Snow and Mudders, fight the caribou!….closures.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
As you're all more than aware the Gov't is continually taking more land for species closures or enforcing existing closures without any proof of snowmobilers actually harming or impacting caribou populations. It continues without any actual science or reports backing it. Just the government's voice of reason, "Because we say it, so it must be true" backed by statements from biased green groups. This should not be what decides the access to our land for recreational purposes. If access is closed for any reason it should be proven, with facts and research, prove it is what you say it is. Simple. Closures don't just affect us as riders by giving us less and less areas to ride, it impacts the industry as a whole. Communities promoting power sports tourism and their businesses have less to offer, the industry itself has less opportunity for growth with less areas to go. It trickles down and has a large impact on the bigger picture. We have lots of land and can use it responsibly, we deserve to do that if we're not causing harm.

In response to recent request for input on their recovery strategy, that will further reduce our land access, The BCSF has initiated a petition to Stephen Hureau (Head of Species Recovery Enviro Canada) to have an unbiased impact study to show the relations between snowmobilers and mountain caribou. We all deserve to have access to public land or be shown how we harm a species with scientific support if closures of any kind are put in effect restricting access.

With the number of snowmobilers that want to retain access to all these mountain riding areas, and the clubs and businesses that rely on these areas, we should have no problem implementing this. This is very serious business and requires your support and your signature on the petition. If you're a snowmobiler you really do need to support this. We're not saying we want to ride closures, we're asking for proof as to why they exist in the first place and why there are more coming down the pipe. If there's actual evidence, obviously these closures do need to exist and respected.

All my fellow Snow and Mudders please head to this link and in an easy couple clicks you can help make change in how access to our land is decided. We need you!! ABCSnow friends, ASA friends…please share this with your members.

OK!?? GO! Let's see how fast this forum can single handedly make this study happen and reach this petition's goal!! Let's put Mr. Hureau to work!! Snowmobilers everywhere thank you!! :D


Active member
May 11, 2007
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Done and signed. If these areas need to be closed for caribou then shut it down to everything from us to skiers and loggers. But it will never be done because of politics and $$$$$$$.


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
I've been fighting Caribou closures going on 20 years now. One thing I learned a long time ago is to never ask a question I didn't already know the answer to. careful what you wish for. There's a very good chance another study isn't gong to come back saying what we hope it will.

Having said that.....what the hell. How much worse could it really make things? :dontknow:


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Prince George, B.C.
Signed this awhile ago and shared on my FACEBOOK wall, and I managed to recruit quite a few to sign as well. Very good points, Tam. We need to all band together and let the government know they can't tell us where we can and can not ride! ENOUGH! There is no proof that sledding impacts the dwindling Caribou numbers....and I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm really getting tired of being blamed for something simply because I ride a snowmobile. PLEASE EVERYONE SIGN.....WE NEED MANY MORE SIGNATURES!
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