One shot one kill!


Active VIP Member
Jan 3, 2008
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well i read the thread"war is hell" the other day by Kgr. and i thought t myself it is becoming that time of year. but i myself am a solitary hunter. one shot one kill. so i got all ghillied up and trotted out to the horse trailer. climbed on top and layed down with my 22 long rifle and a case of stingers 32 grains. i sat there for what seemed like days (about 20 minutes) when my first victim crawled up from his trench below. it was a long shot for an open sight rifle (20 yards) but a highly skilled profesional like myself felt up to the challenge. boom! ... damn missed. i loaded up again and followed my sights across the lawn and...damn again! under the truck. well me being a sore loser i hopped down from my horse trailer and walked over to the truck and bent down. and there he was crouching by the tire well. the smart little bigger must have known that was a no shot zone and was almost laughing at me. well he wasnt laughing for long when i hopped in the driver seat and fired up the old 93 1500 chev. that straight pipe scared the hell out of him but just ran out from underneath and under the jeep. Damnitt! defeated i walked into the house only waiting for the next round of ground warfare. the next day when i came home from work i imediatly got my 30 30 out and with a smirk on my face walked the field. keeping my eye out for the sligtest movement. then there he was standing straight up and down mocking me. well i aimed him up and BOOM! he went flying. haha i laughed thats the end of you. and i continued through the field. i didnt see a single thing for the rest of my walk so i turned around and started walking back. as a wasgetting to our tree line a few prairie chickens flew up. being the smart one even in the middle of nowhere i didnt fire at them in the air as they flew to the other side of the spruce trees. instead i went and got my trusty overunder 12 gaauge and trodded through not seeing a single thing cept a crow(which i missed) feeling very down by this turn of events i walked home and then all of a sudden thatr god damn gopher ran across my path bout 25 feet away. not even thinking i mounted my shot gun and KABOOM!! he was dead before the pellets even hit him. with my moral much higher i started home with a large grin on my face.

the end


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2006
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your lucky.. that must have been an alberta gopher because ive seen pics of sask. ones ..seems they shoot careful out there..keep up the good fight!


Active VIP Member
Dec 5, 2006
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Didsbury, Alberta
you mean bas##rd them animal right,salad eating people are going to get your ass last time i went out rodent hunting we went through a carton of shells what a blast got to get out again less expensive than paintball and alot more fun
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