I put a thing on my 12 not super loud, but i like it, nice tone and it cooks and I mean COOK be carefull you can cook raw meat in this in 10 mins pulling hard
So if we don't have the built in pot like some of you .. Haha .. Best place to mount the muff pot on a MBRP stinger in a 2012 M8? I have it on my stinger right now but it does not get hot like at all. Any tips?
The Tip:
Sell MBRP to someone that don't like hot lunch and buy THING.
Don't think can gets hot enough on outside to generate cooking heat.
Have had my cooker for year now and at a petit 230 I'm not starving.
I like the sound, not as loud as some but a good tone. 2 compartment can is awesome and it works, also easy to get at and no loss of power or flat spots
I will have 6 more in by the end of the week "THING" for polaris 11+ Cat 12+ and new Doo. Price is same $400.00 including freight to edm. email me redrock_kustoms@hotmail.com