red deer suds buds campouts

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
More like frozen goats milk. Ha

It's starting to warm up here. Early morning cut-line viewing starts at 8 am. Just in time to see the Wolves disappear into the bliss of the wilds. Lots of Moosey tracks and Linxy-esss.

All sight seeing since their to far to tag with the Bean counter,,, much different than the Rabbits,,, Yum Yum.

Yuppers,,, the Camel tracks are the tool to travel,,, slow going but consistant,,, endless traction unless I end up in a creek bank drop off.

The trick to this is making a log stack V and winch line pull,,, time consuming fore sure,,, kinda like yoga but much more work. LOL.
I use a motorcycle strap to pull the logs to the escape route. The best plan is to do this before hand. Ha

I've been pretty lucky with the most important tool in the pack,,, good old chain-saw,,, it opens so many paths to adventures unlimited,,, if a person wants to go places,,, don't leave home with out it,,, big hats off to Old-Timer for reminding me of this. Distance + good times happens with a sharp chain saw blade. Oh Yha.

Of course a hot cup of coffee is part of the mix,,, plastic critters add to the fun. Ha.

Just gearing up for another back to back outing since its to cold for ice fishing,,, I seen a few testing thier skills,,, but its pretty tuff going this year,,, better luck coming up later in the last part of the season.

Zoom Zoom into the wild woods, unlimited bon-fires,,, lots of afternoon naps and relaxing when the time comes.
Pretty peaceful up this way,,, very suprized that more snowmobile folks don't use the trails up here.

Lots of time and energy went into them.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
A chicken and a half lays a egg and a half in a day in a half,,, how long would it take for a monkey to pick the seeds out of a dill pickel ???

We do realize that monkeys are smarter than humans,,, they were to first to discover space travel !!!


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
how big is the dill pickle, and what happened to the other half of the egg? and i would also question did this take place on a Monday or a Wednesday?

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Goosh,,, I never thought of the calculation that way,,, I was thinking it had more to do with how smart the Monkey is.

The first chimp into space must of been pretty smart.

Round peg into square hole fore sure,,, how else would he get his flying papers. Ha

That and he knew where his nicker nackers were. LOL


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
oh it is all in the calculations! The monkey is tossed in to confuse the heavy thinker, as the monkey is all about pickin his butt! Another puzzler, is a subaru faster going up a ski hill or going down? Where everyone knows it all revolves around how many skiers are on the hill at anyone time in the space continuum of a coffee emporium, and if the sun was shinning?

hopefully lem will be pondering on this for a while, till i can come up with more BS!!!!!!
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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Maybe I can incorporate a monkey into my adventures,,, but I'm not keen on hanging around with NDP monkey nut scratchers... They waist the first half hour of the day wounding what they should do. Ha

But on the other hand,,, a monkey that picks the seeds out of a dill pickel are easy to look after.

Would he be satisfied with doing this day in and day out,,, does it remind him of the wild side of living in the wilds,,, does this skill set him up for bigger things in life.

There's alot of things we can learn from monkeys,,, how to pick flees off our mate,,, hang from a tree with 1 hand while picking out butt with the other while thinking about eating a banana at the same time.

Most humans struggle at thinking of 3 things at one time.

Oh boy,,, I need to close my brain down if I want to be liberal some day,,, its hard being human on a planet full of wing nuts !!!

Did I mention I'm not the sharpest pencil in the pack,,, life is gooder as a under dog. LOL


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
well that didn't last long, that lem is a thinking kind of guy, a monkey in the hand is better than two in the forest? gets a guy free admin to the circus! HAHA. now i ponder why three rings in a circus?


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2009
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They like to snack and try take go pro

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Blue shys in the North folks, looks like the temps are finally dropping,,, - 30 ish this morning,,, lots of camel back riding with some 22 rimfire plinking,,, AND 1 BIG BON-FIRE. Ha.

Fack the Turd carbon tax crap,,, that doesn't apply to those of us that live off grid.

Little Granola cruchers wouldn't last 3 minutes out here,,, that's giving the fruit cakes 2 extras before they forget they have thumbs. LOL

Of course this is only my opinion that doesn't mean squat. Ha. Caution,,, don't follow the clown. LOL.

Now it's time to figure out where the abandonment rig is,,, free coffee and BS is a good way to start the day.

They start at 6 am,,, they told me to not show up till 7,,, what's with that I asked... Simple the rig push said...

The crew sits around for the first hour scratching their nuts,,, not much sence taking that part of the day in. Ha.

Oh my oh my,,, that sounds like a crappy way to start the day. LOL

1/2 tracks will travel,,, one clown and 2 plastic critters,,, Yo Yo Yo


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
Blue shys in the North folks, looks like the temps are finally dropping,,, - 30 ish this morning,,, lots of camel back riding with some 22 rimfire plinking,,, AND 1 BIG BON-FIRE. Ha.

Fack the Turd carbon tax crap,,, that doesn't apply to those of us that live off grid.

Little Granola cruchers wouldn't last 3 minutes out here,,, that's giving the fruit cakes 2 extras before they forget they have thumbs. LOL

Of course this is only my opinion that doesn't mean squat. Ha. Caution,,, don't follow the clown. LOL.

Now it's time to figure out where the abandonment rig is,,, free coffee and BS is a good way to start the day.

They start at 6 am,,, they told me to not show up till 7,,, what's with that I asked... Simple the rig push said...

The crew sits around for the first hour scratching their nuts,,, not much sence taking that part of the day in. Ha.

Oh my oh my,,, that sounds like a crappy way to start the day. LOL

1/2 tracks will travel,,, one clown and 2 plastic critters,,, Yo Yo Yo

true words Lem, you are getting almost as philosophical as Jordan Peterson! now that is some lofty thinking, and you are in his home town, something may be rubbing off on you!
Keep that fire on high Lem, donkey and cow will be thanking you.
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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
A living under dog I am. Ha

Today's saying is,,, feel sorry for a man with no shoes until you meet a man with no feet.

This was a saying from many years ago that Gramps shared with us kin folk.

Funny how old saying last for ever. LOL

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
^^^ X's 2

It's nice that that dog took that human under his control. Dogs are smart like that.

Kow and Donkey really look after me,,, they keep me of sound mind and tasks at hand. Ha.

Like today,,, they want me to be the best I can be,,, sharp like a stick and hopefully smarter than one.

Wize enough to survive the Island,,, and dim enough to pass up on the hazardous activities that could influence crazy decisions that might get me locked up in the wing nut ward. LOL.

Good times are coming now that the days are getting longer,,, it won't be long before winter roles in,,, of course I view the world different then most humans.

I call it reverse thinking,,, maybe I can go back in time when the plant was a peanut floating through space in no direction at all,,, much like the course were on today.

Lost in space is gooder,,,.less chances of being found by other civilizations that don't want nothing to do with us.

One thing is guaranteed in life,,, a warm blanket and a furry friend,,, that's what really counts in life.

Yo Yo Yo

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Lacombe AB
Family day weekend had me pin-ed down,,, and I don't even own one. Ha

Next year is rent a family member time.

Ho Yo Go

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Lacombe AB
I'll rent a bunch of squirrels for the next family day.

Nothing like having a bunch of critters running around looking for their nuts.

Maybe golfers could be the rent a family. Of course they'd be looking for their balls. Ha.
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