And There Will Be More


Active VIP Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Was in Allen Creek on Thursday back in what I know it as avalanche alley. Behind the hill climb were you ride along the bottom of the east facing slope any way, one the way in no tracks at all which was normal there were signs along this stretch warning of avalanches, we dropped our gas off just past here where you go up to the lake or lakes. On our way back we were picking up our gas and watched a group of 8 or 10 sleds that were playing all the way along the fore mentioned slope. Put a turbo apex under a clueless fool followed by a group of the same AND THERE WILL BE MORE. This is the same place a fellow sledder from Whitecourt met his misfourtune. I turned to my boy and said one day you will read about these types. Brings me to another point of all this safety gear coming out. We wear beacons have shovels probes but the rest makes me wonder where is common sense went. Just my 2 bits.


Active VIP Member
Apr 10, 2008
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New Sarepta
no way wel ever get 100% of back country riders wether it be to snomobile or ski, or any other outdoor activity to grab as much information as possible and arm themselves with the minimum amount of common scence before heading out.

for this reason i stopped worrying about what people do to place themselves in jeopardy. i just make sure i plan ahead for myself and my group, and try to keep distance from those that may cause an emergency issue that may involutarily involve me or the people im with.

if im in the vicinity obviously il help those who choose to temp fate, but i wont ride with them or near them.

even with gear and information accidents can still happen, but it sure is obvious which ones forgot to pack a "clue"
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