Are people really that...well let's be kind and say STUPID


Active VIP Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Stauffer, AB
Yep 0.00 is low for sure. But I would rather not take the chance and embarrass myself. I don't see a problem with someone having a beer or two with supper. But alot of people don't stop at that and keep on guzzling then try and drive home. It seems like everyone is against drunk driving but it is still happening. Bring on the .05 and let's make some really stiff penalties and maybe people will learn. Once again just my opinion.
Ya I agree with people continuing to guzzle, BIG no no that is. Where do you draw the line? one dude having a beer? and the next dude getting tanked.. penalties should deffiantly vary and I think the cop should always use his descresion.. makes it easier on some and harder on some.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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If people don't go out because they can't drink, they have a lot more issues then that and need something called AA. If your life is THAT affected by alcohol you have a issue, plenty of people can go out and not have a drink. Having one with dinner will not put you over I am sure.

If 0.05 is a lot more likely to cause accidents then that is a good thing to drop the limit to. I think the biggest thing they need to do is nail people to the wall when they are caught over. Like manditory 1 year in jail for first offence. How many people would risk it then?

No reason in the world to drive drunk or even near the limit. If you can't go out and not drink just stay at home then, to bad! Or pony up for another ride home. Many people can spend $100+ on booze but not a few bucks on a cab? Somethings wrong.
It's not for you to judge if people want to have a drink at a restaurant. The law is against IMPAIRED driving. I am not impaired at one or even two drinks. Therefore I should not be prohibitied from having them if I want to as I am not endangering anyone. Who the hell are you to refer me to AA if I like to have, and want to have a beer or two? Like I said before, go after the DRUNK people.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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It's not for you to judge if people want to have a drink at a restaurant. The law is against IMPAIRED driving. I am not impaired at one or even two drinks. Therefore I should not be prohibitied from having them if I want to as I am not endangering anyone. Who the hell are you to refer me to AA if I like to have, and want to have a beer or two? Like I said before, go after the DRUNK people.

Think I hit a soft spot! Have you blown after one or two to prove it and know your ok? You are allowed to have as many as you want as long as your under the legal limit.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Ya I agree with people continuing to guzzle, BIG no no that is. Where do you draw the line? one dude having a beer? and the next dude getting tanked.. penalties should deffiantly vary and I think the cop should always use his descresion.. makes it easier on some and harder on some.

Why? If your over the limit it is a PROVEN fact time and time again you are more likely to cause a accident. Think someone who gets hit and possibly killed by a drunk driver cares if they are at 0.09 or 0.25? I doubt it......Impaired driving is impaired driving no matter how far over the limit.

I am so sick of hearing how people get pulled over for impaired driving 3-4 or even 5 times and still have a license. Or drunk people killing someone and not getting life in jail. It's pathetic.

BC Sno-Ghost

Active VIP Member
Feb 15, 2009
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I don't condone drinking and driving of any kind. What people are failing to realize is everyone responds differently to alcohol consumption. Some people brag that they can drink 5 beers and not feel a thing but are actually over .05 or maybe even .08. Others are impaired and know it after 2 drinks. What chapped my A$$ was when the law changed in BC from .08 to .05 the cops were seriously sitting outside the pubs and restaurants waiting for people to pull out onto the street and nailing them. Why the hell weren't they doing this when the limit was .08? I've seen so much drunken carnage I have completely lost ALL remorse for those stupid enough to drink and get behind the wheel. I say toughen the penalties for those over .08 and really get hard, on those who drink and cause an accident, even if they are at .05.....serious jail time...suspensions don't work. It's mind boggling how many drivers are on the roads with suspended licenses. There has to be some sort of deterrent put in place. :mad:


Active VIP Member
Aug 12, 2010
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It's brutal in this province now. People are afraid to drive after a pint of beer or glass of wine with dinner. And if you have two well then you are calling a taxi so add another $20-$40 to your cost of going out for dinner not to mention the hassle of getting your vehicle the next day.

The accidents aren't caused by people that go out for dinner and want to enjoy a drink before you eat and one with your meal. They are cause by sh!theads that go to the pub/bar/club/party and drink hard then think they are a f*cking superhero and try to drive to taco bell, home, etc.

I have to agree with you here. It's a few shitheads who ruin it for other's. All these bloody laws they are coming up with now a days are crazy. How can they expected everyone to remember which city, county or Province has what law???? Can't smoke in your vehicle in Leduc County if you have a child/Children in the vehicle............had I not lived where I do I wouldn't bloody know this!!!!! This certainly is no "Free Country" anymore !!!!!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
I have to agree with you here. It's a few shitheads who ruin it for other's. All these bloody laws they are coming up with now a days are crazy. How can they expected everyone to remember which city, county or Province has what law???? Can't smoke in your vehicle in Leduc County if you have a child/Children in the vehicle............had I not lived where I do I wouldn't bloody know this!!!!! This certainly is no "Free Country" anymore !!!!!!

hate to say it but our Free Country is starting to disappear as our government is more than happy to impose these laws little by little not to draw too much attn. Next thing you know if you dont tow the line you get a taser zapped or kicked in the chops by a cop. I know there are countries far worse but we are slowly becoming a "police state" being controlled by laws that are insignificant as one but grouped together spells CONTROL over its citizens.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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hate to say it but our Free Country is starting to disappear as our government is more than happy to impose these laws little by little not to draw too much attn. Next thing you know if you dont tow the line you get a taser zapped or kicked in the chops by a cop. I know there are countries far worse but we are slowly becoming a "police state" being controlled by laws that are insignificant as one but grouped together spells CONTROL over its citizens.

The biggest reason more laws are coming in is because people are stupid. Just like putting "caution hot" on coffee. You have to protect people from themselves. Not smoking in a car with a child SHOULD be common sense, but it's not, so there needs to be a law for it. If people were smart enough to not drink and drive there wouldn't be a law against it.


Active VIP Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Calgary and Rocky Mtns
Restaurants and bars dont mention that they are losing out more on the cash cow of alcohol. They make WAY more money off your wine and beer than they do off your meal. They have to pay someone to cook and serve your food, they only have to pay someone to pour your 200% mark-up beverage. $15 bottle of wine for $30+ in the restaurant. $7-8 for a pint of beer? $6 for a bottle? Alexander Keith's an import!(another matter entirely)

As the rules get enforced now, if you seem impaired at .07 or .08, they'll give you a 24 and get you off the road. If you seem ok but blow .08, they'll give you a 24 but not charge you (depends on the officer of course, and if you're a prick or not). That seems fine to me. What they should do is at .10, same conviction they have now. At .16 (twice the legal limit), 2 year suspension, twice the fine. At .20 (drunk) 4 year suspension, lose your car. Get hammered people off the road for a long time. Caught driving on suspension? Double it. Caught again? Jail.
Make the punishment fit the crime. Same fine/suspension for .10 vs .25? Stupid


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Most people dont drive impared. But some get drunk and make the stupid decison to drive. Alcohol impairs decision making. But a blow and go in every car and then theres no choice as to whether u can drive or not. Interloc is the only way to fix stupid.


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2010
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Wainwright AB
b06c8ed0-c1b2-4623-963a-8a3149dbf282.jpg I'm glad I haven't had to take one of these tests


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Red Deer
We lost two parents from work, Kill by a drunk.....left thier 5 kids behind. Nuff said !


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Think I hit a soft spot! Have you blown after one or two to prove it and know your ok? You are allowed to have as many as you want as long as your under the legal limit.
That's my point, the "legal limit" which is 0.08. You can also get charged with impaired driving if you are lower than that if it can be proven (hard to prove I know) you are impaired. I think it should be left as is.
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