Who's going the the edmonton rally


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Always said....we are our own worst enemies when trying to improve this sport. Until we organize like the green weenies we will have a short and miserable lifespan in the back country.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
I agree that the Support Rally numbers were down, but at least we are trying.

Most of us realize that folks have their own things on the go, families, chores at home, families, and many other things in our daily lives, I'm guessing that it will take time and a bit of "Elbow Grease" as Albertans that enjoy all the out-door activities will slowly gain in motion.

Lobbying for voice dose not come easy, if that is the case, then the powers too be would fear making changes in the first place.

At least one fellow is showing his support for our cause.
Brian Jean shows support for all user groups access for Hunting, fishing, boating, OHV, Snowmobiles, hiking, dirt biking, camping and most of all,,, "Access too all of Albertas Crown Lands that belong too all of us.

Very sensible and respectful too all Albertans, we should be proud that one up and coming fellow could assist us in our ideas, but we need to do better at getting our message out there folks.

Others and my self would truly like to thank S&M mod folks for putting this together.

And Thx too those that came out in support of our brothers and sisters in the Crows Nest Pass.

If, and I'll use that word lightly, if another Support Our Access to the Castle Mountain Park Plan happens, we are wize too support this cause.

Freedom here in our Americas has been proven on battle fields all around the world, so now it's up to us in todays age too take advantage of this.

Our right too have voice is important, with out at least trying to "not" act when needed is un-wize as it allows powers beyond our controls too take freedoms away.

Alot of thanks too all once again for taking the time too come out, your families, friends and others appreciate this, I only hope that others jump on the band wagon "Sooner than Later" as limited numbers in support and voice can not change the Castle Plan.

In full support from day one Don aka Lem Lamb
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Active member
Jan 23, 2016
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I'm really disappointed as well for the turn out yesterday. My thanks to Garrett and all the others that are at the front lines fighting this cause. I will keep on supporting this for as long as I can. I'm 64 years old and don't know how long I will be riding for but I'm fighting for my kids and grandkids. Trouble is I couldn't convince them to come out yesterday cause they don't think it's that big a deal I guess. They will figure it out if god for bid we lose this first big battle. Keep up the good work all of you.


Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2015
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Pretty good turnout,something to be proud of considering the rug is being pulled out from under us all on a lot of other issues too, and NOBODY speaks up on those other issues,back country users are a passionate bunch!


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2006
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Kodos to those that made the effort to come out me and some or our small group were out there but like others have said would have been nice to see a bigger turn out. If we as a user group just sit back and do nothing and just see what happens we will find we have very expensive toys sitting in our garage that we used to be able use. I did like what Brian Jean had to say and I for one will be voting for him in the next election.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Some of us only have limited days riding in the West Country, and by life span depending on how our life health plan plays out. I'm on round 5 or 7 of returning to back woods adventures, I'll do this as long as I'm able to some where in the Americas.

Closer too home here in Alberta would be nice, but my home is where my pick-up truck "Cabin on Wheels" goes.
Either further North or out of Province so long as I'm freely & legaly allow to ride my quad, mountain bike, dual sport motorcycle, kayak, or lastly on foot. "Worn down body dosen't allow much of that kinda Hobbies. LOL.

The small turn out of folks gave us a few minutes on the news, but not enough to make a formal impact, this allows the powers too be too continue pushing their plan forward along the full Leagth along all of the Eastern slopes.

Disappointing in a way, but at least we are willing to try, and we can pat our selves on the backs for this.

I planned on it when first announced on the snow and mud form, night shift work came up in Grande Cache as I started at 6pm Friday too cover 1000+ kms too make it to the rally. 18 hours with a snooze before heading home. 24 days is just part of life.

Others as well give up their days, time, commitments, and other things too for this cause.

Koodoes too all for this.

We can only hope that there is another Support Our Access to the Castle Mountain Area Park Plan in months too come, but with out crowds, voice, and the forcing drive too commit too it limits our cause.

As the 2017 year ticks by, others might think it's time to do something, but it "might" be too late for the as the consultations too most of the plan rap up in April ish.

If this Park Plan idea goes ahead, it will be impossible to get out of it. Oh-well. We all know who steeped forward when the chips are down too save our crown land access.


Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
I chatted too some folks in our area about the Support the Castle Mountain Camping and OHV use Rally.

Many comments I heard from these folks when they found out whatzzz happen was strange.

That sucks, dam government, Holly crap, no way. And a few others words I won't mention.

Some of the folks knew I and others where going to the rally as others had no idea.

Purhaps this rally idea happened to fast, or didn't make its rounds on social media.

My long gone friend was a captain at getting things happening, he was wize at bringing out the crowds.

Our next rally needs too be much larger in human capacity, I think it's time too bring dealer ships, stores, shops, hotels, companies and others too get a wave going.

More organizing, aloting more time, and advertising with in a time frame.

Let's get another thread on this started for another kick at the can.

Back in Edmonton and this time, let's pull out all the stops.
We need to do better.


Lets pick a date this spring or summer and we better do better at it.

I ask this question now as we need to know what we did wrong with this Edmonton Rally ???
Those that wish not too post on open forum, then please please send me, Tyler, Ron or other Mods info of what needs doing for another kick at the can.

I shared in the above idea, but there might be something we missed out on for the 25th support rally so everyones feed back is needed so it turns out bigger and better "if" it happens again.

I'm pledging $60 for another run at this for me and my 2 riding pals at $20 each. These funds are offered for advertising by News paper adds.

Don in hopes of bigger better and, larger rally idea forward.


Active member
Aug 6, 2011
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Talking to everyone st work. They all quad and random camp. No one knows about yhe coming closures. They are not on fb or the forums. Its only the plitically motivated who rrad the forums ,go to the club meetings etc who ate aware on whats going on.
The media is telling a different story.
We all need to wake up and do what we can to stop this.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Yes, many folks that OHV and Sled that I've chatted too out West were unwear of the Castle Area thing and rallies held across the Province.

Perhaps news paper adds, radio and TV time as well.

Then set up another gathering further in time while the message gets revolving across the lands.

One could be wize too this support idea as it "might not be just the Castle Area the GOA is looking at alone."

Another run at this with names on a list of who can and can't attend.

That way we will know where and how to set up.

A few 100 folks ain't enough too make it happen,,, even a 1000 is a low number.

Rally and trade show idea might work better.

Disheartening too let this bill pass with out at least trying, oh well, the Eastern Slopes of Alberta crown lands will sure look good from a distance with nill for humans that are not there too see and enjoy them.



Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County
I was hoping for more people as well.

But be positive it's better than not doing it

I think a big part of this is that the closure doesn't affect anything really remotely in the Edmonton area right now, and people are too complacent to have the foresight to see that it is likely to continue to move across the province. I was disappointed in the turn out as well, however as I discussed with my dad yesterday, at least we didn't just sit back and say "Mrs Notley & Mrs Phillips, please walk all over me" we who attended, wrote letters, filled out surveys, petitions etc have all done our part to try to combat this closure, and other closures to come.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2009
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I think a big part of this is that the closure doesn't affect anything really remotely in the Edmonton area right now, and people are too complacent to have the foresight to see that it is likely to continue to move across the province. I was disappointed in the turn out as well, however as I discussed with my dad yesterday, at least we didn't just sit back and say "Mrs Notley & Mrs Phillips, please walk all over me" we who attended, wrote letters, filled out surveys, petitions etc have all done our part to try to combat this closure, and other closures to come.

I wish you were right TG, but I think you're giving OV users too much credit, ATV/UTV riders in particular. For the most part, I think they didn't show because they didn't feel like it.


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
Parkland County
I wish you were right TG, but I think you're giving OV users too much credit, ATV/UTV riders in particular. For the most part, I think they didn't show because they didn't feel like it.

I am afraid that yes, this is likely the case. Which is truly unfortunate.
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