
HRT Offroad

Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Kimberley, BC
So your saying people that have experience still should not ride? You make it sounds like every square inch of mountains is a DEAD ZONE. Well I hate to burst your cherry little lady, BUT YOUR WRONG! NOW MOVE ALONG!!!

It's been proven time and time again that even people with experience don't always make the right decisions. Some of the most savvy avalanche people get killed in slides, because they've become complacent. I would like to consider myself pretty backcountry educated, but I got nabbed a couple years ago in what our whole educated group thought was a "safe" zone. We never thought for a moment that we were at risk, but a 100% abnormal circumstance proved us wrong. It's an extremely helpless experience being pinned under 4 feet of concrete thinking about all of the people that love you. Not one that I would wish upon my worst enemy!! No need to throw daggers here...everyone has different opinions about events and situations and all those opinions are open for interpretation...

Not trying to pick on you Kev...It just happened to be the time to say what I needed to say:)


Active VIP Member
Dec 4, 2006
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Yeah i was in salmon lake on friday, saw prob about 5-6 riders marking a massive hill. They must of run it 50 or 60 times,
Told them that hill is bad and could prob drop, they dident think it was to bad.
We just continued on, what do you do at that point.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
i'm thinking you may be looking to far into her comment, yes there are safe area's and i'm thinking she is okay with that, the steep slopes is where the danger usually lies although the tree line has escalated considerably. eveyone has a different comfort zone and some just see no reason to put your life in danger. EVERYTIME you hit the alpine your life is on the line, just different levels, right now the level is very high. as you stated adjust your riding areas until the danger level eases. i don't see any reason to get bent on sunshines comments. that is just what the general population is thinking.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
The Kootenays
It's been proven time and time again that even people with experience don't always make the right decisions. Some of the most savvy avalanche people get killed in slides, because they've become complacent. I would like to consider myself pretty backcountry educated, but I got nabbed a couple years ago in what our whole educated group thought was a "safe" zone. We never thought for a moment that we were at risk, but a 100% abnormal circumstance proved us wrong. It's an extremely helpless experience being pinned under 4 feet of concrete thinking about all of the people that love you. Not one that I would wish upon my worst enemy!! No need to throw daggers here...everyone has different opinions about events and situations and all those opinions are open for interpretation...

Not trying to pick on you Kev...It just happened to be the time to say what I needed to say:)

We all have choices to make. To get into a discussion with another sledder regarding this topic, provokes thought, perhaps even enlightenment. No one wants to be in an avy. That being said, all the education and equipment are not the only part of the equation that will save our lives, it will be our decision making processes, from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we lay down in bed. The events from yesterday were basically a representation of the uneducated public judgement. Do we as a group feed it, perhaps. Sunshinesmiles rubbed ME personally the wrong way, when I tried to impress upon her, the point that not all of us are looking for trouble as she blatently said, talking down to ME like I was stupid, and a risk taker. That infuriated ME, because I love, more than anything in this world, my children, and my husband. She wasn't open to understanding what I was trying to say, instead further instigating. I witnessed a few people paraphrasing her words... ( I think she meant.... ) Nah.. she said what she meant and meant what she said. I do not have any respect for a person that claims victimization.. poor me I got my azz chewed. you want to come into a conversation that you know nothing about, poke the bears, then claim victim. Not cool. I feel she is disrespectful, and a perpetual pot stirrer looking for attention. Nothing will be taught to her because, not only does she not care to learn, but because she would rather "be right" than be educated and get along.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
has she ever taken an avy course ????
i'm thinking you may be looking to far into her comment, yes there are safe area's and i'm thinking she is okay with that, the steep slopes is where the danger usually lies although the tree line has escalated considerably. eveyone has a different comfort zone and some just see no reason to put your life in danger. EVERYTIME you hit the alpine your life is on the line, just different levels, right now the level is very high. as you stated adjust your riding areas until the danger level eases. i don't see any reason to get bent on sunshines comments. that is just what the general population is thinking.


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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we went almost all year without a sledder getting killed in an avi, a few skiers, didn't get so lucky, so WHAT the hell happened, are the bulletins not being read, do we like to push the envelope, WTF for the last 2 weeks the slopes have been sliding on there own due to a layer of hoar frost , big snow loading and temperatures. and don't give me no BS about areas of mountains are safe, as they obviously are not, lesser slopes are sliding and big time. i have seen sluffs, slides and snowballs rolling all week. and that is on 30 to 40 ft high slopes. stay out of the alpine until this settles down. or give me your name so i can buy an insurance policy on yer stupid azz life. man this just don't make sense. when will sledders learn, or do we want the government to force us. :twocents:

REALLY?????? I guess things are very unstable in Red Deer EH?? I go out more than you dream about and have been having some of the best ridding of the season, like Momma said, KNOW where to ride and ride safe. I hope you and all your supporters stay home and leave the powder to use knowledgeable experienced riders. 6,683posts???less worrying about US and more time ridding may cheer you up.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I know Sunshine and in NO WAY WHATSOEVER did she mean to criticize sledders.If any one thinks that was her intention ,you are wrong i can assure you. Granted she could of worded her thoughts differently,however ALL of us have said something on here at one time or another that we wish we would of said differently after the fact..............I know i have...LOL

Her INTENT was ride safe,be smart,have fun and ABOVE all else come home to your loved ones..................Nothing more/nothing less !!


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
I know Sunshine and in NO WAY WHATSOEVER did she mean to criticize sledders.If any one thinks that was her intention ,you are wrong i can assure you. Granted she could of worded her thoughts differently,however ALL of us have said something on here at one time or another that we wish we would of said differently after the fact..............I know i have...LOL

Her INTENT was ride safe,be smart,have fun and ABOVE all else come home to your loved ones..................Nothing more/nothing less !!

I can absolutely respect and appreciate that. I have a humungous heart, forgive easily and get over hard feelings. If that truly is her intention, time will tell, and hopefully during that time I'll buy her and her husband a beer. A little humble goes a long way in my books. I can admit that I am wrong. No problem. If that is the case I will say sorry, put my big girl panties on and move forward. No more ch!t disturbing in the avy threads, No more jack ass comments encompassing all riders. Understand there are many of us out there who are trying to make a difference.
We need a positive presence in our communities, the media skews us enough, we shouldn't get it from within.


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
Sunshinesmiles, I'm going to show you pics. For those who don't have the opportunity to see what we mean by Playing in low slope trees, or what a cutblock or meadow looks like here's our life in a nutshell. It'll help you understand the difference between where we are riding, as opposed to other types of terrain.

These trees are awesome, and fun.


Carving in a cutblock

Practicing a graceful landing, (almost) lol


The sad part is, some people don't have knowledge of areas like this. Because they may only get out a handful of times per year the only areas they are familiar with may be the unstable areas. Hire a guide, or phone the local sled shop and find an experienced group you can ride with. We recently had people from all over hook up with us for rides. A group of our awesome customers took out a guy from Manitoba, another group, some people from Quebec, and our beloved Crazy Saskatchewanians. We made sure we were sending them out with a group of experienced and educated people, and made sure they were geared up. So reach out if you don't know, No one wants a tragedy.

sorry to say but any of those places in those pics could slide right now...... even in the trees is sketchy ......

don't say its safe at all momma ..... cause ya never know ... ive seen a small slide like the open valley pic u have there ... parked for lunch real small slope ...

it let go [ we had been there for at least 5 min ] ... covered all of us up to the hips [ lol no gloves on , lunch on the tunnels , side panels-hoods open ] and covered the sleds...

as we are digging out our hips it slide again with 1/2 us up to our arm pits.... now ur looking closer....

don't say its not going to let go at all momma ...................... unless its slide and u watched it ..... even then its still could go again

HRT Offroad

Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Kimberley, BC
We all have choices to make. To get into a discussion with another sledder regarding this topic, provokes thought, perhaps even enlightenment. No one wants to be in an avy. That being said, all the education and equipment are not the only part of the equation that will save our lives, it will be our decision making processes, from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we lay down in bed. The events from yesterday were basically a representation of the uneducated public judgement. Do we as a group feed it, perhaps. Sunshinesmiles rubbed ME personally the wrong way, when I tried to impress upon her, the point that not all of us are looking for trouble as she blatently said, talking down to ME like I was stupid, and a risk taker. That infuriated ME, because I love, more than anything in this world, my children, and my husband. She wasn't open to understanding what I was trying to say, instead further instigating. I witnessed a few people paraphrasing her words... ( I think she meant.... ) Nah.. she said what she meant and meant what she said. I do not have any respect for a person that claims victimization.. poor me I got my azz chewed. you want to come into a conversation that you know nothing about, poke the bears, then claim victim. Not cool. I feel she is disrespectful, and a perpetual pot stirrer looking for attention. Nothing will be taught to her because, not only does she not care to learn, but because she would rather "be right" than be educated and get along.

See Trish...I read her post numerous times and interpreted it much differently than you. Like I said in my previous post...everyone has opinions and those opinions are open to interpretation. On forums and in emails etc.. it is hard to "REALLY" get a grasp for how someone is actually trying to come across. People automatically get defensive (i know...cause I used to be one of those people). I don't know Sunshinesmiles from a hole in the ground, but I obviously interpreted what she was saying in a totally different way than you...
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Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
REALLY?????? I guess things are very unstable in Red Deer EH?? I go out more than you dream about and have been having some of the best ridding of the season, like Momma said, KNOW where to ride and ride safe. I hope you and all your supporters stay home and leave the powder to use knowledgeable experienced riders. 6,683posts???less worrying about US and more time ridding may cheer you up.

not much alpine in good ol red deer, but 2 hrs west we are at 8000 + feet. i could care less how many times ya go out, the next could be your last. you make your riding decisions on your own area and observations and will live or die with it. i choose to ride lesser terain at this time due to the danger, my choice, my experience and avi training. if yer hittin the slopes with the avi warnings out there now, you may be a newb at more than just the keyboard.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
sorry to say but any of those places in those pics could slide right now...... even in the trees is sketchy ......

don't say its safe at all momma ..... cause ya never know ... ive seen a small slide like the open valley pic u have there ... parked for lunch real small slope ...

it let go [ we had been there for at least 5 min ] ... covered all of us up to the hips [ lol no gloves on , lunch on the tunnels , side panels-hoods open ] and covered the sleds...

as we are digging out our hips it slide again with 1/2 us up to our arm pits.... now ur looking closer....

don't say its not going to let go at all momma ...................... unless its slide and u watched it ..... even then its still could go again

You know what Tex, I like your post. There's a whole lot to that terrain than meets the eye, but you bring up a fantastic point. (insert high five). Erring on the super cautious side is a gift that brings peeps home at night. Good stuff man. Question everything right now, a cautious mindset is your friend.
people will read this thread, and think twice about every slope they look at.

Momma :)


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
we need to educate ourselves and others. new people in the sport all the time, generally lacking any knowledge, they see a slope with a few tracks, then go straight upthey can do this a hundred times or only once. so far some good comments, some educational. lets do the educational not confrontational.

many on this site have training and experience, it is the ones that don't that need to be reached. most new guys welcome some safety instruction, if it is given in a good way. all we can do is let them know when they are doing something wrong. some will use the info some will give you the finger. at least ya tried.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
maybe maybe not ... but when she starts calling people assholes that she has never met, that has a helluva lot of riding experience.... as far as i am concerned that crosses the line what is the full moon cycle making her a tad werewolfish
I know Sunshine and in NO WAY WHATSOEVER did she mean to criticize sledders.If any one thinks that was her intention ,you are wrong i can assure you. Granted she could of worded her thoughts differently,however ALL of us have said something on here at one time or another that we wish we would of said differently after the fact..............I know i have...LOL

Her INTENT was ride safe,be smart,have fun and ABOVE all else come home to your loved ones..................Nothing more/nothing less !!


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
not much alpine in good ol red deer, but 2 hrs west we are at 8000 + feet. i could care less how many times ya go out, the next could be your last. you make your riding decisions on your own area and observations and will live or die with it. i choose to ride lesser terain at this time due to the danger, my choice, my experience and avi training. if yer hittin the slopes with the avi warnings out there now, you may be a newb at more than just the keyboard.

Read your own first post..." and don't give me no BS about areas of mountains are safe, as they obviously are not, lesser slopes are sliding and big time" So which is it? You are ridding lesser slopes or no slopes cause there are no safe spots??? Your Choice Your Experience and Your avi training, then why come on here and tell people there are no safe spots. and as far as me being a newb? not going to your level. Revy Rocks Right Now People!


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
This discussion has been a very good one. Many valid points brought to the surface. We have all learned something as far as communication and perception. Sunshinesmiles if you'd like to discuss anything over the phone, pm me your number. I'd be happy to call and have more direct communication. I agree, the levels of intimacy drop as you utilize modes of communication other than direct contact. In person is best, next followed by phone, perhaps email. Communication in an open forum is probably the least personal means available. lol.

Have a wonderful day all.

Momma :)


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Someone nailed it. Its groups of new riders going out together with not one ounce of avalanche knowledge. They might have the good gear but it stops there. This sport is growing and like mentioned it starts out with one new rider then spreads to 3 or 4 then soon enough there all going out together and missing the key ingredient. The group leader or experienced educated player. My group started out as me and my dad. It is now 15-20 riders and about 5 of them are fully avalanche trained and aware. The rest are learning and we teach what we know to stay out of trouble. But even 5 or more years later they are STILL learning. It is not a quick process and to be honest if one of the key players wasn't with that group when they went out I would be concerned for them. Not because they are stupid or uneducated in the backcountry but because they just haven't got enough education and time in the hills to learn from the experienced guys. Taking an ast1 is not the answer. It is a tool in the toolbox but it drives me nuts when people throw that out first thing. Common sense basic avalanche knowledge and experienced group leaders are what keeps guys safe.

On the way to sicamous this wknd the banks on the highway were sliding for gods saakes. This should be an instant clue. Look for clues and put the puzzle together.

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