Bettie power


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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As someone who is usually hasseling and poking fun at the women here i thought i would make a comment on the betty phenomenon.
I hope some eyes were raised yesterday by the whole sponsergate post.
I truely hope that the women spearheading the sledbetties appreiciate the true importance of their efforts to the future of our sport and conduct them selves accordingly.
Those of us with the y chromosone have pretty much done all we can do to brand this sport as a bunch redneck hillbillies hell bent on the destruction of mother nature.
Sledbetties and the women involved have the oppertunity to begin with a clean slate to showcase snowmobiling as a somewhat kinder, softer family pastime.
This sport needs a new voice to champion the causes such as land access and perhaps to help offset the bad reputation given to us by the media.Real care must be taken right from the start to maintain an image of sensibility and resposibility. The emphasis for your ladies rides must be on saftey and land stewardship, the first betty to be carried out of the hills in a body bag will hearld a grave future for all of us.
Betties will catch the attention of maunufactures, aftermarket companies, clothing suppliers, you name it, but dont be fooled this isnt because you are "cool chicka's" that can ride. this is about money and increased market share for the companies and businesses that will court you.
The time of the betty is upon us, and i wish you girls the best of luck and the best powder days possible but just remember there are a lot of interest groups watching this development with baited breath.
The collective sledding community need our sisters, wives,daughters and mothers to take the place where we men have failed to give this sport a positve headline for once, please dont let us down ladies.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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Not a word from the betties. Perhaps iam the nieve one who thought this could be something other than a vehical to sell videos, tshirts and ride sponsered sleds?????????????


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Cockring, AB
I like this word: "Sponsorgate".

Well written, scotts. This should spawn a very interesting thread!:Happy6:


Active VIP Member
Oct 9, 2007
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Squirrel Clan
Not a word from the betties. Perhaps iam the nieve one who thought this could be something other than a vehical to sell videos, tshirts and ride sponsered sleds?????????????

Patience grasshopper.
I would think a well thought out response is pending.
The days of blurting out the 1st thing that pops into your head is back in the mens court :rolleyes:

Trax 2 Treadz

Active VIP Member
Jan 25, 2008
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Medicine Hat
Although I am not a Bettie allow me the opportunity to respond. Women who are involved in the powersports industry are few and far between. Being involved with Trax 2 Treadz as a woman has been well received. I have women pm me or call me or seek me out at trade shows specifically because I am a woman and ask questions. Some of the questions are of a personal nature, never in a million years would these same women go to a testosterone filled sales person and ask these very questions. I feel honored that they trust me enough to ask.

My Mom who is of a certain age is also sought out by older women who ride and have questions that she can relate to. My Mom is actually a fantastic ambassador for this sport. She started riding when she was 58 years young and brings more positive energy and enthusiasm to this sport than I have seen in a lot of people. Her energy is contagious and people who talk to her can't help but be inspired and drawn to the sport.

Women and families have also specifically sought us out because we do ride as a family. Our group generally consists of 4 women and 2 men and my 4 year old son. The women in our group are myself, my 15 year old daughter, my 6 year old daughter and my Mom. Three generations of women who ride together! When we walk into a shelter people pay attention. We always have tons of questions asked to us about the stuff we use, where we ride and the things that we do. We have had more pictures taken of our group by people in shelters than I can count.

This attention also garners a huge level of responsibility because when they see us we are a reflection of all women. We must ride in a safe manner not only for personal reasons but because of the impression we leave. We must be enviromental stewards as well because we want these riding areas open for generations to come. We must inspire and earn respect from all those who ride with us and come in contact with our group. We are by no means of the same riding caliber as some of the Betties but we have a ton of fun when we go out.

As a woman in business it has been at times a double edged sword. I have had to deal with the "oh she's a woman and knows nothing attitude" I have in a hurry set those people straight. On the other hand I have used this to my advantage to learn things. I have noticed that sometimes people will let their guard down and provide tons of information because I am a woman and they view me as non threatening.

When it comes to finding products that make our riding experience as a family safer and more enjoyable we have had to dig pretty deep. We have found that alot of manufacturer's don't really focus on providing good gear for kids. We have had to search high and low to find a good polarized kids goggle and finally found one!! We are stopped many times and asked about the backpack and child riding belts that we use. I have found alot of manufacturer's simply don't care about providing products for families and kids specifically, to enhance our experience. I also have learned which manufacturer's not to support because of their attitude towards me.

Anyways this has turned into a rather long winded diatribe but oh well!!! Women riders are a rarity, families that ride with young children are a rarity but I hope we can inspire more women riders and families to take part in our sport!



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Nov 21, 2008
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Snowhomish, WA
I've missed something with the Sponsorgate post, link me up, sounds interesting. Not on here that much...

I think that what has been started here can only improve the outlook on the sport! Of course I am biased. And I would expect that all of our Betties would hold themselves to a much higher standard of conduct than your average redneck sledder. And nothing against redneck sledders, love them! :beer:

"The emphasis for your ladies rides must be on saftey and land stewardship, the first betty to be carried out of the hills in a body bag will hearld a grave future for all of us."

This statement interests me in that shouldn't ALL of our emphasis be this? Safety and Land Stewardship? I think so! And this might be a grim way to look at it, but there have been women carried off the hill before, no one is immune. And while I can see that things hit harder sometimes when women are involved, I'm really not sure why such a weighty statement was placed up on us, Betties, women???

"Betties will catch the attention of maunufactures, aftermarket companies, clothing suppliers, you name it, but dont be fooled this isnt because you are "cool chicka's" that can ride. this is about money and increased market share for the companies and businesses that will court you."

I'm not sure if anyone is that niave to think that a company would sponsor you just because you are cool, a chick and/or can ride. I know plenty of ladies who are all three and then some who are not sponsored in any fashion. It's all about ROI. Always has been, always will be. Alot of our sponsors went out on a limb to help us this first year, but I think that deep down inside they knew this would be a success and therefore a good return.

"The time of the betty is upon us, and i wish you girls the best of luck and the best powder days possible but just remember there are a lot of interest groups watching this development with baited breath."

Love that first part!! "The time of the Bettie is upon us." Most fabulous statement!! :awesome_dude:

Thanks for the best of luck wishes, especially the powder day wishes! LOL:devildancing: And the rest of your statement excites me to no end! :D I want people watching us, I want people supporting us!!! :cheering:

"The collective sledding community need our sisters, wives,daughters and mothers to take the place where we men have failed to give this sport a positve headline for once, please dont let us down ladies. "

So far I've seen nothing but positive media, so YAY!!! :yahoo:


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
I've missed something with the Sponsorgate post, link me up, sounds interesting. Not on here that much...

Didn't miss anything worth losing any sleep over.

I think that what has been started here can only improve the outlook on the sport! Of course I am biased. And I would expect that all of our Betties would hold themselves to a much higher standard of conduct than your average redneck sledder. And nothing against redneck sledders, love them!

What is being said in this thread will definitely improve the outlook of the sport and I would hope that the Betties have a high standard of conduct, after all they are in the public eye.

So far I've seen nothing but positive media, so YAY!!!

lets hope that it stays that way.


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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bonnyville alberta
ok enough sitting back in

some people could get different takes from the article which may imo have some sharp edges... heres my two cents.

is it great that a group of enthusiast are so passionate about a sport that they come together and do something... i say yes...

is it great that they are a minority amoung the reg. : sled head" .... i say yes...

are they looking for or doing anything different than the team thunderstruck that yes sells movies, yes promotes them selves and sells t shirts does one of my faves mr dan davidoff... is this an acceptable actions .... i say yes...

- should manufacturers or dealers in this industry support this...i say yes of course... will we benefit .....maybe,,,, its justanother form of supporting the industry that you work in.... no different than curling bonspiels for the oil industry or fundraisers for stars....people and business go there and spend money to support what they feel is a worth while cause... and if we benefit from it well extra bonus...

personally i would much rather invest the effort and resources in actual people who have the passion for the same thing as me.... than to see my resources go out to areas that support venues that i am not particularly interested in personally, yet i still support them... i just feel i get more satisfaction out of supporting the Betties.... or other groups involved in my business of choice. ..... why not support them.... i have nothing but admiration for the girls...good on you..

i also support atv/sled clubs, and countless other organizations, will they get me rich and provide me with a ton of business and extra unit sales...probably not maybe a few sales as do print ads, just like supporting a hockey billet if you played hockey, ,,,why do you do it... for passion...

i think like previously mentioned we all have a moral responsibility to act responsibly on the hill and off, and we all need to share the responisbility to ensure the prolonged positive image of the sport..and the commradery that makes it so great.... i think any one lost regardless of the accident whether it be an avalanche or car accident is a tragedy..

any way...i thinks more like 9 cents than 2 but...lets all pray for lots of snow, safe sledding and huge holiday meals with no calories....... have a great one my fellow sledders..........


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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I'm going to wiegh in here one last time and then remain silent. Maybe the point i was trying to make was somewhat lost along the way.
I was introduced to the sport by my mother so the fact that women are passionate and capable riders really doesnt surprise me that much. the fact that these ladies can turn this into a positive experience with sponsership and business potential is also fantastic.
The key point iam trying to convey is that they have an oppertunity to positivly influence the direction that this sport is about to take. In my opinion bettys have a unique voice that can be utilized to sway the decision making process in crucial issues such as land use and shared access.
Arguments from special interests groups and people such as Dana Foster can be negated by a group of like minded women who can effectivly portray this sport as a family type activity that holds the enviroment and safety with the highest regard. A similar effort made by a group of men will only be lost in the din of countless other groups and organizations.
How many countless times have the issues of things such as caribou clousers been met with comments such as " i'll fix those caribou with my 7mm". these are the type of juvinial statements that close the door to public sympathy and provide the press with the fodder to pander to the wishes of enviromental groups..Women are often more level headed and articulate in making arguments and pleas concerning our cause.
I truely belive that betty power has the rudder to steer our sport in a kinder gentler direction in the public eye and hope there are some among them willing to step to the helm and steer us to calmer waters.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
:cool: I'm sure my .02 is expected here :rolleyes: LOL

The Sledbetties project is foremost about promoting and growing a market share but for many reasons, most of them are stated above at some point. The fact that there is a team of 5 women working on this venture in their spare time, with 20 supporting cast and oodles of spouses, sponsors and friends...should indicate this is not a money making venture. Yes, we have to sell product and market ourselves and our sponsors...but that's the rules of the game. It's how the word will get out and what will show manufacturers that there is an untapped market and a large group of riders currently not prominent enough to make a difference in this male dominated sport. But we intend to change that; and by the way it's going, change it fast.

This will grow the sport, it will get women active and involved in land use and it will bring more families into the mix. The stronger the powersports industry is, the better for all of us who are passionate about the sport. Women are already very strong advocates for land use and active in clubs, and the Betties intend to contribute to that and bring focus to that. A goal for next year is to feature these groups in the video along with groups like the Pink Ribbon Riders etc, that earn money for breast cancer each year. We will be bringing attention to the groups that work behind the scenes to allow us to do what we love everyday. There will also be a focus on avalanche and backcountry safety in the sequel. :cool:

So for any of you that may think we are only in this as a business, think again. There is a whole other driving force behind this and entirely different motives than fame and greed. LOL. While we can't be responsible for every woman out there and how they represent the sport, we can use our 'power' for good and intend to do just that! :wtg:

-we have a great article on the Betties written by Susie Rainsberry...I'll find it and post it up. :)


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2008
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:cool: I'm sure my .02 is expected here :rolleyes: LOL

The Sledbetties project is foremost about promoting and growing a market share but for many reasons, most of them are stated above at some point. The fact that there is a team of 5 women working on this venture in their spare time, with 20 supporting cast and oodles of spouses, sponsors and friends...should indicate this is not a money making venture. Yes, we have to sell product and market ourselves and our sponsors...but that's the rules of the game. It's how the word will get out and what will show manufacturers that there is an untapped market and a large group of riders currently not prominent enough to make a difference in this male dominated sport. But we intend to change that; and by the way it's going, change it fast.

This will grow the sport, it will get women active and involved in land use and it will bring more families into the mix. The stronger the powersports industry is, the better for all of us who are passionate about the sport. Women are already very strong advocates for land use and active in clubs, and the Betties intend to contribute to that and bring focus to that. A goal for next year is to feature these groups in the video along with groups like the Pink Ribbon Riders etc, that earn money for breast cancer each year. We will be bringing attention to the groups that work behind the scenes to allow us to do what we love everyday. There will also be a focus on avalanche and backcountry safety in the sequel. :cool:

So for any of you that may think we are only in this as a business, think again. There is a whole other driving force behind this and entirely different motives than fame and greed. LOL. While we can't be responsible for every woman out there and how they represent the sport, we can use our 'power' for good and intend to do just that! :wtg:

-we have a great article on the Betties written by Susie Rainsberry...I'll find it and post it up. :)

Ok, that right there is a strong statement that has my respect, admiration and full support :) .

Trax 2 Treadz

Active VIP Member
Jan 25, 2008
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Medicine Hat
Let me say just one more thing about riding as a family.........then I will be!!!! Well maybe!

Anyways, sledding as a family provides many opportunites to work as a family. We all play an integral part in making the days safe and enjoyable. We work as a team to get a sled unstuck for example to get across a tricky creek crossing we all have to be on our game and working together. Everyone checks everyone elses gear, survival supplies etc etc even Jaymie our 6 year old understands the concept of a beacon. We have to work together to survive out there. When we stop at shelters my kids meet many different and unique people from all over the place they need to develop social skills to adapt to these situations.

My kids see parts of the back country that many many people will never see. I think it affords them the opportunity to gain a unique perspective on our enviroment and why we need to take care of it.

My kids can fight like cats and dogs until we pull out the sleds and it is time to go then they fall in line and pull together.

As a parent I enjoy spending this time with my kids because I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!!!! I know what they are doing! They are not in the mall hanging around getting into trouble, they are not at the local skate park smoking drugs etc, they are not at their friends house drinking and carrying on. They are with me gaining character. Jaymie and Trennis have been sledding since before they were a year old they will spend all their winters out sledding with us. Cody, Kennedy and Carter started a bit later but still ride every chance they get.

I also think that by taking our kids out like this it builds within them a certain maturity that many teens do not have. Their is a subtle difference in them as compared to their peers and I can't quite put a finger on what to call it.

Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2010
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Castlegar, BC
I agree that women have a real opportunity to shed a different light on a sport that has been portrayed as redneckish. Not because we're doing anything out of the norm, but because the spotlight is on us and people are watching. We have a natural instinct to nurture and support, and I think the sport will only benefit from having the public see a different, softer side to snowmobiling.

I love that Sledbetties has brought women closer together in the sport. It's given us the vehicle to rally together and really make things happen. When women take on a project or advocate for something they feel passionate about, the sky is the limit... It will be interesting to see what we can accomplish as a group!


Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
Creswell, Oregon
Those of us with the y chromosone have pretty much done all we can do to brand this sport as a bunch redneck hillbillies hell bent on the destruction of mother nature.
Sledbetties and the women involved have the oppertunity to begin with a clean slate to showcase snowmobiling as a somewhat kinder, softer family pastime.
This sport needs a new voice to champion the causes such as land access and perhaps to help offset the bad reputation given to us by the media.Real care must be taken right from the start to maintain an image of sensibility and resposibility. The emphasis for your ladies rides must be on saftey and land stewardship, the first betty to be carried out of the hills in a body bag will hearld a grave future for all of us.

Hmmmmm.....I truly not sure where to start. I'm a mom, a sledder, an active activist for land access (SAWS Rep for Oregon), a fierce and vocal supporter of women riders and their sledding products.

However - all of that aside - I do think that it's is unfair that you expect the women to "offset the bad reputation" of sledding. EVERYONE involved in the industry SHOULD be emphasizing safe and land stewardship. EVERYONE!

It also unfair to state a claim that one of "our" deaths would be bigger than the death of any of the men or women that have already died in the backcountry. Now maybe you didn't mean it that way, and were just trying to express that the media will create a bigger story out of such a death. Of course they will - that's what modern media is all about. However, none of the ladies I know are going to be out riding and thinking about what their death might mean to the community. They aren't thinking about their death at all - they are thinking about LIVING. Stupidity, accidents, bad judgement, etc., are not exclusive to one gender or another.

It's hard to explain I think - to the men - about all this excitement about women recently. The excitement is about the fact that we've never had this much attention, appreciation, recognition or support from the men who ride, or from the industry. We really had to generate it ourselves - but we didn't get this far WITHOUT the support of many men. Men who didn't doubt our passion or our ability because of our gender.

I think we really just want to level the playing field. We really just want to be equal in all of it. It's great, right at this moment in time, to hear get all this feedback because we are girls. It is changing the game. Really though, if in 5 years, a chute is climbed and there is surprise when the helmet comes off and it's a woman rider - then we really haven't accomplished what I think we are trying to accomplish anyway.

Let's just hope that in 5 years, we still have access to climb the chutes. I'm not going to be a chute-climber, but I will continue to fight to keep those lands open for access for those that wish to climb them - male or female.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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I wasn't going to comment again on this but I think I need to make a couple points very clear. First of all, I may be one of the few guys on here that won't blow smoke up the betties butts about their efforts just because your women. I think some of you are a little put off by it. Meh!!,Your riding snowmobiles not flying to the moon.The women I ride with are treated no differently than the men.
Once you put yourselves in the public spotlight you better be prepared to take the good with the bad.I made the bold statement about the body bag to make the point very bluntly that if you are promoting new and Inexperienced riders you better make safety a crucial part of this event, in the unfortunate event that something does happen these ladies rides will lose credibility quicker than Ozone Dave.
Should everyone put an emphesis on saftey and land stuardship? Yes of course, but the point that I seem to be so porely conveying is that the betties and other women are gaining media and public attention and as such have the oppertunity to really put these issues in the spot light . Maybe it's unfair to expect the betties to have to shoulder this burdan?? Maybe we will be all standing in the valley pointing to our kids where we used to ride before it was closed, that doest seem fair either.


Super Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Not a word from the betties. Perhaps iam the nieve one who thought this could be something other than a vehical to sell videos, tshirts and ride sponsered sleds?????????????

Old subject I suggest it be dropped!! I'm guessing they aren't gonna waste their time with you.

just sayin
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