Strathcona County Bylaws


Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
I live in Strathcona County and are involved with the Fort Saskatchewan Snow Angles. At a meeting a few weeks ago we had an RCMP officer and his sidekick County Constable with him. They indicated that there is Absolutely no snowmobiling in ditches or area's in that county unless you are on the Angles trail system.
If they catch you in ditches or on property that you are not permitted to be on, First you will get a warning, unless you take off, which they said "dont try it, we have access to a helicopter. If you do that it's now a criminal offence". They log the warning and If they catch you again you get I think they said a $230 ticket. Next time they catch you they can take your sled and you get a court date. By that time you have to pay towing, storage, fines, etc to get your sled back. This is the out of town, I can't see what the problems are with riding in the ditches is myself. I can see riding in Sherwood park, but outside of sherwood park... These 2 officers have sleds and they are assigned full time to the off highway division, to enforce this issue. Who at council decided this, mabie someone that hates snowmobiles and atv's. Or perhaps someone that lives in town?? Shouldn't the police be spending there time catching criminals or are we the criminals????

Geez, I'll have to put some wheels on my ski's and signal lights on the back and I can drive on the highway to get around. That would work!!

I live in Sherwood Park and ride the Snow Angles trail system once in a while when we have snow. And I have ditched banged a few times with some buddies, that still go out once in a while.

RON :rant:


Ditch banging

Well unless they are just plain bored I don`t get it. I have called the Rc`s in the past and inquired as I often use the ditch on 14 from 21 to Tofield. They told me that providing you are insured and registared and are not crossing the road and or highways unsafely they won`t bother you [rcmp]. Maybe they need some more cash from fines to pay for the rented cops while they spend more time doing????:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Any word yet?

Here's a tidbit for you. I was at a Polaris dealer today and a Stratchona County Bylaw officer was in there buying stuff. Are they out on sleds now or is this guy a rider too!?



Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
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What a load of crap,start a petition,get all the members to sign it.They really got to be bored to waste there time and screw up our liesure time.I sure seen a lot of tracks in the ditches,wonder if there enforcing it??
catmando :nono:


Active VIP Member
Nov 11, 2006
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I couldn't agree more!!!!!!!!!
Sleds/quads are recreational and the vast majority of users are respectful, safe, courteous when they are out playing. I live east of Sherwood park and in order to go out for a short ride you need to use a ditch or cross a road once in a while so that you aren't tearing-up fields etc. The ditches are usually very large even on township and range roads and given that cars/trucks etc don't use them that often:biglaugh: , I don't see the problem...but Ron I think you're right, they may just not care!, except for the money maybe. A related discussion might be that of 'vehicle registration fees' :twocents:


Bad Bunny
Oct 20, 2006
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Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Double check those rules. Most G'vt petitions require an actual signed paper, name and address. That doesn't mean we can's start by submitting a record of the peoples opinion first and thne if need be follow up with th formal petition if required.


Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
Letter from the Mayor

Here is an email I sent the Mayor of Strathcona County and Her response..

I wrote:
There is alot of controversy over us snowmobilers in Strathcona county
lateley. The county has a bylaw that we can no longer ride anywhere. I
am a member of the Fort Saskatchewan Snow Angles and we ride safely and
we respect land owners all over. The Rcmp officers were at our club
meeting and saying if your not on the trail system your busted, $230
fine, second time sled taken away. This is a large county with alot of
snowmobilers. We spend alot of money on both fuel, food and even
repairs. There is alot of talk on both the Alberta Snowmobile Website

and my site ,
about this and we want to start talking about this issue.

We ride from ministic to the snow angles system but now we will get
fined to do so. We do not ride in Sherwood park.

Who do we talk to...


She replied today Jan 17, 2007 with..

Our Council has received significant feedback from the community about
the disregard some sledders have for property rights and traffic safety.
While from your email it appears your organization works towards safe
sledding as well as respect for a person's property, there are those who
do not sled with the same respect or restraint.

In response to our residents concerns Council supported an initiative
in the 2006 budget to provide additional resources to manage issues
relating to Off-Highway vehicles and snow machines.

The RCMP and Bylaw Services regulates the operation of snow machines
within Strathcona County based on the Traffic Safety Act. This Act
covers a broad range of issues from licencing and insurance, driving
where not authorized to speeding, collisions, arrest and seizure of

While a large number of sledders do respect other's property, laws must
be written so that they are equal for everyone. The RCMP and Bylaw
Officers must enforce these laws in a uniform manner so that there is no
question as to their impartiality.

You mentioned in your email that you ride safely and respect landowners
all over. Since this is the case it should not be difficult for you to
obtain written permission from all of the properties that you pass
through and which you have already obtained permission from to use their
lands, in effect creating a trail system within Strathcona County. With
this in place and the authority granted in section 120 (3) of the
Traffic Safety Act to cross over roads there should be no issues that
arise from sledding in Strathcona County.

I have attached a poster which may assist you in your sledding

Cathy Olesen, MAYOR

I have'nt recieved a poster so I will ask her if she forgot to attach it..

What are your views on this??



Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood

Just got finished with a phone call from Greg our club president. He has been contacted by the county to discuss some snowmobiling issues or whatever. I also talked to Jackie Fenske the north end councolior about our issues. Will do lunch with her and let her know our issues also. If we all contact our councilor and express our issues in a quiet,responsible,respectfull way things will happen. If so some reason you start to flip out at them they will shut you off and noy be interested. So suck it up and keep your cool when you talk. Now the mission is to talk to your councilor. All this info is for everone out there not just Stratchona county residents.


Feb 16, 2007
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sherwood park
i also live in the county of strathcona and am appauled at their attitude towards snowmobiling
what i dont understand is how a motorcycle is any different than a snowmobile or quad
we both have a plate we both have insurance we are both seasonal
we both have our good guyes and bad ( motorcycle gangs )
yet they are free to ride our roads as they feel
it is tme we were treated as equals this is all I ask


Active VIP Member
Apr 7, 2007
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Sherwood Park / Ardossan, Alberta
Here's my Story....

My First hand experience on the subject... last November, 28th I believe, a buddy of mine called and said he was on his way out to my acreage with his shiny brand new orange Crossfire 700. He showed up about 6:00 pm and we went for a cruise. I live on rr 214 1 mile north of South Cooking Lake. The ditches were full of snow, mostly packed, the best snow year in years! We were out for the first ride of the season, much anticipated by the way. I moved out to the country 1 year earlier so me and my boys, 3, 6, and 10 years old at the time could enjoy sledding... our favourite pass time by far! Anyhow... we rode down the ditches and after about 8 miles we made our way around Cooking lake and found our way to HiWay 14. We crossed it and headed east on the south side of the hiway which was packed like a race track, every mans dream if you have ever seen the wide smooth ditches on 14!! We rode for a bout 2 minutes before we saw RED & BLUE all over the snow. We pulled over and this is the deal... Const' Conrad (county officer) wrote us each up for a $230.00 ticket for riding along side a hiway in the county. It is true, you can not ride anywhere in the county of Strathcona except on private property or on the designated lakes. Sled club trails are permitted but only with a trail pass, which is cool. So much for Country living, or Country Sledding??? What next?

Good news however, we recieved registered warnings and were allowed to ride our sleds home because we did not try to run. He told us next time we do get caught riding in the county illegaly we will be fined, loose our sleds (impounded) and have to find our own ride home.

Good thing our tax dollars are going toward seeking out, catching and condemming us nasty criminals. We, as snowmobilers, deserve what we get. We should know better then to try and enjoy the cold winter months with our Family and Friends by getting out and experiencing the great outdoors. Shame on us irresponsible Jack Asses! Good on Ya Strathcona County!! Keep up the fight on Crime!

By the way, Zac, Jett and Maxx (pictured below) feel the same way! Maybe this winter, if their lucky, they can spend all their weekends playing game cube and watching TV instead of riding their sleds with the neighbours kids around the subdivision and becoming "little Criminals" themselves.

Damb those snowmobiling familys. Somebody Call the Cops!


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Active VIP Member
Mar 21, 2007
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County of Smokey Lake
Mine as well just move back to the city and rip around the resedential areas and back ally's and school fields. Get in just as much trouble


Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
Thanks Scotty. We are working on it so get imvolved and call your councilor and ask him to support the plan to get 214 as a route to Ministik. Where have you been? It was all over this place in the fall. We had a meeting already and now moving to next phase.


Active VIP Member
Oct 23, 2006
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Rosalind, AB

By the way, Zac, Jett and Maxx (pictured below) feel the same way! Maybe this winter, if their lucky, they can spend all their weekends playing game cube and watching TV instead of riding their sleds with the neighbours kids around the subdivision and becoming "little Criminals" themselves.

Damb those snowmobiling familys. Somebody Call the Cops!

Them three guys look like trouble. Better lock them up now, because they MIGHT do something.:cool:


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Send that pic to all the coucillors and show/tell them what they are taking away from ALL families that chose to live the rural lifestyle!!!!!!


Active VIP Member
Apr 7, 2007
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Sherwood Park / Ardossan, Alberta
Thanks Scotty. We are working on it so get imvolved and call your councilor and ask him to support the plan to get 214 as a route to Ministik. Where have you been? It was all over this place in the fall. We had a meeting already and now moving to next phase.

Sledder Glen... I guess I need to visit this site more often... I never knew about any meetings? However I'm interested in the next phase! Range Road #214 as a route between Ministik and Bruderhiem?? Nothing could be better for us local (Strathcona area) riders to experience... that would mean a great days ride including Hastings Lake, Cooking Lake, Ministik, Fort Sask., all from my drive way!

If the bureaucrats can take away our right to ride in this county at least give us a sliver of land that we can enjoy with our friends and families. After all, most of us are not the evil sledders we are made out to be.

Keep me posted on the next phase or of any meetings... I'll bring my tourch and pitchfork!!! :realmad:... I mean :D


Active VIP Member
Apr 7, 2007
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Sherwood Park / Ardossan, Alberta
Send that pic to all the coucillors and show/tell them what they are taking away from ALL families that chose to live the rural lifestyle!!!!!!

Hey there, long time no talk. Can you give me any names or email addresses? I'd love to send them a letter. Tell them about the fun we have on our sleds every weekend... kids and all. After all, everybody out here I talk to feels the same way I do... Where are all the people that think us sledders are so evil?? In my subdivision over half the residents have a off road vehicles of some sort (sled, quads or both), and no one causes any trouble... ever. It's a great way to meet people and spend some fun! Even the kids get involved. Some weekends we have 3 or 4 families in our yard enjoying a camp fire and watching the kids riding the mini sleds and pulling tobogans behind them etc. One weekend last year we had 4 families with 12 kids total, 7 mini sleds (120's) and all the neighbour kids as well, in our yard. It was the talk of the neighborhood for weeks! Every body had a blast.

Anyhow... hows the clutching experiments going?


Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
i also live in the county of strathcona and am appauled at their attitude towards snowmobiling
what i dont understand is how a motorcycle is any different than a snowmobile or quad
we both have a plate we both have insurance we are both seasonal
we both have our good guyes and bad ( motorcycle gangs )
yet they are free to ride our roads as they feel
it is tme we were treated as equals this is all I ask

X2! I find it difficult to plate, and register my sled and quad but can not take it anywhere!:mad:
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