Snowarama Sat. Feb. 19 Boulder Mtn.

Powder Puff

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Jan 4, 2007
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It`s that time again everyone. Snowmobilers raising funds to support the B.C. Lions Society to fund Easter Seal Houses, buses and camps for children with disabilities.
Sat. Feb. 19 at Boulder Mtn.
Local Lion`s members will be asking for your donations at the trailhead. A donation of $20 will get you lunch, a donation of $25 or more gets you lunch and a tax receipt.
Proceeds from you purchasing your lunch on the hill will also go to this cause.
You can also collect pledges (pledged riders also get a free lunch), forms are available at Rough Country or contact Paul Olsen 250-837-4328.
Hope everyone is hungry, see you up there.

Powder Puff

Active VIP Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Liam’s Sleigh Ride for Kids – 2011;
This one was for Drew
Feb 19 2011

As luck would have it, the weekend picked to hold the fifth Liam’s Sleigh ride for Kids was to be the same weekend of the Revelstoke Snowarama and Easter Seals Ride, was also Drew’s last weekend, in fact the last day before he was to head to Vancouver for hip surgery. Removing from his mind, the events of the upcoming surgery or any physical discomfort, he was determined he was coming riding. He was able to make it with the generosity of family friend Jim Martiniuk, who accompanied Drew while his parents Marnie and Cliff Derosier made preparations for the long stay on the coast.

It was five years ago when Liam Francis, afflicted with general dystonia, was doing his rounds at the Calgary Snowmobile Show and encountered the gregarious Krazy Canadian Dan Davidoff and Randy Swenson of Yamaha Canada, both superstars of the Thunderstruck Films extreme sledding fame. Liam left the building with his wheel chair loaded down with Thunderstruck and Yamaha booty, and the promise to take him out sledding in the mountains. The folks in Revelstoke have welcomed us ever since.

We have aligned the weekend with the BC Lions Society Easter Seals Snowarama as both Drew and Liam are Easter Seals camp attendees. Our sleds have been generously provided by Yamaha Canada, with this year to Drew’s delight, Randy Swenson bringing a couple turbo Nitros. Snowmobile Revelstoke Society made sure the trails were immaculately groomed and Kathy Burke of the Revy Snowmobile Club rode safety for us. The real treat is Herb Shaede, who has come out of burger flipping retirement each year for us to delight us with his famous Herbi Burgers at the newly constructed Boulder Mountain cabin.

The day is clear but windy with that persistent Arctic air making preparations at the Boulder parking lot somewhat unpleasant. Reports were that temperatures at the cabin are much better, so incentive to get things going. Drew has with him a mitt full of pledges for the Easter Seals ladies. All those with pledges are given a ticket for a free Herbi Burger up top.

As we climb out of the valley and up the mountain, indeed the temperatures become very much more tolerable and we arrive at the new Boulder Cabin to a day reminiscent of the first time we did this ride. Burgers are on the grill as we get Liam and Drew all settled down for lunch. Our time up on the mountain is limited to the boy’s endurance and comfort level. We still have much to do before we hit that line and have to head back down.

Liam’s highlight has always been the chance to drive the sled around the meadow. With my assistance on the throttle and steering we make a bunch of loops along with some cat and mouse with Drew and Jim, also making loops. Drew is just giddy over the awesomeness of the turbo 4-stroke he is on and doesn’t want the fun to stop.

Checking the energy level of the boys, we get the thumbs up to continue further into the alpine. The groomers have given us smooth trail up into one of the first smaller bowls where we stop for pictures, views and more opportunity for the boys to drive the sleds. Randy gives us some hill climbing displays. Of course us being Thunderstruck fans we know this is barely warm-up type material for him. Randy pleases the crowd. Drew remains’ ecstatic over the growl of Randy’s hill climbing Nitro.

My surprise and thrill comes when my daughter Tasha, who Randy has been doubling, jumps on back with him for a run up the bowl. And to further the surprise, they swap places and Tasha drives the two of them back down to the waiting group. My kids never cease to amaze me.

We then hit that line where Liam, my passenger, starts turning into the wet dish rag between my arms and legs, he is pooped. It becomes time to head down despite both Liam’s and Drew’s protest they’re not done yet… Easy for them to say as they get to sleep on the ride down back to the parking lot while Jim and I work to keep them from falling off the sleds.

So Drew, this one was for you. All of our thoughts and best wishes are with you. We will see you next year.
The video of the day’s events can be viewed at [media][/media] , produced by Matt Rakach, NxS Films.

An update: I got an email from Drew’s Mom, Marnie this morning; Drew is back at home with a half body cast and doing fine. No doubt he is being his usual spunky self.

Cal Rakach
Mar 2011


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Mar 3, 2009
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Three cheers to all those involved to make this all happen for these young gentlemen. Way to go Revelstoke Club and Society, Team Thunderstruck, Kathy and Herb and of course Yamaha Canada and Randy Swenson. Once again Randy shows why he is one of the real CLASS ACTS in the industry.Way to go guys and gals! :d:beer::beer::beer:

Powder Puff

Active VIP Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Fun day for sure and Liam and Drew are talking about next yrs. ride before we are even done for the day...........and Randy "yup".





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