Proposed Trespassing Laws

Drty Ernie

Active member
Dec 4, 2011
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Anybody have some insight as to where the new proposed trespassing laws are going to leave snowmobilers? This could get complicated.


Active VIP Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Rosetown, sask
Beyond complicated
Prob be a lot of snowmobilers that just go anyway -who’s going to enforce it Guy calls in he just saw 4 black sleds head north on 2 1/4’s of his ?? Are they going to come out in patrol car or on sled and follow tracks for miles on end hoping to find guys

I’m a land owner/ farmer we have a fair amount of dirt in 2 rm’s . When it comes to sledding when ground is frozen and snow covered. What’s it hurt - unless you have crop left out or a hay field you’d like guys to stay off - post a few signs. The guys that won’t heed the signs aren’t going to care about legislation saying it’s illegal to trespass without permission imho


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
Beyond complicated
Prob be a lot of snowmobilers that just go anyway -who’s going to enforce it Guy calls in he just saw 4 black sleds head north on 2 1/4’s of his ?? Are they going to come out in patrol car or on sled and follow tracks for miles on end hoping to find guys

I’m a land owner/ farmer we have a fair amount of dirt in 2 rm’s . When it comes to sledding when ground is frozen and snow covered. What’s it hurt - unless you have crop left out or a hay field you’d like guys to stay off - post a few signs. The guys that won’t heed the signs aren’t going to care about legislation saying it’s illegal to trespass without permission imho

That being said it's still a matter of respect.


Active VIP Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Rosetown, sask
Yes. Just my opinion that it really doesn’t bother me if guys quad or sled across our land long as crop isn’t there.
Others don’t feel the same way. Or they have had bad experiences with guys going when muddy and chewing it all up or littering etc


Active VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
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SE Saskatchewan
We have a mix of grain and hay. Hunters are probably the most self entitled group of trespassers.

We have our fair share of trespassing happen. Most are photographers, elderly, people dumping garbage, and thieves.

And all three of those groups leave immediately if and when asked to.

Hunters on the other hand are the only ones who will argue with you about trespassing on your land. “We’re not hurting anything” is probably the most common. It doesn’t matter if you’re hurting anything it’s a matter of do onto others as you would want done onto you. Not to mention they cut fence lines, open gates and leave them open, and litter(empty shells, food wrappers, coffee cups).

The part of “we’re not hurting anything” isn’t always true, disturbing livestock is easily done. We have had our cattle out in pasture still during hunting season and with all the gunshots they get skittish. Now that I’m also attempting to keep bees, they do not like to be disturbed either.

My favourite thing is to ask where they live, what’s their address. And i’m going to come drive on their front lawn and in their backyard. Apples to oranges they say. But it’s really not.

It all comes down to asking for permission, we have never turned anyone down if they have came and asked for permission to do pretty much anything. Photography, hunting, looking at old homesteads.

Some complain about how lots of farms now days are commercial, and they are incorporated so it’s hard to get permission. That’s life, if you can’t find out who’s it is, go to the RM, but an RM map. Do your research. Even go to the nearest farm, if it’s not theirs they more then likely know who’s it is.

I have no pitty on the hunters complaining about their new trespassing law in any way shape or form.

As for snowmobiling with the trespassing law. snowmobiles won’t be hurting anything really. It’s the people that do, litter gates, fences. Its always the bad apples that wreck it for the census.
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