TCSC - McBride Mountain Ride - Jan 11-14, 2013

Ministik Man

Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2006
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HI All

Our first season club mountain ride will be on January 11 to 14, 2013

You must be a Tri-County Snowmobile Club member to go on this ride

Currently we have 5 members book to go

If you are interested in joining us in McBride please call Ryan at (780) 662-3957 or email him at

Depends on the numbers where we might book into

We look forward to many club rides this year with an early snowfall

Thanks to Ryan for setting this Mountain Ride up for us.

If you are not yet a current club member see the attached form to update your membership.

TCSC Rides & Events


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Active VIP Member
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
Gibbons, Alberta, Canada
I heard a few people poking interest in the Jan 11, 12, 13th McBride trip.
toss out a dead line of Friday December 21st to let me know by. so I know what I need to book for rooms and arrange for trailers.
can contact:
Ryan Rexin
780 662 2957
780 993 3119 - cell
Or PM me

Then if any one else has trucks/trailers. and is willing to tow, I can take 3 with me, sounds like I'm booked.
Myself, My Dad, Curtis, Kris

Thank you


Active VIP Member
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
Gibbons, Alberta, Canada
Just bringing this back up,

Happy New Years Everyone, As you know I'm putting on an EASY RIDING trip to McBride B.C. Jan 11th to 13th. I've booked four double rooms, at $85.00/night + tax. So far only four are interested in going, so that leaves two open rooms. I will be cancelling these two extra rooms Jan 9th as I don't want to get stuck with the cancellation fees. Also I'm hoping ASE will have my 1000 ready by the end of next week, as I'm down two sleds, (not a show stopper) my 800 kissed a rock weekend before Christmas, so waiting for parts on it. (hopefully parts will be on my door step Jan 3rd). If neither of my two sleds are ready I'll borrow one of my Dads. So still a go.

An idea of the Riding style:
- My two machines are trail sleds, both are 2009 Crossfire SnoPro's 141" track, So I'm not a high marker, If you are a high marker, you're more then welcome to take a room off my hands and do your own thing.
- My favourite hill is Bell, straight forward, easy riding, nothing technical. lots of meadows to play in. The other two hills are Lucille and Renshaw.

If you've always wanted to go this is a good trip to go on. I do have an extra set of probes, an extra shovel, and an extra beacon I could rent out for the trip. with connections to another set. or you could simply rent this equipment from any sled rental place / dealer ship. It is a minimum safety requirement that you ride with this equipment. If you've never taken an avy course, no worries, I do my best to keep out of those zones, and can quickly do a run down of the beacons and correct way to use them.

Be a great trip for youths and wives to come see what snowmobiling is about in the mountains.

So as mentioned earlier there are 4 double beds (2 rooms) up for grabs until Jan 9th, 2013, I will be cancelling what isn't being used at my 9 am coffee break.

If interested please contact:
Ryan Rexin <RXN>
780-993-3119 {cell, call or text}
PM me on Snow and Mud
or email at

Thank you
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