To Good Friends Lost


Active VIP Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I'm starting this thread for people that have lost good friends and family to post there stories.
It's also a way to let others that may have known them know what transpired.

Not looking for a condolences or sympathy thread.

I'll start.


Active VIP Member
Mar 27, 2012
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A few weeks ago, a really good and close friend of mine committed suicide. His name was Dwayne. We had been friends for 16 years. Some of you on these fine pages of S&M have met him, even bought a sled from him. If you have met me, chances are Dwayne was there. Even managed to drag him to the last Mountain Mania in Golden.
I got him back into sledding in 2000-2001. He got me on a snowboard in 2004. We didn't just ride the mountains, most of are ridding was around here. Spent a lot of time at Medicine Lake, South Fork and Lacombe.

We met thru work, Dwayne was a welder. At first I thought he was my welder, but now I know that I was his surveyor. We were doing piles and pile caps up at Foster Creek on the bombing range. Dwayne always had one of the coolest trucks. The one he had when we met was a 1980 GMC camper special with a custom deck. The thing was a beast. 6" lift, running a 400hp 454 on propane. Not to many places that truck couldn't go.

Dwayne was a great man, a good friend and an awesome dad.
Love you brother, you will be missed. :beer:


Active VIP Member
Nov 24, 2009
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At my Place in Alberta
I lost my best friend in June. We went to school together but never really came close till after marriage. We had a lot in common. He was close to my age, married one month apart and our kids are all very close to same age. Our kids are like brothers and sisters because we spent so much time together. He was a good man and a loving father. Some of my fondest memories are when we traveled together. He had the ability to talk to anybody and when we went to Jamaica we took a picture with about twenty people at the end of the trip that had been pulled in by his personality and sense of humour. He was always fun to be around, I'm so thankful that I was able to spend the day before his accident with him. Snowmobiling wasn't a common ground for us.
Don, I wish it wasn't so. I wish we were sharing just one more glass of scotch. I miss you.

He was taken from us by a reckless driver.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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I lost my father inlaw in 2009 to cancer. I couldn't stand him at first then we became best friends. I looked up to him and had so much respect for him. He did everything for his family. He taught me so much in the 26 years that I knew him. He was a guy from the old school and did everything by hand. The best hunter I have ever hunted with. Miss him lots. Even had him out on the sleds a few times


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2007
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A few weeks ago, a really good and close friend of mine committed suicide. His name was Dwayne. We had been friends for 16 years. Some of you on these fine pages of S&M have met him, even bought a sled from him. If you have met me, chances are Dwayne was there. Even managed to drag him to the last Mountain Mania in Golden.
I got him back into sledding in 2000-2001. He got me on a snowboard in 2004. We didn't just ride the mountains, most of are ridding was around here. Spent a lot of time at Medicine Lake, South Fork and Lacombe.

We met thru work, Dwayne was a welder. At first I thought he was my welder, but now I know that I was his surveyor. We were doing piles and pile caps up at Foster Creek on the bombing range. Dwayne always had one of the coolest trucks. The one he had when we met was a 1980 GMC camper special with a custom deck. The thing was a beast. 6" lift, running a 400hp 454 on propane. Not to many places that truck couldn't go.

Dwayne was a great man, a good friend and an awesome dad.
Love you brother, you will be missed. :beer:

Guy sorry to hear about Dwayne he was a great guy

team dirt

Active VIP Member
Oct 17, 2008
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brooks ab/seymour arm
I just lost a real good friend in a helicopter crash near Kinley Saskatchewan at the end of October. He flew into severe icing and went down. I spoke to him an hour befor he was leaving Calgary and we were both getting pretty pumped to go riding soon. Heard about the crash on global news the next morning and knew right away it was him. It's a big shock losing someone so sudden. I keep hoping that one day the my phone will ring and it will be him calling saying how there was some sort of mix up. I spent a lot of hours in that chopper and also my wife and kids flew many times from Calgary to the shuswaps and never did I ever think this could happen. Crazy stuff can happen real fast when we least expect it so we must live every day and cherish every moment.


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Leduc Alberta
I've been lucky for the most part and haven't lost any friends do to an accident. I have lost a couple of friends to suicide, I just can't rap my head around that one? My friend Darrel with the hardest on me and my former group of friends. After he killed him self our group of friends never was the same! We dirt biked every weekend together and had a great time always. After that it wasn't the same around the camp fire was weird and awkward we all just kind of drift apart and went our separate ways. So if you look at it like that I lost 6 or so good friends that day.

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Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2012
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I lost a good friend 16yrs ago, and it still seems like yesterday. Kevin had muscular dystrophy and was in a powered wheel chair. I had known him since we were kids (our moms went to school together) and had many great times together. When we got out of high school he opened a computer store and we all hung out there on Friday/Saturday nights. He was one of the most generous people I ever met and never let his disability hold him back. I have so many great memories (sniffle), but one of the best is as follows....

we were all at the "Factory" (what we called his store) and having some beers when Kevin says "Hey Ryan do a burnout for me"
Ryan replies "for sure Kevin" and we all headed out front
Kevin says "make it a good one Ryan, your dad has a tire shop so don't save the hides"
Ryan replies "no worries Kev"

Ryan backed his supercharged chev 1/2 ton into the middle of the street and Kev pulls to the rear of the trucks, Ryan lights them up and it's a wicked burn out. Kev is engulfed in the cloud of smoke. Suddenly Kev come shooting out the smoke yelling "phuck ya" and proceeds to start coughing. Kev had a grin from ear to ear.

To all the times you ran my feet over, or pinned me to a wall with your chair, I would give anything to have him do it again....miss you buddy
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Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Leduc Alberta
I lost a good friend 16yrs ago, and it still seems like yesterday. Kevin had muscular dystrophy and was in a powered wheel chair. I had known him since we were kids (our moms went to school together) and had many great times together. When we got out of high school he opened a computer store and we all hung out there on Friday/Saturday nights. He was one of the most generous people I ever met and never let his disability hold him back. I have so many great memories (sniffle), but one of the best is as follows....

we were all at the "Factory" (what we called his store) and having some beers when Kevin says "Hey Ryan do a burnout for me"
Ryan replies "for sure Kevin" and we all headed out front
Kevin says "make it a good one Ryan, your dad has a tire shop so don't save the hides"
Ryan replies "no worries Kev"

Ryan backed his supercharged chev 1/2 ton into the middle of the street and Kev pulls to the rear of the trucks, Ryan lights them up and it's a wicked burn out. Kev is engulfed in the cloud of smoke. Suddenly Kev come shooting out the smoke yelling "phuck ya" and proceeds to start coughing. Kev had a grin from ear to ear.

To all the times you ran my feet over, or pinned me to a wall with your chair, I would give anything to have him do it again....miss you buddy

Is that Halloween or you guys always that pimped?

I don't like this thread it makes me tear up!


Active VIP Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Red Deer
This thread has made me think back about my loses over the last 6 years. I don't share my emotions often but here goes. In January of 2010 Chad Temple died in Avalanche on Quest mountain in Sicamous while helping one of his buddies that had been injured previous to the avalanche. Chad moved to a Red a Deer from Manitoba and was working with my best friend from High School when I met him in 2001. Chad and I were both renting rooms in the "flop" house as I called it at the time. Chad was always smiling and there was never a dull moment when he was around. He enjoyed Sledding, dirt biking,4x4ing and everything outdoors. I helped him install a lift on his 98 gm half ton which made many trips to mountains. I had not seen Chad for a few years after I got married and had kids and when he died it made me wish I had made more effort to stop in and visit.

I have also lost two friends to suicides which were both so unexplained I still can't wrap my head around them.

Two years ago my Dad passed after fighting Cancer. My relationship with him was not good from the time I was 7 years old. However my fondest memories of spending time with him was riding in our 76 Chevy 3/4 ton going fishing or hunting. That truck had a 454 with dual glass pack exhaust. I would sit in the middle of the bench seat and my dad would let me run the throttle with my left foot. I would say let's rap them off and would stomp it to floor while going down the gravel roads. It was his job to keep the truck out of the ditch until he could kick my foot of the pedal. (Not recommended these days). My love for the outdoors came from my Dad and the I bought my last sled in Memory of him. He died in October 2013 so I bought my 2013 Proclimb in Orange as a carry over new in November. I bought orange because most of the pictures I remember of my Dad he was wearing an orange hunting hat or jacket. The day I picked up my sled it started snowing in Leduc on my way home and the next morning there was 8 inches of fresh snow. I took that as a sign from above and loaded up my wife's sled with mine and went out for ride at my families farm. I thank my Dad for the snow that year it was the best year for local sledding that I can ever remember. If I ever find a 76 chev 3/4 4x4 With a 454 I will likely buy that too.

Rest in peace Chad, Dylan, Tony, Gary

I should call some old friends today and so should everyone reading this.

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Active VIP Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Thanks to everyone that has shared their stories.

It has helped me immensely knowing that others are willing to share and help.

I still can't wrap my head around what and why Dwayne did what he did. Life will never be the same.

kakwa climber

Active VIP Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Grande Prairie
Going through high school was tough. I had 3 friends commit suicide. 1 very close to me calling me just a hour before he did. I miss him still 23 yrs later. We were completely different people with a friendship for 10 years.

There is no making sense of it. You will go crazy wondering. But I miss them all.

I too will be calling those that matter tomorrow.

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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
well here goes my life's lesson,

26 years ago my wife and I went overseas for a holiday and had my best friend house sit while we were gone. Long story short he had a couple parties in our house and some minor damage occurred so I was not a happy camper with him. Said my peace with him on the issue. 10 days later he gets a call from his mom south of Golden that family business is on fire at 4 AM. My friend and his brother get into his 280ZX and rushed from Golden to help with the fire. Just before Parson they come around a corner and some horses had broken away and were on the highway. They hit a horse and my friend was killed instantly and his brother badly injured. If that wasn't bad enough, his mom called me and asked to be the pallbearer. She did not know that we had a fight and hadn't spoken. So, to this day as a rule of thumb I say what I need then move on without holding any anger inside as you never know what life can throw at you. Some days I still think about him and our argument and I get reminded not to hold grudges. Tks for the life lesson Les and sure do miss you buddy!!!


Mar 3, 2015
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Too many, too soon. This thread will kill me so I am heading back to look for Cataract Creek updates.

Think I need a Zoloft now. Keep your chin up @ everyone.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2007
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Cow town
well here goes my life's lesson,

26 years ago my wife and I went overseas for a holiday and had my best friend house sit while we were gone. Long story short he had a couple parties in our house and some minor damage occurred so I was not a happy camper with him. Said my peace with him on the issue. 10 days later he gets a call from his mom south of Golden that family business is on fire at 4 AM. My friend and his brother get into his 280ZX and rushed from Golden to help with the fire. Just before Parson they come around a corner and some horses had broken away and were on the highway. They hit a horse and my friend was killed instantly and his brother badly injured. If that wasn't bad enough, his mom called me and asked to be the pallbearer. She did not know that we had a fight and hadn't spoken. So, to this day as a rule of thumb I say what I need then move on without holding any anger inside as you never know what life can throw at you. Some days I still think about him and our argument and I get reminded not to hold grudges. Tks for the life lesson Les and sure do miss you buddy!!!

I remember when that happened, very sad. Les was a great guy.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2007
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Cow town
Yes, from Golden. Les was a few years older than me but he always stopped to bs with me in the halls at GSS


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
GSS lol, I have not heard that in a long time. Les was the same age as me as we grad together and were also room mates.

Yes, from Golden. Les was a few years older than me but he always stopped to bs with me in the halls at GSS
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