Looking for feedback on contractor/supplier safety pre qualifications and programs


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Aug 24, 2010
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Woking, AB
“So you’ve been told” that actually sounds like a corporate comment. I hear what your saying though. There is more than one way to skin a cat. I’m a small company an work for several different customers. So having someone full time doing safety to make me compliant for one customer is not worth it. As someone mentioned above, it’s a huge crock.

It is a corporate comment, I worked for a large OG company in the GP area for years. We have been told to watch our rates to hold onto work. I agree these compliance programs area a total money grab, we do our safety in house and its time consuming and we won't be seeing any return on those costs.

Rene G

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB
We are on ISN and Comply Works because we are forced to by clients for “prequalification”, the big issue is that we end up having to send all of the same information with every bid package anyways as the same companies that force the use of ISN and CW also request that info in RFQ packages so they don’t have to go online and check. Major PITA.

This is my experience 100%. Jump through the hoop to be green lit on all these programs, then whenever you get an RFP give them all the info again. It’s a money grab for sure, and it makes everyone’s safety programmes exactly the same, regardless for the work you’re actually doing.

My experience has shown me that these programs are all about key works and direct you to buy a canned safety program that’s the exact same as eve other company. JMO


Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2008
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Balgonie, SK
We are compliant in ISNet, Browz, and a few others. They are alot of work to get but pretty easy to maintain. All of our clients require this for us to get prequalified. Our ISNet rating has definately edged us in a few jobs. Our safety group likes how organized ISN is.


Active VIP Member
Dec 8, 2008
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I'm on the other side of this one. I work for a big global corporation as a project manager and all of my subs must be pre qualified through Avetta. It's simply a liability dump for the big guy, as in we did our due diligence so we shouldn't be held accountable if they mess up. I like it because I don't need to babysit 30 different safety programs.
Avetta is big on the up sell, don't buy into it. Clearly state that you only need the bare minimum package to qualify to work for X. X will set the minimum standards and hire Avetta to enforce them. My subs are mostly smaller companies (less than 20 employees) and spend around $700/yr to Avetta plus whatever time/money spent on their side to maintain their in house safety program.
I put a lot of effort into maintaining a good relationship with my trades and keep them quite busy for 8 months of the year, some work exclusively for me and do nothing in the slow season. They are always ready to go whenever I need them so they must be happy with the way it works. Don't get me wrong, they complain and I hear about it but they return year after year.
I have never searched and hired a trade through Avetta. I usually find the crew locally that I think would work best for the upcoming job, discuss scope of work/terms and discuss their safety program. If everything looks good at this point I send a request through Avetta and the pre qualification process starts. Once they have qualified, I set up a framework PO that will last the entire year. Every job after the first one is simply bid/gain/go.
If I was on the other side operating a small business, I would want at least a handshake deal before putting in the effort.


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
so back to this....looking at going with ISN.......

my question is looking at the website they have hundreds of alberta companies that use it to prequalify subtrades. Do you have to pay for each one to add them? and once you are on their qualification list do you get the RFP/q invites from that?



Active VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
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so back to this....looking at going with ISN.......

my question is looking at the website they have hundreds of alberta companies that use it to prequalify subtrades. Do you have to pay for each one to add them? and once you are on their qualification list do you get the RFP/q invites from that?


If you’re interested I can give you all the details for each entity, the reporting requirements, the way they factor their ratings etc and how what you do as a company affects these ratings. The reporting structure, requirements and the costs involved. We are involved with every utility in Alberta, and I can tell you that there is no consistency across the board. At our size, we have multiple staff that are involved on a daily basis ensuring compliance etc. Any assistance you need or any way we can help just let me know if it helps you to move forward and make a descision that’s best for you.


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2012
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I believe you pay a setup and then maintenance fees - as clients want access they request from your admin and you set them up with credentials..

If you've spent the time and money to invest in worker safety with a Safety program and COR you've done a lot of the heavy lifting.. These Risk Management systems are for the clients to validate that in one spot..
From what i've found..
Canadian Oil and Gas Co's accept Comply Works
Majors with US HQ's like Conoco, Devon, Chevron will require ISN as that's what Houston is used to.
We are using ISN and CW, both are somewhat cumbersome, once the data is in, it's not too hard to keep it updated, dedicated employee is key..
Avetta is more construction based and i haven't had to sign up with this one.

In Canada, if you have COR and Comply Works you are covered for a majority of the work. Exemptions are sometimes permitted pending size of contract.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Sounds like abuncha bs wrapped up in a $1,000/hr package done by $12/hr people. I’m always amazed by peeps thinking peeps don’t see thru the words and bs. So entertaining

yeah but government says you have to pay at least 15$/h though. even if it's worth only 8.... lol


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Sounds like abuncha bs wrapped up in a $1,000/hr package done by $12/hr people. I’m always amazed by peeps thinking peeps don’t see thru the words and bs. So entertaining

COR is an absolute joke. Price you pay if you want to work for certain companies, or better yet say fawk it not worth it.


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2008
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Northern AB
I use Comply Works and Isnet both are a Pain in the ass you always have to be on top of it to keep a A plus rating and I am COR certified and it didn't seem to speed up the process good luck what every one you go with just keep up on it and you be fine
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