Bad Quad Accident in Redwater


Active VIP Member
Jul 8, 2008
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Tumbler Ridge
Don't get me wrong.... The daddy part is nothing I would hold against you.... It's the haha at the end that impliest bragging that your dad pays for it.

I would love if my dad payed my insurance.... 7k a year I wouldn't have to pay..... I'd welcome it. But, unfortunatly I grew up and became responsible for my own bills.


Active VIP Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Don't get me wrong.... The daddy part is nothing I would hold against you.... It's the haha at the end that impliest bragging that your dad pays for it.

I would love if my dad payed my insurance.... 7k a year I wouldn't have to pay..... I'd welcome it. But, unfortunatly I grew up and became responsible for my own bills.

when i say haha at the end i am trying to imply that i am not complely down right stone cold serious because the "big grin" smilie isnt working on my puter so sorry if i offended you or any one else.also .... i dont think we have insurance on any of our quads? and with that said i am 15.

Hey look at that! im a v.i.p. now! sweet.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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sure it does. that is my problem with these morons doing this. it gets in the news. it portrays the repsonsible riders badly. they dont look at that . we are all lumpesd in together. and unltimatley if you want to continue riding you better start caring. these guys and gals will get us shut down eventually or so regulated that you may as well just get a beater car and ride the gravel backroads. it'll be the same.

In an earlier comment, you mentioned drunk drivers and why don't they shut down all driving because of them? The difference idiots on the roads driving vehicles and quads is this: these people that are critical of quad (and let's face it, sleds) in most cases do not quad or sled, but they do drive cars and trucks. It is more of an attitude of intolerance to someone else's lifestyle (quadding and sledding) than accidents on quads. If it were otherwise, one could make the argument that driving should be done away with because of bad drivers. That will never happen obviously because all these anti-quad people drive. We have to speak to the legislators. This can be done either individually or via associations. We have to tell them that it is unfair to portray all riders as bad because of some that are. We have to tell them that the impact to the environment from our machines is being overblown. It is true that a quad trail can get quite chewed up, but the amount of trails that are ridden on compared to the surrounding areas that are not is minute. Think about it, if most of the quad riding is in the bush areas, how much of an area say of 100 sq miles is actually trails. A quad trail is not more than 8 feet wide on average, and in many cases more narrow. That leaves all the remaining area unimpacted by quads. I don't make new trails when I quad. I'm there to ride, not clear bush. I think these are the kinds of arguments that need to be made in support of riding our machines, because the safety argument won't be enough to save us from those that are intolerant of our lifestyle. We have to prove that we're not the environmental bogey-men we're being made out to be. That's why I argue against laws about helmets, etc, because I believe energy would be better spent arguing against the intolerants that are our real danger. Use the word INTOLERANT when speaking either to or about these people. In our politically correct society, people can't stand to be called that, but in the case of those against our sport, that is exactly what they are.


Active member
May 25, 2008
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another one bites the dust in Athabasca... reported by Global News this morning, 11 year old driving the quad with two other kids on it. Lost control while turning and quad flipped on top of him causing head injuries (not wearing helmet). The other two kids were not injured.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
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Sturgeon county
why is a 11 year old on a machine like that unsupervised.where were the parents. a sad sad situation. it seems there are 2 extremely lucky kids who are o.k.physically, Im sure they have alot to deal with for some time to come and wish the families involved all the best in there recovery of this terrible incident. we wish everyone a safe long weekend.


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Jul 20, 2008
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Drayton Valley, Alberta
I just don't understand why people wouldn't want to wear a helmet. Its not like they are uncomfortable or block your vision. And why are kids not wearing helmets....parents should be making sure that there kids learn good habits. If you can make it a habit to put on a helmet before you get on a quad it will become second nature...

Very Sad that this keeps happening.


Active member
Mar 22, 2007
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...anyway long winded and all that but i guess it could be summarized by saying that these people are forcing thier views upon me, so why shouldnt i force my views upon them by supporting certain laws or legislation. it is better than the alternative. oh boy, here i go again. lol. if the stories would start with, some idiot......blah blah blah, then i wouldnt have a problem and definately wouldnt support a helmet law. ok, seriously i'm done now. anybody need a furnace or air conditioner? lol.

-They should add those breathalizer anaylizers to all power equipment too.
-They should take away ALL guns from everyone but police.
-They should take away your vehicle if you drive with a cell phone.
-They should imprison anyone who spanks their children.
-Bring back prohibition while we are at it.

Does no one want to be responsible for thier own actions any more? Please quit your whining about others actions and pay attention to what you do yourself. I do not need more government in my life. Where will it end? If this is what this group and your "club" advocates, no wonder no one really wants to join it.


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Jul 27, 2008
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Bon Accord
hopefully the injuries to these people are not serious,no matter how you catagorize them everyone deserves to live, laws are for honest people as helmuts are for smart people, if helmuts are legislated the honest and smart people will continue to use them.


Active VIP Member
Sep 25, 2007
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-They should add those breathalizer anaylizers to all power equipment too.
-They should take away ALL guns from everyone but police.
-They should take away your vehicle if you drive with a cell phone.
-They should imprison anyone who spanks their children.
-Bring back prohibition while we are at it.

Does no one want to be responsible for thier own actions any more? Please quit your whining about others actions and pay attention to what you do yourself. I do not need more government in my life. Where will it end? If this is what this group and your "club" advocates, no wonder no one really wants to join it.

thanks for making me laugh today. needed it. i'll reply point form as you did.

breath anaylizers- maybe they should. would it affect your quadding adventure. do you like to break the law and drink and drive.

guns- why? does every person that owns a gun get labled a murderer if somebody kills someone with a gun?

cell phones and driving- i think they are going to do this anyway. they probably should.

spanking- i think it is the parents decision. but at the same time within reason. beating a child and calling it spanking doesnt fly. then again the little ***** that smash peoples stuff for fun and get away with it because the parents dont believe in spanking should probably get a beating to even out all the missed spankings. maybe that would smarten them up.

prohibition- sounds good, i dont really drink anyway.:d:beer:

people dont want to take responsibilty for thier own actions. look at teh excuses. i didnt know, nobody told me yadda yadda yadda...

as for me quitting "whining". not going to happen. as long as these people speak for me by their acions reflecting badly on the sport that i chose to do i will continue to "whine" about thier actions. and i do watch what i do and look for the consequensces of what i do and how it will reflect on others around me.

weather you like it or not, these people are forcing the government into your life. and possibly to the point of you cant do what you enjoy anymore. oh ya and it wont end. it'll progress into alot worse. not just a helmet law. like i have said before if a helmet law prevents one of these idiots from dieing and making us as a group look bad, i support it. and then if they dont wear a helmet and kill themsleves, they are lawbreakers and hopefully it gets reported properly. as well i support laws in regard to age and size appropriate machines. i have seen way to many parents unable to make sound decisions in regards to what their 10 year old kid can handle. a 750cc modded out quad with a kid driving just doesnt make sense.

actually you know what, if these "accidents" were reported properly and we werent, as a group, being held accountable for somebody else not being able to make the right choice. then i wouldnt support some of the potential laws. natural selection, if they are too stupid to figure it out, let em kill themsleves, hopefully they dont take a good one with them.

as for the AOHVA. i dont speak for them and my thoughts and posts dont nesecarily( wheres the spell check button. lol) reflect the views of the organization. lol. my first legal disclaimer.

but seriously, check them out, talk to the exec. read some literature about them. good bunch of guys/gals dedicating most of thier free time and work time to fighting to keep riding areas open and prevent bad legislation from going through. as well it is the only nationally recognized group to speak on our behalves to the government. so unlike our bitching and whining here, the government actually listens to them. this is why i support them. as for people not wanting to join, i dont think this is the case. most dont know about them and when they find out they normally support what they do, i havent heard otherwise anyway. but heres a challenge to you, talk to them and form your own opinion, dont just base it off some a-hole on a forum(me,lol).


Active member
Mar 22, 2007
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I probably need a law that requires my quad to have good mud tires, and my sled to have deep lugged, studded track, so I don’t hurt my back when I get stuck too.

In fact there should be a law that says I need a roll cage for my sled, so I stop breaking windshields too.

And don’t forget the substantial fines for non-compliance. After all, us rich Albertans don't pay our share of taxes either.


Active VIP Member
Sep 25, 2007
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man you have got to stop making me lol in the morning. puts me in a good mood all day. but good list you have going there. i think i'll ad some

we need a law stating we need to fill our gas tanks before the 1/4 tank so we dont accidently run out of gas on the road causing a potential hazard.

we need a law that taxes people that make too much money for what they do.

actually what we really need is one law put in place. the common sense law. encompasses everything that people should do without a law in place to enforce it.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
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Bon Accord, Alberta
if only you could legislate common sense, that would be the sensible thing to do, really... any update on the quad accident in redwater, has anyone heard anything, nothing so far in the media at all about this situation.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Peeps that do stupid things (NO HELMIT) or GET DRUNK and then go QUAD/SLED deserve what they get...NUFF SAID.

I agree! If someone wants to be irresponsible than he/she will just be another example of "natural selection", look at the guy who crossed the firing line ad the shooting range at the west ed, a perfect example of "natural selection"


Active VIP Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I agree! If someone wants to be irresponsible than he/she will just be another example of "natural selection", look at the guy who crossed the firing line ad the shooting range at the west ed, a perfect example of "natural selection"

ya but do they try top shut down any and all gun ranges because somebody was an idiot. no they dont. they dont say every gun range is dangerous, they say somebody walked in front the firing line. i believe in natural selction but they are causing the rest of us grief.


Active VIP Member
Jan 3, 2008
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This crapt has got to stop! i do not believe in MAKING people to do this stuff but i will always shake my head at them and try and convince them not to but i will never support making people do it.

i went to a tempo in st. walburg today and tried to purchase a monster energy drink. they denied me (im 15) WHAT THE HELL! they said its bad for you! this is complete bullchit! i am old enough to know that what i do is good or bad. energy drinks arnt good for you but so wat. neithers smoking! and i dont do that so i got some leeway to drink energy drinks. while their at it you should be 18 to purchase coke and all other unhealthy products! same with coffee and candy. they rot your teeth! why dont they do that to while their at it! :rant:

nice rant eh:d


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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thanks for making me laugh today. needed it. i'll reply point form as you did.

breath anaylizers- maybe they should. would it affect your quadding adventure. do you like to break the law and drink and drive.

guns- why? does every person that owns a gun get labled a murderer if somebody kills someone with a gun?

cell phones and driving- i think they are going to do this anyway. they probably should.

spanking- i think it is the parents decision. but at the same time within reason. beating a child and calling it spanking doesnt fly. then again the little ***** that smash peoples stuff for fun and get away with it because the parents dont believe in spanking should probably get a beating to even out all the missed spankings. maybe that would smarten them up.

prohibition- sounds good, i dont really drink anyway.:d:beer:

people dont want to take responsibilty for thier own actions. look at teh excuses. i didnt know, nobody told me yadda yadda yadda...

as for me quitting "whining". not going to happen. as long as these people speak for me by their acions reflecting badly on the sport that i chose to do i will continue to "whine" about thier actions. and i do watch what i do and look for the consequensces of what i do and how it will reflect on others around me.

weather you like it or not, these people are forcing the government into your life. and possibly to the point of you cant do what you enjoy anymore. oh ya and it wont end. it'll progress into alot worse. not just a helmet law. like i have said before if a helmet law prevents one of these idiots from dieing and making us as a group look bad, i support it. and then if they dont wear a helmet and kill themsleves, they are lawbreakers and hopefully it gets reported properly. as well i support laws in regard to age and size appropriate machines. i have seen way to many parents unable to make sound decisions in regards to what their 10 year old kid can handle. a 750cc modded out quad with a kid driving just doesnt make sense.

actually you know what, if these "accidents" were reported properly and we werent, as a group, being held accountable for somebody else not being able to make the right choice. then i wouldnt support some of the potential laws. natural selection, if they are too stupid to figure it out, let em kill themsleves, hopefully they dont take a good one with them.

as for the AOHVA. i dont speak for them and my thoughts and posts dont nesecarily( wheres the spell check button. lol) reflect the views of the organization. lol. my first legal disclaimer.

but seriously, check them out, talk to the exec. read some literature about them. good bunch of guys/gals dedicating most of thier free time and work time to fighting to keep riding areas open and prevent bad legislation from going through. as well it is the only nationally recognized group to speak on our behalves to the government. so unlike our bitching and whining here, the government actually listens to them. this is why i support them. as for people not wanting to join, i dont think this is the case. most dont know about them and when they find out they normally support what they do, i havent heard otherwise anyway. but heres a challenge to you, talk to them and form your own opinion, dont just base it off some a-hole on a forum(me,lol).

Alittle long winded(like usual):rant:but I agree with most of it:d
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