turbo pro rmk clutching


Active member
Dec 27, 2011
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regina sk
ok so i was at the edmonton sled show and i was quizing a few people about the random throttle bog that pro rmks seem to get sometimes, i have a sliber and it does it. have rode a boon docker and hm and they will both do it just randomly. all it takes is a chop of the throttle and it goes away. Some of the guys at the sled show said it may be to do with clutching, as i proceeded to ask them what i should be doing differently it all started to become more of a secret. Can anyone enlighten me on how i should be clutching mine different. I have tried both the pink and almond springs with an evenly weighted rooster weight. Spins 8200 taped out, secondary the stock one from a silber kit, cant exactly remember 40 45 .36 maybe, with a black orange spring. all stock stilber stuff. i have also tried putting all the weight into the tip of the weight, and it seemed that i was starting to get some burned belt lower in the primary.


Active member
Nov 8, 2011
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Not sure what the "random" bog could be. Currently riding an hm setup. And have no issues such as you have described. Running slp MTx weights with more in the tip..... I think I have 2 in the belly and 2 in the tip Can't remember....
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