The Arrogant Amateur


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
There is a man who is at the helm of what has been in the past the 'most powerful nation' in the world. This man has tried to convince the population that things can be different. He has travelled around the world apologizing for everything the US has done and promised to do things differently. All good and well but the enemies of the free and democratic countries see this as a weakness and proceed to try and play this new nice attitude coming out of the White House.
Lock up your women, drape them in black, don't let them drive - it is ok with us - just keep the oil at a reasonable price.
Rise up and overthrow your dictators and the USA will side with you…unless it isn't politically advantageous. Say the dictator must go and then change your mind.
Force a health care system on the entire population even if it isn't in the best interest of the majority.
Go for the black vote… because you are half black…appeal to the disbelieving white liberals…because they are so disillusioned that the white/black guy must be a saviour.
Campaign like it is an election year, every year, but then never be the leader that the glorious speeches lead the masses to say you are.
The guy can't sled, he can't ride a dirt bike, he can't tell the truth…I wouldn't vote for him - even if I could.
well, you've got it all figured out. thread over.
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