendly countries some that even say they support the US (Pakistan for one).

The amount of money they spent on the war in Iraq could have sealed the US border.

So what did they get out of this OIL not just in Iraq but the entire middle east with the US military in numbers in the area who would risk pissing them off?
Now that the US cant afford the keep a major military presence there the arabs are now more free to sell the crude to CHINA!.

China who has loaned major sums of money is now starting to suck up massive amounts of natural resource and starting to steal the thunder out from under the US and the Americans can do little if nothing about it.

Now the americans are going to have to shift the political and General Attitude of how they play in the world market. They are not going to be able to SABRE rattle there way into cheap resource anymore.
The Americans have to face they are broke and cant be a super power anymore ( remember what happend to russia trying to keep up it bankrupt them)

Now if they can Balance there budget great but that has nothing to do with the massive International debt they have accumulated and sooner or later the creditors will come knocking!
Now A free democratic country is a great thing but the accounting just never adds up they always end up spending more then they can tax small groups become wealthy and hold a majority of the credit and value's so that the wealth cant be spread around (and be taxed). Then you get outside persons swallowing massive amounts of wealth so the US so the goverment and citizens see little of that back.

Your guna have to see a massive shift in the way the American's think act and spend or they are cooked wether they want to admit it or not.

I personally think they are already screwed it's just a matter of time before you start to see a break down of basic services and start seeing groups of states banding together and wanting to become a seperate more managable country in themselves.

Civil war probably not but it could happen.
More likley civil revolt and a massive rebuilding stage one that takes 20 to 30 years.


Active VIP Member
Mar 8, 2011
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"small groups become wealthy and hold a majority of the credit and value's so that the wealth cant be spread around (and be taxed)."
That's an interesting point, I had never considered it before.


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2011
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In the West!
When your living on welfare, and about to be kicked out on the street and have NOTHING, the last thing you need is to take out a loan to buy a gun

That is the FIRST thing you should do! Loan or no loan, security is second only to food. That will be your only security in life. Do you wan't to be the guy "kicked out on the street" with no protection, with a family to watch over? Only way to stand for yourself and what you believe in. I, as an American, will NEVER give up my guns. This country might be headed in a very bad direction, but there are millions of people like myself you will not go down without a fight.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
I think you just answered your own question.

the US should have "super power military" because like you say, we are almost totally dependent on other countries. Now I understand it can be good and bad but we need to keep a way of controlling other countries since basically everything we have/use comes from over seas. Until we get more self-sufficent we cant just sit back and not be a threat otherwise they will own us overnight. If you decrease military what means are you going to use to control forigen countries with certain products/goods that we need? You said it yourself, "the world is full of idiots" so how do you reason with an idiot? Im not saying they dont own us already but according to documents we are still seperate. I cant agree with ya more that we need to keep jobs here in the US but like I said before there needs to be an incentive to work. What happened to the good days when there was such a thing as people having pride in their work and country?

Pride is gone and greed has replaced it unfortunately. Anyway, I sure hope we toe the line in favour of the US strategy as I would not want to have you guys pissed off because of who sell our natural resources to. Canada is already your largest oil supplier at around 18% I last heard. So, I hope you dont come in with the big guns. :d


Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2011
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That is the FIRST thing you should do! Loan or no loan, security is second only to food. That will be your only security in life. Do you wan't to be the guy "kicked out on the street" with no protection, with a family to watch over? Only way to stand for yourself and what you believe in. I, as an American, will NEVER give up my guns. This country might be headed in a very bad direction, but there are millions of people like myself you will not go down without a fight.

The bank takes away your house........ they take away your guns...... just saying, you cant have guns living in the streets


Active VIP Member
Jul 11, 2010
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S.W. Minnesota
The bank takes away your house........ they take away your guns...... just saying, you cant have guns living in the streets
They won't be taking away my house cause I am in good financial position. I don't owe anything on the house my credit card get paid in full EVERY month and I got my farm locked in at an intrest rate lower than prime rate for the next 40 years.However the people who aren't in good financial position will be looking people up like myself since we have something to take. Therefore I will have my guns locked and loaded ready to protect my life, family, and belongings. You might not be able to live on the streets with guns but I won't end up on the street as long as I protect what I have.Hope I don't have to but we just might have to be prepared.


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2008
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That is the FIRST thing you should do! Loan or no loan, security is second only to food. That will be your only security in life. Do you wan't to be the guy "kicked out on the street" with no protection, with a family to watch over? Only way to stand for yourself and what you believe in. I, as an American, will NEVER give up my guns. This country might be headed in a very bad direction, but there are millions of people like myself you will not go down without a fight.

Just wondering who you are prepared to fight?

american vs. american?


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
holy crap that is a lot of depressing info to digest on one page. It shows 45 million people as food stamp recipients alone. 10 Million more than the whole population of Canada. Ouch!


Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
CYCLE HAS SPOKEN! Lock this thread up all the problems are solved!

wait the war has solved nothing? If the USA hadn't gone into Iraq (People are gonna freak for this but THANK YOU GEORGE W BUSH) and gotten Sadam and Bin Laden(I thank George for sending them in, i thank the servicemen and women for getting him). Where do you think they would be? How many more attacks would have happened? How many more innocents would have died? That's like saying oh the US shouldn't have fought in WW2. Shoulda let the Japanese keep attacking them at will and let the Geramans continue there horrific crimes. Just like we should have let Sadam keep killing his own people with spray planes. What pulled the USA out of the great depression?

Let me put this simply. If you are having money problems do you spend less money on:
A) Home security that keeps your family safe
B) Stop giving your drug addict little brother money to feed his addiction

Really?! Yes Saddam was a bad man but he had not attacked the states, that war was for oil! and it's that foreign policey that's put their own security at risk! George W did not find Bin Laden Osama did and he was in pakistan!!!


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I'm thinking if I'm Joe Blow living in a country like Iraq I am happy that the U.S. used whatever excuse they could to go in there and free the people from a tyrant like Saddam. You can argue U.S. foreign policy till the cows come home but the world needs some kind of police force to keep lunatics like Saddam, Bin Laden and Ghadaffi from carrying on with there mass murder mentality. Just sayin........


Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The U.S. thinking they are the "world police force" is why the rest of the world doesn't like them! There is a "world police force" but there was not enough REAL evedince for them to go into Iraq, but more than enough for them to go into Libiya


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
The U.S. thinking they are the "world police force" is why the rest of the world doesn't like them! There is a "world police force" but there was not enough REAL evedince for them to go into Iraq, but more than enough for them to go into Libiya

So the fact that iraq was being controlled by the Taliban was not a reason? But back to the topic on hand!
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